Cardio then weights later?

A guy friend of mine said that I shouldn't start lifting weights until I lost the weight I wanted to first, he said I was slow for starting with weights instead of cardio. He joined a gym before me a little bit ago and wants me to go with him so he can show me what to do first... He's overweight also. I've just been working out at home because ATM I'm a stay at home mommy. Is he wrong? Thanks!


  • JamesDanek
    JamesDanek Posts: 95 Member
    Yes he is wrong

    Very Very Wrong

    You loose the weight with a calorie deficit.

    How YOU choose to exercise is up to you - cardio has its place but strength training is as important.

    Broscience - it hinders at best injures at worst.

    Lift Lift Lift Lift :-)
  • Platform_Heels
    Platform_Heels Posts: 388 Member
    There is no reason why you can't start lifting weights right now. Weight loss comes from eating at a deficit. Cardio will help you lose some weight as well and the lifting will build muscle.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Yes he is wrong

    Very Very Wrong

    You loose the weight with a calorie deficit.

    How YOU choose to exercise is up to you - cardio has its place but strength training is as important.

    Broscience - it hinders at best injures at worst.

    Lift Lift Lift Lift :-)

    I agree with the above. Your friend is wrong. Very wrong.

    I lifts all the heavy things and still have a good amount of weight to lose. I love this more than any cardio.

    Want to lift heavy things?

    Stronglifts Summary

    Stronglifts Womens Group
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,065 Member
    No, start weights NOW. You will be amazed at how your body will transform with the help of lifting weights. I have seen greater results with the weights than I did with cardio alone (I am a female as well).

    Lift in heavy for you..not those dinky pink 2 lbs dumbells. Compound lifts are the way to go.

    Great online resources:

    YouTube (great place to watch various lifts and learn proper form)

    Edit: cardio is still important....good for the ol' ticker
  • blueboxgeek
    blueboxgeek Posts: 574 Member
    Get with the lifting now. And when he's all skinny fat and you are rocking your hot body he will know who was right! :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    You're friend is an idiot.

    Sorry. (not sorry)

    weight loss is mostly a function of your diet.

    You workout for your health and to OPTIMIZE the calorie deficit AND to optimize fat loss while minimizing muscle loss.

    You should never wait to strength/resistance/weight train.

    Secondly- when you do which is fully dependent upon your goals.

    If you are training for an endurance event- the cardio training takes precedence- strength comes after and the volume through the week is reduced.

    If you are training for strength gains- you should be doing weights first. and the cardio would come after and be reduced in volume through the week.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    if you plan on/want to lift weights, then there is no point in waiting. Do both
  • jld0411
    jld0411 Posts: 29 Member
    He is absolutely wrong. Sorry if someone already mentioned this.. The more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will burn while at rest, and the longer your intense calorie burn will last after a workout. Pick heavy things up and put them back down. I often do interval training - cardio for a minute or so followed by lifting to failure, then cardio again while my muscles recover. I track my calorie burn with a HRM, and I burn far more calories using this method than any other. Even more than a Jillan Michaels DVD!

    The best kind of exercise is the kind you enjoy, so figure out what you like and go for it! Start with what you can handle and make sure you're using proper form. There's lots of videos online to show proper form.

    Oh yeah, and no amount of exercise can undo bad nutrition. JoRocka is dead on - weight loss is mostly a function of your diet. You've heard the saying I'm sure, abs are made in the kitchen. So eat clean, exercise regularly, pick up heavy things and put them back down.
  • lollipoprincess
    lollipoprincess Posts: 117 Member
    You're friend is an idiot.

    Sorry. (not sorry)

    weight loss is mostly a function of your diet.

    You workout for your health and to OPTIMIZE the calorie deficit AND to optimize fat loss while minimizing muscle loss.

    You should never wait to strength/resistance/weight train.

    Secondly- when you do which is fully dependent upon your goals.

    If you are training for an endurance event- the cardio training takes precedence- strength comes after and the volume through the week is reduced.

    If you are training for strength gains- you should be doing weights first. and the cardio would come after and be reduced in volume through the week.

