Best beach body workout?

SFT616 Posts: 15 Member
I have heard great reviews of insanity, T25, chalean extreme,P90x and more...
I am hoping to get one for my summer as I don't have a proper gym when I go home.
Looking to shred some fat off (26% BF) and wanna look more toned....
whats your favourite beach body workout and why? Thanks! Stay awesome :)


  • dabucks
    dabucks Posts: 82 Member
    If you're in pretty decent shape and want to lose some pounds and get toned insanity is the best.

    If you're in moderate shape and want something less intense t25 is great too. I've heard good things about chalean and les mills combat, just that they're not as hard as insanity.

    I haven't done p90x because I don't have a lot of weights.

    FYI: I've completed insanity, done some asylum, and am now doing a combo of t25 beta/gamma.
  • SFT616
    SFT616 Posts: 15 Member
    Do you have to give up other workouts such as lifting when doing either T25 or insanity? Thanks for the info!
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    My current favorite is Les Mills Combat. dabucks is correct, it isn't as hard as Insanity but it's fun and still a great workout. It is a lot of punching and kicking but they do focus on form and tell you how to do the moves correctly. It's a lot of cardio but there is a strength dvd/day.
  • rachelg145
    rachelg145 Posts: 185 Member
    Get the free Nike Training Club app on your phone - great workouts on there and you need minimal equipment. They are 15, 30 or 45 min long and you can do all body or targeted muscle groups.
  • Jerseygrrl
    Jerseygrrl Posts: 189 Member
    Do you have to give up other workouts such as lifting when doing either T25 or insanity? Thanks for the info!

    I've done both Insanity and T25. When I did Insanity, that's all I did, but I was also in the worst shape of my life and didn't have the energy to do more.

    I've since lost 39 pounds of fat and gotten stronger. I now do T25, StrongLifts 5X5, and run 4 times a week.
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I've done Chalean Extreme, P90X, and Insanity. For the sole purposes of looking good on the beach, I would recommend either CLX or P90X (something with weight training). I prefer CLX only because the workouts are a little shorter than P90X (which means I actually looked forward to them) and I love Chalean. I always found myself making excuses not to do P90X because the workouts felt so long. If you pair CLX with a really good diet, you will definitely get some great results. I miss my CLX muscles!
  • ChristineMiller2
    I have done a lot of the BB workouts, my favorite by far is Insanity. I like t25 too but Insanity blows all of the others out of the water. P90x was boring to me and Tony talking drove me crazy lol
  • auralyle28
    auralyle28 Posts: 1
    I suggest trying out the 30 day fitness challenges (whether online or getting the app). They require no equipment, and are reasonable to work into any schedule. Also you can do them on your own time and watch your favorite shows instead of watching trainers or insanely fit people do the exercises!
  • SFT616
    SFT616 Posts: 15 Member
    I've done Chalean Extreme, P90X, and Insanity. For the sole purposes of looking good on the beach, I would recommend either CLX or P90X (something with weight training). I prefer CLX only because the workouts are a little shorter than P90X (which means I actually looked forward to them) and I love Chalean. I always found myself making excuses not to do P90X because the workouts felt so long. If you pair CLX with a really good diet, you will definitely get some great results. I miss my CLX muscles!

    Do they sell CLX in the uk? Can't seem to find it :( I don't want to order it from the US due to import tax and high costs of delivery. CLX and T25 both sound like what I am looking for! argh so hard to make a decision!!
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member
    Having done most of the workouts.........or at least the good ones that don't focus on one body area (i.e., Hip Hop Abs, Brazil Butt Lift, etc), here's as unbiased as it gets.

    P90X, P90X2, Body Beast - These are your bodybuilding or body toning type workouts. Slow and methodical. If you have a "weak" area, you will find it and improve it with these workouts. A lot of the workouts are easily modified, mainly by just choosing a lighter weight or resistance bands.

    ChaLEAN Extreme, Les Mills Pump - Kind of like the 3 workouts above, only in a "lite" version. The workouts move a little faster, adding a small cardio / circuit training element. A lot of the workouts are easily modified, mainly by just choosing a lighter weight or resistance bands.

    Insanity, Asylum, Asylum Volume 2 - Balls to the wall, chew you up and spit you out cardio-centric workouts. WARNING: Not only will this make you sweat and breathe hard, but be prepared to feel some soreness in either your lower back, knees and/or ankles. This is high impact stuff. The only real way to modify is to go at a slower pace, which can be somewhat counterproductive and eliminates the point of doing these workouts in the first place, although I have found that you can work on the form first and the speed will come over time.

    Focus T25, Les Mills Combat, P90X3 - Quick tempo, lower impact, and fun. Time seems to speed up when doing these workouts, but in the end, you'll be breathing and sweating, and in some cases you'll be a little sore.

    TurboFire - Take Insanity, take out the high impact, and crowbar in some choreographed type moves, and you have TurboFire.......a balls to the wall cardio workout.

    Hopefully I covered all of the main ones.
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    ^What he said. It totally depends what you find fun, what your goals are. The best one is the one you will do. Get on youtube and look up clips of each of them, or look for say, "Body Beast Results" and you'll have some idea of what the workouts look like aside from the infommercials. I have done all of those mentioned and they all have their place, they all have their "flavor".
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i've done p90x, insanity, and asylum 1 & 2.

    Personally i found p90x to be harder then insanity, which is odd because i've traditionally avoided cardio. i guess i didn't realize i hated pull ups that much. the 'P' stands for pull ups. lol not really, but you'll think that if you do the program. there are ways to modify the pull up, but personally i don't think its worth doing the program if you can't already do at least one unassisted pull up.

    P90x definetly gave me the best results.

    I highly perfer Shaun to Tony though.

    IMO Asylum is by far the most fun. the 'back and six pack' work out is honestly fun to do. there is just enough jump rope in it to challenge you but not completely frustrate you. its the most diverse of the BB workouts i've done.

    If i had to suggest one for you i'd say T25.

    I am very excited to do p90x3 and someday i'll try body beast.

    I never stopped lifting during a BB program, its up to you, just need to do it intelligently, like don't do the same body part two days in a row if you pairing it with p90x

    some people grossly underestimate the difficulty of these programs
  • SFT616
    SFT616 Posts: 15 Member
    THanks for all the info!! I think T25 would be great for me as CLX isn't available in the UK.. :)
  • jeremywm1977
    jeremywm1977 Posts: 657 Member

    I highly perfer Shaun to Tony though.

    Agreed......nothing against Tony, but his sense of humor is so dry sometimes that it's cringe-worthy.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member

    I highly perfer Shaun to Tony though.

    Agreed......nothing against Tony, but his sense of humor is so dry sometimes that it's cringe-worthy.

    a lot of people find Tony annoying. Its not like that for me, i actually laugh at some of his dumb jokes.

    I just find Shaun to be far more motivating. Even insanity has a team practice like atmosphere. Asylum IS practice lol. IDK what for tho. but it has to be the closest thing to sports practice ever put on dvd

    he reminds me of my swim coach a little too