New to this... wish me luck, give me tips.

muchojaleo Posts: 10 Member
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Wish me luck!

I recently quit smoking... a two-week visit to the US (paradise of the super size servings and high-calorie foods) and then Christmas visit home with the family and it just happened.... Another 10 pounds added on top of the 15 I already wanted to get rid off... so here I am.

I am having trouble with the quantities, it's not clear to me what is an oz, or how to add meals like an omelet with cheese and mushrooms or a soup with some meat and vegetables... do you have any tips on how to figure this out approximately. It doesn't need to be very accurate.

Other than that, love the site and I hope I will be really using it. I guess making some friends will keep me hooked to logging in and adding my foods and exercise... love skiing and swimming...

Ok, that should be enough now... looking forward to some reply ;-)

Best regards from Sarajevo.


  • grumpy2032
    grumpy2032 Posts: 92 Member
    wishing you luck . Iam new here too. I am lookin forward to gettin to my 1st goal /1st weigh in/ I am also having trouble with how much is an ounce of peanuts .So when I find a sight that gives examples of sizes I will let you know. Also I gave up smokes 3or 4 yrs ago I know it was in November [I cant keep numbers in my head] harder to do that then this! I am writting all my food down on paper 1st so if I dont get here I can still see it. I also took pics of my food trigers. to remind myself to stay away from them.Dont know if it will work but am willing to try. hope I can help
  • Selma_82
    Selma_82 Posts: 13 Member
    Good luck! I'm new too. I have 50 lbs to lose before my breast reduction surgery. All the best. Feel free to add me to be your fitness pal. I believe in motivation :)
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