    Haha! I Thank you I agree. He's not even eating at a deficit! I definitely want to be stronger :)
  • lollipoprincess
    lollipoprincess Posts: 117 Member
    He is absolutely wrong. Sorry if someone already mentioned this.. The more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories your body will burn while at rest, and the longer your intense calorie burn will last after a workout. Pick heavy things up and put them back down. I often do interval training - cardio for a minute or so followed by lifting to failure, then cardio again while my muscles recover. I track my calorie burn with a HRM, and I burn far more calories using this method than any other. Even more than a Jillan Michaels DVD!

    The best kind of exercise is the kind you enjoy, so figure out what you like and go for it! Start with what you can handle and make sure you're using proper form. There's lots of videos online to show proper form.

    Oh yeah, and no amount of exercise can undo bad nutrition. JoRocka is dead on - weight loss is mostly a function of your diet. You've heard the saying I'm sure, abs are made in the kitchen. So eat clean, exercise regularly, pick up heavy things and put them back down.

    The interval training sounds fun! I'll try that today!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    The whole fat loss before weight training. All I see is a excuse to being afraid of lifting weights. I don't understand why people only do cardio. You will be skinny fat.
  • KseRz
    KseRz Posts: 980 Member
    Weights now

    Cardio now

    Move now

    Theres no reason to wait at all. Is your friend is the kind of person that likes to start stuff on a Monday or wait til January 1st?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Haha! I Thank you I agree. He's not even eating at a deficit! I definitely want to be stronger :)

    yeah- it's hard to get advice from people close to you- you want to trust them, but often times they are just talking about what works for them- or what they have done for THEIR needs.

    But don't let what works for someone else dictate what you do- define your goals (it's good to have some) and then find a plan that fits- or is tailor-able specifically to meeting those goals.

    The problem with advice is everyone has it, everyone wants to give it (I'm guilty) and most of the time it's not broad enough advice. The first thing of all things is decide where you want to be- wandering along a path not knowing where you are headed is a difficult path to walk- for a lot of reasons- but when you have a goal- you can have a plan- and when you have a plan- success happens.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    I have been lifting weights for months and I weigh just under 200 lbs! Just start slow - have someone show you proper form and enjoy!

    It has helped me to slim down size-wise (not as much on the scale) and I am getting relatively strong in a useful functional way.
  • jponzo22
    jponzo22 Posts: 1 Member
    Some things I've read stated that do some cardio 10 minutes then lift weights. Lately I've been lifting without cardio then go into the pool to do laps for recovery. That's good and saves time. I don't think it matters remember you don't burn a lot of calories lifting weights, but cardio burns calories. I believe it is a personal decision, but my experience is that cardio burns more calories than lifting weights.
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    Oh my goodness, so wrong. My ex-'trainer' said the same thing to me when I wanted to start lifting, and I posted the same question on this forum. The universal response was ridicule towards him.
    See if this helps lol.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Some things I've read stated that do some cardio 10 minutes then lift weights. Lately I've been lifting without cardio then go into the pool to do laps for recovery. That's good and saves time. I don't think it matters remember you don't burn a lot of calories lifting weights, but cardio burns calories. I believe it is a personal decision, but my experience is that cardio burns more calories than lifting weights.

    10 min pre lift = warm up.

    warm up =/= cardio.

    but yes- cardio is great for building a larger deficit- but some people have other goals other than just dropping weight.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Some things I've read stated that do some cardio 10 minutes then lift weights. Lately I've been lifting without cardio then go into the pool to do laps for recovery. That's good and saves time. I don't think it matters remember you don't burn a lot of calories lifting weights, but cardio burns calories. I believe it is a personal decision, but my experience is that cardio burns more calories than lifting weights.

    10 min pre lift = warm up.

    warm up =/= cardio.

    but yes- cardio is great for building a larger deficit- but some people have other goals other than just dropping weight.

    Yup yup I want my weight lifting goals.

    Now as far as cardio then weights. I research that it really does not matter but. Weight training burns lots of carbs, fat, and protein. Once your glucose( carbs) levels decrease then you burn to fat and protein. You hit cardio after weight to burn even more fat and protein.