Bulimia please help!!

Any advice I recently stopped binging and purging in January and relapsed just today and three days ago. Anyone can help? Advice by formers welcomed!!


  • denizfindigi
    I believe before the binging and purging you feel nausea due to guilty from what you have eaten. (even though it is healthy and you know it) The way to stop that you might take a anti-nausea pill for a week or so and after taking it tell yourself that it is not the food you eat that makes you nauseous but your brain. Now remembering that you are a strong and brave person (I know this because you take the time to ask us / take the chance for a better you and it is not easy) remind your brain that you are the one in control. Take a deep breath and drink a cup of green tea. You just survived another meal. Good luck! (hope it helps )

    Feel free to add me, I will do my best to support you
  • pancake100
    pancake100 Posts: 23 Member
    I will try that, tea is always good.