Just got a job! At McDonalds! :')

So I am pretty stoked to start earning a bit of extra cash this summer, but it comes at the cost of being stuck in the lion's den of temptation X hours a week. Apparently employees get a free meal on their breaks, and french fries dunked in milkshake happen to be my guiltiest pleasure. I am kind of worried about falling off the wagon, but also worried about starving to death over a long shift.

I can eat a plain McChicken and a parfait every once in a while without breaking the calorie bank, but I'm worried about it becoming too much of a habit. And those fries are pretty much the definition of empty calories but god damn do they taste as though they descended straight from heaven.


  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Not sure if you are looking for suggestions or not, but I will give a few.

    Premium grilled chicken sandwiches
    Grilled chicken wraps
    Grilled chicken salads (Southwest is my favorite)

    Or even a Big Mac sans middle bun are very easy to fit into your day.
  • jackjb2
    jackjb2 Posts: 83 Member
    Read the book "Don't Eat This Book" by Morgan Spurlock--it will cure you of eating anything at Mc D's.
  • LilynEdensmom
    LilynEdensmom Posts: 612 Member
    I work there I try to keep the fry's to a treat "once a month type thing"...the 6 piece nugget and snack bites dont' break the calorie bank...and double cheese is only 440 with a pack of apples..We are really limited on what we can get for free lol so that helps me alot...and after a few months, trust me it will lose its appeal.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    Not sure if you are looking for suggestions or not, but I will give a few.

    Premium grilled chicken sandwiches
    Grilled chicken wraps
    Grilled chicken salads (Southwest is my favorite)

    Or even a Big Mac sans middle bun are very easy to fit into your day.

    When I worked there 10 years ago they would only let me have 1 sandwich and medium fries and no premium sandwiches or salads. Obviously all the soda you want. I would ask the manager to see what you are actually allotted to have on shift.

    I personally love the premium grilled chicken salads.
  • RINat612
    RINat612 Posts: 251 Member
    My brother who worked at a McD one summer in the 90's said that after working there, you'd never want to eat it again...
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Read the book "Don't Eat This Book" by Morgan Spurlock--it will cure you of eating anything at Mc D's.

    Cliff notes, plz.
  • remedysmom
    remedysmom Posts: 4
    Seconding what wheird said. While not ideal, their grilled chicken stuff (minus mayo, of course) isn't the worst thing you could do calorie-wise. Also, you could always get the cheeseburger kids meal if you really get a fry craving. Smaller portions = less temptation, for me anyways.
  • lee91356
    lee91356 Posts: 330 Member
    My brother who worked at a McD one summer in the 90's said that after working there, you'd never want to eat it again...

    I was told this ^^^ by a friend who worked in the food industry lol. He would not eat at ANY fast-food place after his stint there lol So perhaps it wont be too bad :laugh:
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    My brother who worked at a McD one summer in the 90's said that after working there, you'd never want to eat it again...

    I have known people to say that too, claiming they are really dirty.

    Except those employees had direct control over those conditions and could have picked up a cleaning rag at any time.

    Plus most fast food places have an open concept now and you can see the kitchen area.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    Seconding what wheird said. While not ideal, their grilled chicken stuff (minus mayo, of course) isn't the worst thing you could do calorie-wise. Also, you could always get the cheeseburger kids meal if you really get a fry craving. Smaller portions = less temptation, for me anyways.

    Some of their stuff is surprisingly excellent as far as calories and macros go.
  • brenn24179
    brenn24179 Posts: 2,144 Member
    I think McDonalds has some healthy foods so if you choose wisely you will be ok. Parfait, Vanilla Ice Cream Cone, Round Eggs, Canadian Bacon, Bacon Ranch Salad with low fat dressing, Grilled Chicken Sand with no mayonnaise, grilled chicken wrap with no sauce. I order a muffin with round egg for like 200 calories and only cost $1. Oatmeal is tasty also. Be glad you are not working at BOjangles or Hardees, much harder to make a low calorie choice.
  • doctorsookie
    doctorsookie Posts: 1,084 Member
    Great...now I want French fries dipped in a milkshake. You can do it pal...stay strong. Say no to the clown.
  • jakedner
    jakedner Posts: 186 Member
    My advice is to just remember that it takes 524 burpees to burn off a large fry.

    Burpees suck, so choose wildly!
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member
    My brother who worked at a McD one summer in the 90's said that after working there, you'd never want to eat it again...

    This. I worked there for about 2 years a decade ago. I haven't eaten McDonalds in years. I get a weird craving every now and then. Occasionally, I cave in and purchase something. I immediately regret it since I can't even finish a burger OR fries. I even hate the tea. Just try for healthier options while you're there. Blegh...:sick:
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I worked at McDonald's for 5 years through highschool and college. I eat there all the time. I worked at 3 different stores, and often covered shifts at others. They were clean, sanitary and followed all food safety rules. Of course I was the manager and made sure that was the case.

    Also we were totally allowed grilled chicken and/or salads. That sucks if they've changed that. However burgers without cheese fit in the calories fine too. The fries are what will get you. I might bring money once or twice a week to get the chicken.
  • GallifreyanGirl396
    GallifreyanGirl396 Posts: 76 Member
    My advice is to just remember that it takes 524 burpees to burn off a large fry.

