Here I go again!

Hello everyone. This is not my first time trying to lose weight. I cant even look in the mirror anymore and I am sick of it. I need to take the advice that I am giving to everyone else but it is so hard. I am going to start with small steps like no ice cream after dinner, eat more fruits and veggies and get off my butt and move more. I would like to start to run so it would be great if someone ca tell me how to start. I have heard from many different people that running helps clear your mind.


  • Mawnka
    Mawnka Posts: 1
    I know exactly how you feel. My husband still tells me that I look good, but let's face it - after two babies and several failed diets, you don't feel that way. I'm finding that protein is key for me.
  • CLeesQuilting
    Youy don't say how much you have to loose. But I also have tried many times and am going to take it a day at a time and do just today what I can do...and stay focused. Run if you can but for me I need to start walking and stretching first. I did order a new book that has been advertised on Dr. Phil this year and so far the diet has been great for me.
  • jirwin323
    jirwin323 Posts: 40 Member
    I have started running and have found the best way for me is to warm up (about 5 minutes), run for 1 minute, and then walk for 1 minute. I do this for 25 laps of each and then cool down for 5 minutes. I recommend you take a look at They have some great advice for newbies and all sorts of running plans (free).

    Good luck. Running is AWESOME. Also, have you tried biking? It is not nearly as hard on the joints and you can get a good workout.
  • loreew32
    I actaully have a brand new bike but the seat is so uncomfortable! Thanks for the info...Maybe I can run one day and bike the next. Right now there is snow on the ground and ice so maybe I will start with walking! LOL
  • loreew32
    I actually have not weighed myself but I know that I need to lose at least 45 pounds to be under the recommended BMI for my age and height. I have learned not to put too much pressure on myself so I am going to start with the cut backs as opposed to weight loss.
  • NancyHukka
    If you find you love running, go for it. I have many friends who describe the runners high. I wish for it, but get runners "I have to stop or I'm going to die" after about 1/4 mile! I find I have to do what I love and that changes frequently, the same work out DVDs get boring no matter how much I loved them when I first purchased them. I find mixing up my work outs keeps me motivated. I rarely feel like " what do I have to do today?", but "what do I get to do today?" Also, a bike shop could probably help you find a more comfortable seat.
  • loreew32
    When my son was a baby I did the P90 VHS tapes-and they worked but 8 years later I have no time for myself. Right now its all about my kids. I would love to be able to wake up in the morning and go for a run or a bike ride or something without feeling guilty.