Am I on the right path to losing my belly fat?? Need advice!



  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Go on facebook, find the IIFYM women's group, join, get your macro numbers, stick to it TO THE TEE and I guarantee what little stomach you have will be gone. Good luck!
    Really? So, you're advocating spot reduction?

    Nope, that's not the way it works.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member

    Thanks for sharing that. However, the reason you lost weight is because you created a calorie deficit, which included the hula hoop exercise; eliminating dairy and doing the hula hoop itself were not the causes of your weight loss. In other words, you can eat any type of diet you want and do any exercise you want, or even choose not to exercise, but as long as you eat in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

    As for getting belly fat after not doing the hula hoop for one week, it really doesn't work that way.

    Eating "healthy" has nothing to do with it, because you can eat only healthy food and gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. I know, I've done before with NO diary, by the way. :smile: I had plenty of bettly fat then.

    As for dairy, I am lactose intolerant but I can have certain brands of yogurt, which I do eat plenty of. I don't have a lot of belly fat, but then again I lost 42 pounds eating at a deficit and do weight lifting and run.

    Calorie restriction is the ONLY thing that creates weight loss, but there are many different ways to get that deficit.

    As for cutting out milk due to a breast lump-I'm glad it was nothing serious. :smile:

    I am new to this, cuz I am now obsessed with trying to understand food after watching scary documentaries like Food Inc. I swear to you that I do NOT have a calorie deficit. I eat more than 2000 a day. In fact, I eat about 2200 calories a day. How can you explain that? I never even counted calories until now, when I started logging all my food, I was shocked at how many calories I consume (e.g. more than 3000 today), and my carbs are always in red font and at least three times above the daily recommended amount. My fat is usually the exact allowed amount, but my protein is often kinda low, cuz i am a vegetarian. And by the way, I often eat all evening long and if my bladder wakes me up I always grab some fruit on my way to bed. I truly believe it is the type of food that you eat that makes you gain or lose. Cuz otherwise it doesn't make any sense, at least not to me. E.g., high in calories flaxseed gives me diarrhoea, and it cleanses me like a laxative would. Low-fat, low-cal, rather low-carb lactose-free yoghurt gives me terrible constipation, as if I had swallowed concrete.
    If it's not a secret, how many calories a day do you eat? And how much do you weigh?

    Anyhow, I will stick to doing what works for me -my hula hoop exercise. And in case you think I don't know a thing about sports and muscles - I used to train as a professional boxer a long time ago. Almost every day I had horrible workouts - so bad that at times I could hear my heartbeat despite the loud music. All I got was muscle, and of course what I wanted out of it in the first place - self-defence techniques. I first noticed extra muscle on the front part of my upper legs after only 1 month, then the calves grew larger in another month, at the same time my arm muscles grew, after 6 months I noticed my *kitten* became somewhat muscular and male-like. To avoid getting a six pack, I started to cheat during classes. Maybe to a body-builder this would not seem like too much of a change, to me it was very noticeable. All those workouts and weight lifting kinda ruined my good "body" looks. But I continued for another year, cuz i liked it too much. Gradually, I learnt that most workouts really don't make you slimmer. The slow "tension" exercises do.
    btw, the lump was quite serious. they wanted to perform a biopsy, but i freaked out and did not let them. it was painful and quite large. so, if you're a guy, maybe you can keep eating dairy. but girls need to think twice.

    not sure if srs
    Yes, she is serious (if that is what srs means, i"m not sure. :smile: )


    So now we can lose weight while in an energy surplus, and certain exercises DO spot reduce? Who knew!
    That's exactly right. :bigsmile: :laugh:

    I love John Ritter He was such an awesome actor.
  • danni187
    danni187 Posts: 10
    You won't believe it (I didn't either) but it's scientifically proven that a small amount (approx 100g) of fat free natural yoghurt (like fage 0% fat) can help break down stomach fat...give it a go!
    I've been eating it twice a day for snacks for the last 3 months, and with exercise and a healthy diet I've lost 2 inches round my stomach!

