Giving Up

Well, here I am AGAIN - ugh.... This time however instead of thinking I will succeed. I am giving up right off the bat. That's right, expecting failure, defeat, agony and despair. Usually when I start, it is with hope and drive and excitement of success. That has NEVER worked out.

So, I am trying the opposite, no hope, and maybe something different will happen, maybe I will lose weight because I think that I can't and therefore won't worry so much about how it's all going.

Anyway, I am sure all of you optimistic and helpful people will slam me a thousand times and that's okay, bring it on, this is not my first time at the rodeo. I will always be fat inside, always have been, always will be. It's cool. Nothing changes if nothing changes.


  • BlazeCarolina
    BlazeCarolina Posts: 18 Member
    That sure does sound depressing. I am not sure what to say here. I like your avatar? That is something positive. Is there anything I can do to help you?
  • Bennettlizzy81
    Bennettlizzy81 Posts: 7 Member
    I think it is okay to accept that this journey will NOT be perfect and that mistakes WILL be made. Nothing wrong with that. The only way to fail is to just stop trying. Congrats on trying again!
  • BRA_S
    BRA_S Posts: 111 Member
    hahahaha what?? Please change your profile picture and username.

    Really think you may need to get some kind of counseling.
    Hopefully you keep logging on, reading the forums and if you want to lose weight do it safely.

    Good luck hun.
  • harley1968
    harley1968 Posts: 218 Member
    Hello, I have just read your profle and it seems to me that you are just scared to lose weight. I too have a problem with losing weight as I too know that people will treat me different and all of a sudden will want to talk to me, and when you are shy like me and don't have a lot of confidence it's really sort of strange.

    I think you just need to be positive about losing weight and think of all the good things. I have finally decided I need to (again, been there so many times, and now on the wrong side of 40 I want to), and have realised that I don't have to be scared about it, and if people want to talk to me then I need to be happy about that.

    I find this a good sight for encouragement whether your having a good or bad day.
