Protein: Going over EVERY bad is that?

My protein daily goal is 75 a day. I consistently go over EVERY day. I like eggs, chicken, fish, cheese, my oatmeal, and my protein recovery drink. I am working out 6 days a week (walking on the 7th) e/o day cardio and e/o day sculpting.

I feel like I am depriving myself if I don't eat the things I love...which happen to have tons of protein. This is the only thing I really tend to go over on every day. I'm just wondering how much over is too much and if there are any major consequences on weight loss if I eat too much of my beloved protein!?

Thanks for the input!


  • hellodmo
    hellodmo Posts: 23
    Just my opinion, but I don't put much stock in the "nutritionist" approach that says you should have X amount of Y and W amount of Z in your diet. As long as you feel better and don't see many adverse effects, and your doctor is fine with it, I say eat what you like in moderation. Remember, it wasn't until this century when people started picking apart te components of their food into carbs protein and fat. People just ate, and guess what? Most of them weren't obese. Sure, they died earlier, but I attribute most of that to medical advances in the 20th century helping sick and obese people live longer.

    I tend I bounce around a lot on that graph, so I stopped paying attention to it. Remember also, that those RDA levels are based on decisions that were made shortly before America became fat.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    MFP numbers are only guidelines and I can't imagine you eating so much more over your guideline to worry about it.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    75g of protein/day is actually a bit low for someone trying to reduce their body fat. I have seen many people lose weight efficiently using 40/40/20 (protein/carb/fat) macros. I did 50/30/20 (225g protein/day) for quite a while and lost 64 lbs. If you want to get up to the 40-50% range of protein in your diet, it is no problem as long as you don'e have kidney issues.

    Also, check out this video on protein myths from Layne Norton. He has a PhD in protein metabolism, so he would know.

    Hopefully you find this helpful.

  • redhead217
    redhead217 Posts: 5 Member
    I think that as long as you are staying within you calories and getting other nutrients in, then it's OK. There are some negative side effects in the liver and kidneys when you take in too much protein...but "too much" is like 200+ g per day over a sustained period of time. I think you're fine!
  • oxers
    oxers Posts: 259 Member
    75g actually seems really low for someone trying to lose weight and maintain muscle. How'd you come by that estimate?
  • marialynn2014
    marialynn2014 Posts: 89 Member
    75g actually seems really low for someone trying to lose weight and maintain muscle. How'd you come by that estimate?

    This is just what pops up as my goal daily?

    I am feeling better about this now! Thanks for the input everyone :)