    Good luck :)
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    You won't believe it (I didn't either) but it's scientifically proven that a small amount (approx 100g) of fat free natural yoghurt (like fage 0% fat) can help break down stomach fat...give it a go!
    I've been eating it twice a day for snacks for the last 3 months, and with exercise and a healthy diet I've lost 2 inches round my stomach!

    Good luck :)

    I'm just going out on a limb here, but....I'm guessing the exercise and healthy diet has more to do with it than the yogurt.
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    Go on facebook, find the IIFYM women's group, join, get your macro numbers, stick to it TO THE TEE and I guarantee what little stomach you have will be gone. Good luck!
    Really? So, you're advocating spot reduction?

    Nope, that's not the way it works.
    How the hell do you see this as advocating spot reduction??? Work out, stick to the right macros and you will have an ALL OVER fat reduction!! I was just referring to the part of the body she was most concerned with..get your head out of your *kitten*.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    You do not need to restrict calories, or you are on your path to anorexia based on how you look now. If you want a more toned belly, add some strength training in your exercise routine and do not change what you eat. There is barely any fat there. And do not expect to build a 6 pack in a few weeks, it does not work this way.

    You need to reevaluate your definition of an eating disorder and stop throwing terms like that around. OP has clearly stated that she doesn't wish to starve herself or lose tons of weight, but wants to tone up a problem area that she feels self-conscious about. Your comments are hurtful and ill informed.
  • ashnicbro
    ashnicbro Posts: 26 Member
    You do not need to restrict calories, or you are on your path to anorexia based on how you look now. If you want a more toned belly, add some strength training in your exercise routine and do not change what you eat. There is barely any fat there. And do not expect to build a 6 pack in a few weeks, it does not work this way.

    You need to reevaluate your definition of an eating disorder and stop throwing terms like that around. OP has clearly stated that she doesn't wish to starve herself or lose tons of weight, but wants to tone up a problem area that she feels self-conscious about. Your comments are hurtful and ill informed.

    You know..its fine. I knew there were going to be some ignorant and mean people on this site. I just ignore the BS.
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    On for reads later
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    You do not need to restrict calories, or you are on your path to anorexia based on how you look now. If you want a more toned belly, add some strength training in your exercise routine and do not change what you eat. There is barely any fat there. And do not expect to build a 6 pack in a few weeks, it does not work this way.

    You need to reevaluate your definition of an eating disorder and stop throwing terms like that around. OP has clearly stated that she doesn't wish to starve herself or lose tons of weight, but wants to tone up a problem area that she feels self-conscious about. Your comments are hurtful and ill informed.

    You know..its fine. I knew there were going to be some ignorant and mean people on this site. I just ignore the BS.

    Yep, there are definitely plenty of them. I just get upset when people throw around nonsense about eating disorders when there are, in fact, a lot of people that use this site as a way of recovering from those disorders.

    Best of luck to you though! You have the right attitude and if you keep it up, you'll be at your goal before you know it :)
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    Do some HIIT (high intensity interval training) to really rev up your metabolism. You can do tabata cycles (google Dr. Sara Solomon) on her website and get the tabata timer she uses for free on a link (google it). As you know, the belly fat is the absolute last to go.

    Dont drink any alcohol for the next 30 days...makes you puffy and also slows your metabolism.

    WATER WATER WATER!!!!!! And when you're done, MORE WATER WATER WATER!!! It helps your liver function efficiently in removing toxins from the body.

    If you add fruits, start with berries, more bang for your buck: higher in antioxidants and lower in sugar.

    Just a couple ideas.
  • ashnicbro
    ashnicbro Posts: 26 Member
    Do some HIIT (high intensity interval training) to really rev up your metabolism. You can do tabata cycles (google Dr. Sara Solomon) on her website and get the tabata timer she uses for free on a link (google it). As you know, the belly fat is the absolute last to go.

