Protein shake alternatives


the short story ...

Lost 50 lb's walking and weight watchers, started doing HIIT, circuit, body resistance etc. Reached a plateau Gained half that back due to personal problems.

am now on the 5:2 diet and have had a food intolerance test done. Turns out I am extremely intolerant to all types of Milk ( Cows, Sheep and Goats ) and its the animal proteins I'm intolerant to which means I had to cut all Beef and lamb out ( I already knew I was extremely intolerant to Pork ).
I am also intolerant to Wheat ( not gluten itself but wheat specifically so can have for example Durum Wheat )
also Corn in its whole form ( but ok when its been milled to flour ) and finally Brewers yeast ( not the same as Bakers )

so ...

I am basically limited to Turkey and Chicken and some fish ( sadly I do not like the taste of fish ), wheat free grains, veggies and fruits.
Most processed foods have wheat or milk proteins added so by default that's no sweet things or potato chips for me anymore.
you would think the weight would be falling off me but NO

anywho the 5:2 seems to be working very well for me so far the thing I am really missing is my post workout protein shakes.
especially on my fast days these were perfect for sipping and keeping me full until dinner.

But of course they are made with whey protein :(

I would be interested to know if anyone has used any alternatives and can recommend anything in the way of hemp or pea ??


  • kristinashelton
    The shakeology vegan version has no whey or soy protein, it uses brown rice protein, and pea protein. The flavor and texture is also very good. It comes in chocolate and tropical strawberry. Feel free to message me of you'd like to try some, I have samples.
  • 5feline5
    5feline5 Posts: 5 Member
    Assuming you can have soy, you can make a protein shake with silken tofu. Use it in the same proportion you would use, for instance, plain yogurt in a recipe. (There are plenty of yogurt smoothie recipes out there!) Be sure to get SILKEN tofu for this. I'd also recommend you give baked extra firm tofu a shot... you can flavor it with any sauce, and if you bake it right, it gets a nice, chewy texture that will give you some variety.