
ktblum Posts: 15 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Hey Everyone! I have a question regarding bananas. My sister-in-law insists that you are only supposed to eat half a banana a day or else it is unhealthy for you. She mentioned "too much potassium" and "too many calories" as some vague reasons and then said that her doctor had told her so. It just sounds ridiculous to me. And one of my huge pet peeves is when people take a fruit or vegetable and accuse it of having too many calories, or too much (natural!) sugar, or whatever. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am not fat because I eat bananas, carrots, and corn. I'm fat because I eat brownies, icecream and cookies!

Anyways, I'm just curious to see if anyone else has heard of this, or if you have any facts refuting it. :)


  • bubblie117
    bubblie117 Posts: 78 Member
    I don't believe that is true...but will look into it!
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Yes, I have heard this. I love fruit and I was eating it like crazy, but when I started my calories counting, I decided to eat less of it to preserve calories (1 medium banana is almost a 100 calories)
    I read somewhere that you only need 2 servings of fruit every day and the rest of 5 fruit and vegetable servings should be from veggies.

    I don't know - but I really don't think that 300 kcal of fruit is the same as eating 300kcal of chocholate.
    So, I still don't feel too guilty if I go over my calories on fruit. And I am still losing weight.

    But I don't eat as much of it as I used to.

    BTW - bananas are one of good mood foods - I don't see how 1 or 2 bananas a day can be bad for you!
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    I read something like what you are saying about the new changes to weight watchers. They put grapes and bananas and other fruits on the 0 points list. There was an uproar about how many calories are in them and how can weight watchers dare to make them 0 points. I saw a comment on it where someone said something to the effect of "how many people can truly say they became obese from eating too many grapes. That is just rediculous." I agree with you. I think you should eat everything in moderation, but come on. Who is going to eat so many bananas that it will be that much of a detriment.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
  • furrina
    furrina Posts: 148 Member
    That's a load of bollocks. Bananas are very healthy, full of potassium which we need (they help replace potassium lost through sweating after a workout for example). They're a good source of fiber, are low in sodium and cholesterol and contain almost no fat. They're also good because they're convenient to pack (no mess til you open them) and eat (no chopping, washing or slicing).

    Fruits have more calories and sugar than veggies but that's where we *should* be getting the sugar, not from candy and brownies (as you've said) and other high fat foods with no nutritional value. It's true that we should eat more veggies than fruits (some people think the two are interchangeable, they're not.) if we're trying to lose weight and stay healthy, but both are what should be ADDING to daily meal plans, not taking them out. Take out the brownies and ice cream and even juice (better to eat a fruit and drink water than drink fruit juice).

    Reminds me of someone I know who was on an Atkins-type diet whose doctor (or consultant or whatever who was helping her with it) told her not to eat carrots because they have too much sugar. Ridiculous.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I'll take a full banana, 4 oz I believe 133 calories, 31 carbs, 15 g of natural sugars, 3 gram of it fiber- potassium is only 10% of your daily intake from one banana. Sure if you eat nothing but bananas all day you may go over but who can do that much banana? 10 bananas you're over your target for fiber too by the time you hit your cap for potassium.

    Put that up against any chocolate bar... snickers say.. 2 oz bar is 270 calories 35g carbs 29g of it is sugar and that's going to be at least refined stuff if not HFCS.

    Doesn't matter the food you pick one someone's going to say it's bad, I recall the egg's bad for you debate (cholesterol) then oh they're good for you there's good and bad cholestrol... I believe a banana is going to be your better choice, any natural food because of the micronutrients in them, the stuff we sometimes overlook when studies are being done on whether "sugar" is good for you or not.. all sugar isn't equal. Honey / maple syrup have micronutrients besides the sweetening ability..

    I'll take a less processed food any day. Gimme butter, it's got cream and salt, margarine I can't even pronounce half the ingredients listed.
  • k2d4p
    k2d4p Posts: 441 Member
    Last Repeat, again sorry :sad:
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Don't worry about it! :happy: I try not to eat more than 2 fruits per day (IF I get up to that many) just because of the sugar... everything in moderation. Bananas probably have the best kind (and most) potassium per one thing for you so why not have one every now and again? And honestly... put some peanut butter on one and oh man, best snack ever!
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    For some people that may be true. It is possible to get too much potassium and if you have certain health issues it can be bad. But if you're otherwise healthy, a whole banana won't hurt a bit, especially if you're exercising since you need more potassium and other electrolytes.