    Dont drink any alcohol for the next 30 days...makes you puffy and also slows your metabolism.

    WATER WATER WATER!!!!!! And when you're done, MORE WATER WATER WATER!!! It helps your liver function efficiently in removing toxins from the body.

    If you add fruits, start with berries, more bang for your buck: higher in antioxidants and lower in sugar.

    Just a couple ideas.

    I used to drink 3-5 sodas a day. Once I cut that out and started drinking water instead, I have noticed a HUGE difference. My stomach was A LOT bigger than what it is now.

    As far as no alcohol..well we may have to work on that and take one step at a time...LOL JK I don't drink much anyway.
  • taranimator
    taranimator Posts: 2 Member
    Sorry if someone else already said this -
    (A) You look fabulous!
    (B) You don't want to lose weight, you want to get 'LEAN'. That is actually a change in BODY COMPOSITION, or bodyfat percentage. You do this by adding some strength training to your workouts. When you diet and do only cardio, you lose muscle mass as well as fat in about equal parts. Aerobics just runs your engine. Building strength builds you a more powerful engine. You won't get big accidentally. Muscle mass builds slowly and muscle is smaller, pound for pound, than fat. In fact, you may GAIN weight while getting skinnier. The Victoria's Secret models now do heavy squats and deadlifts as part of their workout to get that lean, toned look and killer booty everybody wishes they had ;)
    (C) Try some 'high intensity training'. Short workouts, varying maximum intensity bursts with longer recoveries, maximize your body's ability to burn fat and are very good for your heart.
    (D) Eat more food! You can eat 6x a day if you consume lots of leafy greens, veggies, fruits, and whole grains, a little lean protein with every meal. Are you sure 1200 calories is enough? Seems low but maybe you're really tiny :)
    (D) You look fabulous! :D
    *NOTE - Don't be scared away by my arms in my profile photo! I was lifting very heavy when that was taken. If you don't want big guns like mine, just stick to high rep-ranges (lighter weights, more lifts) and go easy on the protein. :)
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    You look great. To lose belly fat, you should simply cut out all dairy products. Don't eat canned soup or any processed food. Eat more vegetables and fruit.
    As for exercise, do the hula hoop exercise. Or just simply imagine it is there, try to suck in your belly and squeeze your belly muscles for the entire duration of an exercise. Do at least 100 in each direction to get rid of the waist fat. That way you won't have "scary" muscles. Also, whenever you can, suck in your belly and hold for as long as you can.
    Good luck!

    World's worst advice.

    Please do not listen.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member

    Thanks for sharing that. However, the reason you lost weight is because you created a calorie deficit, which included the hula hoop exercise; eliminating dairy and doing the hula hoop itself were not the causes of your weight loss. In other words, you can eat any type of diet you want and do any exercise you want, or even choose not to exercise, but as long as you eat in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

    As for getting belly fat after not doing the hula hoop for one week, it really doesn't work that way.

    Eating "healthy" has nothing to do with it, because you can eat only healthy food and gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. I know, I've done before with NO diary, by the way. :smile: I had plenty of bettly fat then.

    As for dairy, I am lactose intolerant but I can have certain brands of yogurt, which I do eat plenty of. I don't have a lot of belly fat, but then again I lost 42 pounds eating at a deficit and do weight lifting and run.

    Calorie restriction is the ONLY thing that creates weight loss, but there are many different ways to get that deficit.

