New from Kentucky

Hello everyone,
I've been on the site for a while, but have just recently gotten around to filling out my profile and weighing in. I've tried Weight Watchers several times, I've also been put on meds by my doctor. The thing about the meds is that they are a temporary fix to a long time problem. It didn't take me a few months to put on all of this weight and it won't take me a few months to take it off. Weight Watchers worked but I can't afford to go to meetings every week. A friend of mine told me about this site and I'm going to actually take good advantage of it. Please wish me luck. I would love to have some new friends who are actually going through the same thing that I am. Please be my friend. Thank you.


  • samuttley

    you sound just like me, I wish you lots of luck, I have just started with this site and found it really good, keep focused and keep tracking, plan in advance and you will soon start loosing the pounds. I have lost 8 so far and not found it too hard. Just miss chocolate but you can still have it as long as its with in your limit

    take care

  • oxostaciaoxo
    Hi there and welcome!

    I have been put on meds in the past and they do help you lose weight at first but once you go off of them the weight comes right back on. I love this site. I was once 315 lbs and now im 240 lb. Ive alway had weight issues. I wish you good luck and I'll add you as my friend!

  • JayneWilson1963
    JayneWilson1963 Posts: 543 Member
    Welcome, I love this site. It's been great for me. I know you will love it too. I am from Kentucky too. I live near Lexington. Good luck on your journey. Feel free to add me as a friend, we can help motivate each other!
  • daisieschase
    daisieschase Posts: 12 Member
    Hey from Kentucky, I'm from Kentucky too! Struggling with my weight and could use all the friends I can too. I entered a sedentary lifestyle about 8 years ago and put on almost 100lbs. I'm beginning to lose and this website has helped me a lot too.

    I would love to be your friend!

  • MJ5898
    MJ5898 Posts: 1,549 Member
    Hello and welcome. I have only been using MFP for a month or so but it is super easy. I too did WW a few years ago online - it worked but got old. So far this time around, MFP calorie counting has been working well for me. I am sure if you stick with it, it will help you too.

    PS I sent you a friend request :bigsmile:
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    Welcome to myfitnesspal... I am a KY girl too and in the same boat .. it took years of bad habits for my body to get into the shape it is in and it's not going to change over night. it is a journey. there has to be a life change for the results to last . That is not always easy . This site is wonderful.. lots of support. Logging your food everyday helps you to really look at what you're eating and to stay focused. I 've lost 65 in the last 2 years- I could have , should have lost much more by now , there have been lots of ups and downs along the way and I have allowed them to get me off track more times than I care to admitt. I still have about 60 more to go..but the main thing is too keep trying and not to give up. We can win this battle by taking it one day, one meal at a time.
  • CorydonCutie
    CorydonCutie Posts: 185 Member
    I'm originally from Kentucky myself. Just moved to Indiana 2 years ago. Good luck from one Kentucky gal to another...You can do it!