    As far as calories go, they're not too bad. About 100 calories for an average sized banana.
  • I'm a Personal Trainer in Las Vegas. I'll try to explain this as simply as possible...

    Simple sugars are one of the two forms of carbohydrates. Simple sugars come in the form of processed/refined sugars which would be found in junk food or in a "natural form which would be found in fruits". Clearly, junk food sugars are more problematic than natural sugars although both are essentially processed the "same way". Actually, the same could be said of starches since the body will break them down into simple sugars in the bloodstream.

    Ultimately, when sugars are released into the bloodstream, there will be an absolute effect on the system. The pancreas will react to the presence of sugar (any sugar) by releasing a hormone known as insulin. It is insulin that moves sugar through the bloodstream and to the cellular level.

    What is so important about sugar that is needed by the cells. Basically, sugar is a source of energy. When the body needs to expend energy, it will employ the sugars in the cells to deliver such a response. This is why the lower carbohydrate diets (not no Carb) yields such an effective weight loss impact. With little or no sugar in the system, the body will have to burn protein and stored fat for energy. Hence, fat cells are metabolized by the body.

    Keep those sugars low. Place your carbs during active times of the day when you need energy. Also If you look up the Glycemic index of fruits it will teach you a few things. Try to stay in the range of 55 and under. Bananas (a small one about 3-4 inches) are about 54 on the index. Most Bananas are 2 portions. During weight loss berries, citruses, apples, pears and plums are your best choices. Not that you should never eat Watermelon, but you will do better by making better choices more often than not. Good luck to you Hon. Nutrition is an ongoing education. And your right that a banana is a better choice then a brownie :)
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    That's a load of bollocks. Bananas are very healthy, full of potassium which we need (they help replace potassium lost through sweating after a workout for example). They're a good source of fiber, are low in sodium and cholesterol and contain almost no fat. They're also good because they're convenient to pack (no mess til you open them) and eat (no chopping, washing or slicing).

    Fruits have more calories and sugar than veggies but that's where we *should* be getting the sugar, not from candy and brownies (as you've said) and other high fat foods with no nutritional value. It's true that we should eat more veggies than fruits (some people think the two are interchangeable, they're not.) if we're trying to lose weight and stay healthy, but both are what should be ADDING to daily meal plans, not taking them out. Take out the brownies and ice cream and even juice (better to eat a fruit and drink water than drink fruit juice).

    Reminds me of someone I know who was on an Atkins-type diet whose doctor (or consultant or whatever who was helping her with it) told her not to eat carrots because they have too much sugar. Ridiculous.

    I agree, just wanted to add that I have read advise to eat a full range of colors in fruits and veggies. I try to eat more vegetables than fruit but really it is the empty calories that we need to avoid.
  • Umeboshi
    Umeboshi Posts: 1,637 Member
    Sounds a bit sketchy to me. Potassium should really only be an issue for people who have issues with low sodium, or who who have certain hormone conditions. My girlfriend does have to avoid potassium for her health but for your average person I think a banana is great for you and eating one certainly won't hurt you!
  • droppin_lbs
    droppin_lbs Posts: 107 Member
  • I think having one banana a day is fine but bananas do have a lot of sugar for a fruit but definitely not as much as junk food.
  • casseh
    casseh Posts: 58
    Being a fruit thats higher in sugars/carbs than others I try to keep to eating them before lunch time, half sliced over some cereal with breakfast, half sliced in with other fruits for morning tea. A banana is definatley a better idea than a brownie but it also dont depends on the time of day your are consuming it.
  • booboomagoo
    booboomagoo Posts: 28 Member
    I'm not professing to know a everything about nutrition, but I think bananas and carrots are pretty healthy and unlikely to cause someone to pile on the pounds unless eaten to extreme excess. At any rate, National Geographic hasn't shown much footage of morbidly obese monkeys, and I haven't seen too many rabbits at the gym trying to run off the weight they gained at Christmas overindulging in carrots...
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