    As for cutting out milk due to a breast lump-I'm glad it was nothing serious. :smile:

    I am new to this, cuz I am now obsessed with trying to understand food after watching scary documentaries like Food Inc. I swear to you that I do NOT have a calorie deficit. I eat more than 2000 a day. In fact, I eat about 2200 calories a day. How can you explain that? I never even counted calories until now, when I started logging all my food, I was shocked at how many calories I consume (e.g. more than 3000 today), and my carbs are always in red font and at least three times above the daily recommended amount. My fat is usually the exact allowed amount, but my protein is often kinda low, cuz i am a vegetarian. And by the way, I often eat all evening long and if my bladder wakes me up I always grab some fruit on my way to bed. I truly believe it is the type of food that you eat that makes you gain or lose. Cuz otherwise it doesn't make any sense, at least not to me. E.g., high in calories flaxseed gives me diarrhoea, and it cleanses me like a laxative would. Low-fat, low-cal, rather low-carb lactose-free yoghurt gives me terrible constipation, as if I had swallowed concrete.
    If it's not a secret, how many calories a day do you eat? And how much do you weigh?

    Anyhow, I will stick to doing what works for me -my hula hoop exercise. And in case you think I don't know a thing about sports and muscles - I used to train as a professional boxer a long time ago. Almost every day I had horrible workouts - so bad that at times I could hear my heartbeat despite the loud music. All I got was muscle, and of course what I wanted out of it in the first place - self-defence techniques. I first noticed extra muscle on the front part of my upper legs after only 1 month, then the calves grew larger in another month, at the same time my arm muscles grew, after 6 months I noticed my *kitten* became somewhat muscular and male-like. To avoid getting a six pack, I started to cheat during classes. Maybe to a body-builder this would not seem like too much of a change, to me it was very noticeable. All those workouts and weight lifting kinda ruined my good "body" looks. But I continued for another year, cuz i liked it too much. Gradually, I learnt that most workouts really don't make you slimmer. The slow "tension" exercises do.
    btw, the lump was quite serious. they wanted to perform a biopsy, but i freaked out and did not let them. it was painful and quite large. so, if you're a guy, maybe you can keep eating dairy. but girls need to think twice.

    what the...


  • laurenawolf
    laurenawolf Posts: 262 Member

    Thanks for sharing that. However, the reason you lost weight is because you created a calorie deficit, which included the hula hoop exercise; eliminating dairy and doing the hula hoop itself were not the causes of your weight loss. In other words, you can eat any type of diet you want and do any exercise you want, or even choose not to exercise, but as long as you eat in a calorie deficit you will lose weight.

    As for getting belly fat after not doing the hula hoop for one week, it really doesn't work that way.

    Eating "healthy" has nothing to do with it, because you can eat only healthy food and gain weight if you eat more calories than you burn. I know, I've done before with NO diary, by the way. :smile: I had plenty of bettly fat then.

    As for dairy, I am lactose intolerant but I can have certain brands of yogurt, which I do eat plenty of. I don't have a lot of belly fat, but then again I lost 42 pounds eating at a deficit and do weight lifting and run.

    Calorie restriction is the ONLY thing that creates weight loss, but there are many different ways to get that deficit.

    As for cutting out milk due to a breast lump-I'm glad it was nothing serious. :smile:

    I am new to this, cuz I am now obsessed with trying to understand food after watching scary documentaries like Food Inc. I swear to you that I do NOT have a calorie deficit. I eat more than 2000 a day. In fact, I eat about 2200 calories a day. How can you explain that? I never even counted calories until now, when I started logging all my food, I was shocked at how many calories I consume (e.g. more than 3000 today), and my carbs are always in red font and at least three times above the daily recommended amount. My fat is usually the exact allowed amount, but my protein is often kinda low, cuz i am a vegetarian. And by the way, I often eat all evening long and if my bladder wakes me up I always grab some fruit on my way to bed. I truly believe it is the type of food that you eat that makes you gain or lose. Cuz otherwise it doesn't make any sense, at least not to me. E.g., high in calories flaxseed gives me diarrhoea, and it cleanses me like a laxative would. Low-fat, low-cal, rather low-carb lactose-free yoghurt gives me terrible constipation, as if I had swallowed concrete.
    If it's not a secret, how many calories a day do you eat? And how much do you weigh?

