Under my Calories

o2blori Posts: 168 Member
I'm having a hard time getting in my calories everyday. I'm eating, and eating well. I've been modifying foods that I'm already eating to make them lower calorie. But I don't want to send my body into starvation. HELP


  • turboandrea
    I see that you're just drinking Shakeology with water, I assume? Why not add some things to your shakes in the morning? :) Try a tablespoon of reduced fat peanut butter or using almond milk instead of water. It'll make them super creamy and help you get in the extra calories.

    Also try to eat more substantial snacks. I'm really only going on yesterday's diary so forgive me if you're already doing these things. :)

    Try adding some oatmeal or almonds to snacks and try and eat every 3 hours.
  • TheNewJessieMae
    Almonds are def my hero!
  • Sigra
    Sigra Posts: 374 Member
    That's funny :) I posted the same topic yesterday. I'm normally about 63~ cal below my 1200, I even work out during the day so my food is at 1100~ my 'available" calories is at 1800.

    End the end I was told to eat an extra piece of fruit, like an apple or orange that is 100cal. or maybe add something to your lunch/breakfast that is slightly higher in calories to give you that extra boost. Nuts, Fruits and veggies are all right there for you! :)
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Well if you're under your cal goal then stop modifing your foods to be lower cal. There are healthy higher cal foods. Nuts, avocados, etc.