    Burpees suck, so choose wildly!

    Solid advice.
  • SapiensPisces
    SapiensPisces Posts: 992 Member
    Eat what you want there, but just pre-log it into your day and plan accordingly. As wheird said, there are some good options. The grilled wraps are delicious and not bad as far as calorie and macro counts go.

    I worked there for my first job, and they let us order what we wanted but we had a limit on the total value of our free lunch. Not sure how your franchise works. It seems to vary by location as to what constitutes a "free lunch" for employees, so make sure you figure that out and plan accordingly.

    ETA: The McDonald's I worked at was clean, and we were diligent about observing safe food handling also.
  • schonkreuz
    schonkreuz Posts: 493 Member
    I'm a manager at a McDonalds and obviously have the same problems. I LOVE the sweet chili wrap grilled no garlic with a side salad (Under 400 cals). For breakfast 3 egg whites smothered in hot picante with white cheddar melted on top and Canadian bacon (Under 250 cals). If I HAVE to have something sweet I put peanuts in some caramel sauce and dip apple slices into it.
  • callmestephanie
    callmestephanie Posts: 90 Member
    My brother who worked at a McD one summer in the 90's said that after working there, you'd never want to eat it again...

    I have known people to say that too, claiming they are really dirty.

    Except those employees had direct control over those conditions and could have picked up a cleaning rag at any time.

    Plus most fast food places have an open concept now and you can see the kitchen area.

    Used to work at BK. I'd eat there in a heart beat (if it fit etc). We were good clean workers. Just depends on the location and the owner (I think most are franchised) .
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,315 Member
    Read the book "Don't Eat This Book" by Morgan Spurlock--it will cure you of eating anything at Mc D's.

    Morgan Spurlock is a hack who has no idea what moderation is.
  • carolemorden9
    carolemorden9 Posts: 284 Member
    I've worked at McDonald's before. I got $5 in free food for a short shift, and longer shifts I got $7 in free food. Of course at the time, I wasn't working on losing weight. If you are really concerned about it, then you could pack your own lunch to take with you and have a treat every once in awhile. My store didn't mind if I brought my own stuff in at all.
  • slimmerang
    slimmerang Posts: 79 Member
    My advice is to just remember that it takes 524 burpees to burn off a large fry.

    Burpees suck, so choose wildly!

    Solid advice.

  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    My advice is to just remember that it takes 524 burpees to burn off a large fry.

    Burpees suck, so choose wildly!

    Solid advice.


    Do all three of you do a burpee for each calorie you eat throughout the day? Because in that case a grilled chicken breast from McDonalds by itself would cost you 90 burpees.
  • aqxu
    aqxu Posts: 3
    Just follow IIFYM...you can eat anything you want
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Don't worry, after a few weeks you'll never want to eat there again.

    At least that's what happened when I worked at Sonic.

    (eta: not because of cleanliness or anything, just because I got tired of it)

    In the meantime, there are plenty of good options to be had at McDonalds. My advice is to prelog before you go to work, so you already have in your head what will fit your goals.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    My advice is to just remember that it takes 524 burpees to burn off a large fry.

    Burpees suck, so choose wildly!

    Solid advice.

    choosing wildly is solid advice? okay.

    also you mean a large order of fries right not one single long fry from the box. I HAVE to clarify because there is a history of intense demonizing of McDonalds so I just wanna be sure.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Okay now for my answer.

    I worked at a food place in my youth. A real restaurant sit down and whatnot.

    I found it easy to pick healthy.

    I think you will too. I think you should choose a fave thing and eat it all the days and then like every 4th or 5th shift you let yourself have those fries and milkshake. Just so you don't crave them eternally but they don't rule your food diary. Make sense?
  • UmmSqueaky
    UmmSqueaky Posts: 715 Member
    Oh be careful. I always had a bit of chub, but when I worked at McDonalds in high school and college the weight started to creep on.

    Now, I love McDonalds and I still eat it once a week. I'll usually have a regular extra value meal with a diet soda. No more mayo or vanilla shakes to dip the fries in. I had originally switched to buffalo sauce, but after entering that here and seeing how much salt was in it, I now enjoy a hot, salted fry fresh from the fryer without anything to adulterate it. If I eat McD's more than once a week, I have a cheeseburger happy meal on any visit after the first.

    If I had to work at McDonalds again, I'd say to bring your own meal most of the week and really savor the meal or 2 you eat there. Heck, I'd eat fast food every day if I could (thus why I ended up 80-ish pounds over weight), but I've been tracking calories and succeeding this time around because I don't deprive myself of what I love, I just make sure I don't go overboard.
  • oh god!! that would kill me i love the bacon and egg mc muffins but i think if you work there you would get sick of it so it may even be in your best interest
  • AwesomeGuy37
    AwesomeGuy37 Posts: 436 Member
    I worked at McDonald's one summer and we got free food. I think I probably only ate there one time. The food really doesn't appeal to me. OTOH, I gained quite a bit working at a pizza place.