Hey everyone. I really need some help here. My sweet tooth is taking over! I've tried going without sweets, I've tried doing naturally sweet things like fruits. All attempts have the same outcome. A few days later I binge away between 500-3000 calories away on sweets. Any advice would be appreciated. One more thing...I also seem to binge when I'm trying to cut a few calories. Say I cut 300 a day for 3 days...on the fourth I would always unwillingly binge and eat all 900 back. Help? !


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Work snacks into your calorie limits and stop the madness.
  • Shadowmf
    Shadowmf Posts: 40
    That's just it! I actually snack often...I eat every 3 hours. I don't know what else to do :-/
  • pinkshiningstar
    pinkshiningstar Posts: 140 Member
    My best suggestion (as I'm a HUGE lover of all things sweets myself) is to try to work them in, as needed. For a while I was packing a Hershey Kiss with my lunches to bring to work so I could have a little chocolate fix in the afternoon. Don't totally deprive yourself - that's how those binges happen. And I know, they're not that fun.
  • Shadowmf
    Shadowmf Posts: 40
    I will try that. The problem is stopping at just one. I'll try to find a single portion sweet. As for tomorrow.... sigh...1000 calorie burn here I come..

  • JeffInJax
    JeffInJax Posts: 232 Member
    Got over mine with hard candy, its not like a chocolate bar or a kiss or anything sweet really that takes two seconds to eat. Just take your time and enjoy the piece. No sugar added fudgesicles work well too. Now im to the point i have no craving for sweets except maybe once a month.
  • britt113
    britt113 Posts: 2 Member
    I have a huge sweet tooth as well. In the evenings I like 100 calorie ice cream bars or (my absolute favorite) sugar free pudding made with fat free milk . Having a small treat like this usually gets me through my craving. Durning the day when I'm craving sugar ill have peppermint tea with a little bit of artificial sweetener and this seems to help as well. :)
  • OwlsInTheAttic
    OwlsInTheAttic Posts: 9 Member
    I used to have a huge sweet tooth too. I've noticed that the less sugar/candy/chocolate/ice cream I eat, the less I want it. Cutting back on processed foods (which can have a lot of sugar) has helped a lot. I usually have a small bowl of fruit every day, and maybe a piece of hard candy, or a teaspoon of honey in my tea in the evening and it's enough. I still have dessert about once a week, but I make sure it fits into my daily allowance.
  • Shadowmf
    Shadowmf Posts: 40
    I used to have a huge sweet tooth too. I've noticed that the less sugar/candy/chocolate/ice cream I eat, the less I want it. Cutting back on processed foods (which can have a lot of sugar) has helped a lot. I usually have a small bowl of fruit every day, and maybe a piece of hard candy, or a teaspoon of honey in my tea in the evening and it's enough. I still have dessert about once a week, but I make sure it fits into my daily allowance.

    I've tried that as well...I think I've made it to about 5 days and then I just crashed. I seriously felt like ripping my teeth out or something Lol