Losing Steam

So, I've been on my journey since 1/2013...I began at 262 on 1/1/2013, and joined MFP at some point in March 2013. I've lost a total of 70lbs (I'm at 192), and my goal is to get to 130-140 based on my height (5'5"). I'm not in a big rush, I'm doing it slowly yet surely. I feel pretty proud of my progress thus far.

Lately (like over the past 4-6 weeks), I've felt like I've lost my steam on this trek. I noticed that during April, I really didn't work out much. I even noticed that over the past 2 weeks or so, I'm not fully logging everything. I just forget, like my mind is somewhere else. I have felt pretty stressed over the past few weeks (especially with money and other personal stuff). I've just felt really distracted.

Additionally, I sort of feel myself falling back into the mindset of, "Oh, ok, I've lost some weight, I don't have to count every single thing anymore"...this has been something that has been my downfall in the past.

Humph. I guess my question might be, what helps you stay focused? I feel like I need an injection of new-tivation (new motivation...lol)!


  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I started in October of 2010 at 265. I have only made it to 226 so far partly due to medical stuff. It has been a long journey and I have to reaffirm my commitment to myself everyday. As long as I am maintaining or losing I am okay. Remember there is no finish line and you should never stop trying to be better. You are doing great and have come a long way. Don't let yourself slide into old bad habits. Losing the weight is not the end, think of all the things you can do or want to do that you couldn't at the higher weight.
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Just an idea...I know this happens to me too. One idea could be to stop trying to lose weight, and focus on maintaining for a while until you feel the motivation come back, and I think it will. I know I get so focused on lose, lose, lose, I have to stop and tell myself to just take a break! As long as you maintain, you have not hurt anything!
  • ValerasN7
    ValerasN7 Posts: 5
    This was me 2 years ago. I had lost 30 pounds going down to a 150 from a 180. Then life got in the way, I had less time, felt exhausted more and had no mental energy to bring myself to do my runs. I also thought "Hey I've lost a lot of weight, I deserve to eat some more food, it'll be fine, I won't go overboard". Now, I'm 200 pounds and trying to lose it all over again. I hated myself so much because I squandered all that hard work. No matter what you're feeling right now with the stress and lack of motivation, it is no where near as bad as it'll be if you end up slipping and gaining all the weight back.

    My motivation to start losing weight again was when this girl told me "I think you're really good looking face wise but I wouldn't date you because you're kind of fat.. I hope we can still be friends"
    I didn't ask her out, she literally just said this during a group conversation in front of all my friends which was really humiliating. I could care less about the girl but that was my wake up call to get off my *kitten*. I refuse to let my body hold me back in life so I'm changing it. Also, I look at my wardrobe of Large and XL clothes and tell myself that when I lose all the wight, I can totally reinvent my wardrobe and be able to wear all the clothes I want to wear and look good while doing it. Going to the mall and looking at clothes or looking through men's fashion magazines definitely motivates me.
  • wamydia
    wamydia Posts: 259 Member
    I think everyone goes through this at some point. The thing is that changing your life (whether for health, weight loss, or whatever) is only 1 part motivation. The other part is commitment. When the motivation fails, you have to reach down and find the reasons that you are committed to what you are doing even when you don't feel particularly like doing it anymore.

    I also like the suggestion to stop focusing on weight loss and just worrying about maintaining for a while. You just may need to give your mind and body a break for a while. But remember how important it is to keep up the good habits like tracking. If you lose those, you may end up right back where you started.

    Good luck!
  • galaxy47
    galaxy47 Posts: 1 Member
    I joined MFP a couple of years ago but never really did much with it. I have lost weight slowly over the last year or so and have managed to lose 39 lbs so far but I am still a long way to go.

    My kick up the back side is that recently I have had a yearly check up at the doc's. I rang the doc's for something else and enquired as to what my cholesterol levels were and the receptionist told me that my cholesterol was 5.8 and that I needed an appointment to see the Nurse which is on Thursday this week. My father has had heart problems as in he had a blocked artery and has had a heart stent put in plus he also has angina too. Trying to sort out his heart medication has caused no end of problems for his kidney's and he went into severe kidney failure he is on the mend now but at only 64 this has been a huge shock and I know if I don't do something about it now that will be in a few years.

    I have too much to live for a baby Grand-daughter aged 18 months who I want to see grow up into a fine young lady if I can make the changes necessary it is only food after all. I am the one responsible for what goes in my mouth no one else.

    I hope that you find your mojo again. ttfn

    Debs x
  • MizMimi111
    MizMimi111 Posts: 244 Member
    Just an idea...I know this happens to me too. One idea could be to stop trying to lose weight, and focus on maintaining for a while until you feel the motivation come back, and I think it will. I know I get so focused on lose, lose, lose, I have to stop and tell myself to just take a break! As long as you maintain, you have not hurt anything!

    I've done this. It's kind off freeing not thinking about every single calorie that goes in! Plus knowing how much to eat to helped me to not over eat.

    I gave myself some time, picked a date to start again and focused on everything else that was going on. When I went back to deficit I was re-motivated.

    Something to think about.
  • coneja_fea
    coneja_fea Posts: 4
    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!! That's an impressive change and I admire how much commitment you've had! Regardless of how much left you have on your weight goal, your dedication to working out has undoubtedly gotten you into pretty good shape. <3
    As far as losing motivation.. well, like another poster said, taking a little break helps reinvigorate me. Accept that there will be ups and downs, don't beat yourself up about slipping back a little, and try not to completely lose control. Just hold steady for while so you don't lose your routine. I became comfortable with my weight a few years ago and made that mistake. After gaining 35+ lbs in 9 months and being asked "do you have a baby in there?" by children , I'm pretty disappointed in myself. Don't be me. )=
    But if it happens, well, that doesn't mean you can't still move forward. Try setting a limit to how long you want to plateau at. If you don't feel reinvigorated by that time, it might be time to look more closely at how you can manage the other aspects of your life that are getting you down.
    Congratulations once again on making so much progress!
  • yumbinkbugonrox
    yumbinkbugonrox Posts: 61 Member
    I appreciate the comments. I think that the idea of losing weight is really not the end-all is a good thing for me to keep in mind. This sounds bizarre, but it only recently occurred to me that I have no idea what I'm going to do after I reach my target. I think it's because it seems sooooo far away, and I wasn't focusing on the big picture, just a little at a time. I'm not sure about taking a break, as I'm worried about getting "too comfortable". Maybe I'll just focus on fitness goals, which has helped in the past.
  • annadchang
    annadchang Posts: 60 Member
    I can relate to you on this subject. I started in October 2013 at 240 and is bouncing from 213-209. I can't get passed that. Personally, I have had a lot of emotional stress happen since December of 2013. My mind are on other things or just not there at all. I have a soon to be 4 yr old son. He has so much energy that I wish I could bottle it up for myself. I notice myself wanting to eat after he goes to bed. Just a little something sweet. Yeah right, turns into the whole stinking bag of fudge covered pretzels. I feel horrible after and want to just kick myself. I have a couple of work friends that work out in the mornings. I have a hard time getting up when I could sleep an extra hour. Sometimes I just have to do it.

    Eating and logging. I haven't logged for a couple of weeks because I was ashamed of what I ate. I have started back in full force Monday. The good ole "I'll start Monday" happened. I found out earlier this year that I am sensitive to gluten and eggs. Which really through me for a loop in eating. I don't remember the last time I had a sandwich with bread. I still think about it occassionally. I get al little down on myself and then sabotage myself with something else. It is a dangerous cycle. I am the only one that can break it. Good luck and if you need someone to rant and rave to, I am here.