    Anyhow, I will stick to doing what works for me -my hula hoop exercise. And in case you think I don't know a thing about sports and muscles - I used to train as a professional boxer a long time ago. Almost every day I had horrible workouts - so bad that at times I could hear my heartbeat despite the loud music. All I got was muscle, and of course what I wanted out of it in the first place - self-defence techniques. I first noticed extra muscle on the front part of my upper legs after only 1 month, then the calves grew larger in another month, at the same time my arm muscles grew, after 6 months I noticed my *kitten* became somewhat muscular and male-like. To avoid getting a six pack, I started to cheat during classes. Maybe to a body-builder this would not seem like too much of a change, to me it was very noticeable. All those workouts and weight lifting kinda ruined my good "body" looks. But I continued for another year, cuz i liked it too much. Gradually, I learnt that most workouts really don't make you slimmer. The slow "tension" exercises do.
    btw, the lump was quite serious. they wanted to perform a biopsy, but i freaked out and did not let them. it was painful and quite large. so, if you're a guy, maybe you can keep eating dairy. but girls need to think twice.

    You can eat 2200 calories a day because you have a high TDEE. The only way to lose weight is by eating in a calorie deficit - you burn more than you eat.
  • DeadliftAddict
    DeadliftAddict Posts: 746 Member
    You won't believe it (I didn't either) but it's scientifically proven that a small amount (approx 100g) of fat free natural yoghurt (like fage 0% fat) can help break down stomach fat...give it a go!
    I've been eating it twice a day for snacks for the last 3 months, and with exercise and a healthy diet I've lost 2 inches round my stomach!

    Good luck :)

    I'm just going out on a limb here, but....I'm guessing the exercise and healthy diet has more to do with it than the yogurt.

    Ha ha. ^This
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    So, if you're "naturally skinny", where is this belly fat? I don't see it.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Go on facebook, find the IIFYM women's group, join, get your macro numbers, stick to it TO THE TEE and I guarantee what little stomach you have will be gone. Good luck!
    Really? So, you're advocating spot reduction?

    Nope, that's not the way it works.
    How the hell do you see this as advocating spot reduction??? Work out, stick to the right macros and you will have an ALL OVER fat reduction!! I was just referring to the part of the body she was most concerned with..get your head out of your *kitten*.
    Because you guaranteed her the loss of her stomach fat.
  • ashnicbro
    ashnicbro Posts: 26 Member
    Sorry if someone else already said this -
    (A) You look fabulous!
    (B) You don't want to lose weight, you want to get 'LEAN'. That is actually a change in BODY COMPOSITION, or bodyfat percentage. You do this by adding some strength training to your workouts. When you diet and do only cardio, you lose muscle mass as well as fat in about equal parts. Aerobics just runs your engine. Building strength builds you a more powerful engine. You won't get big accidentally. Muscle mass builds slowly and muscle is smaller, pound for pound, than fat. In fact, you may GAIN weight while getting skinnier. The Victoria's Secret models now do heavy squats and deadlifts as part of their workout to get that lean, toned look and killer booty everybody wishes they had ;)
    (C) Try some 'high intensity training'. Short workouts, varying maximum intensity bursts with longer recoveries, maximize your body's ability to burn fat and are very good for your heart.
    (D) Eat more food! You can eat 6x a day if you consume lots of leafy greens, veggies, fruits, and whole grains, a little lean protein with every meal. Are you sure 1200 calories is enough? Seems low but maybe you're really tiny :)
    (D) You look fabulous! :D
    *NOTE - Don't be scared away by my arms in my profile photo! I was lifting very heavy when that was taken. If you don't want big guns like mine, just stick to high rep-ranges (lighter weights, more lifts) and go easy on the protein. :)

    See this was my problem. I am new to fitness. So I assumed in order to lose that little belly I have, I had to lose weight. I DAMN SURE DONT WANNA LOSE WEIGHT! I BARELY HAVE ANY TO LOSE! LOL. So I get what everyone is saying regarding the lifting. I see that now. And thank you! I actually love my body except my stomach. Im gonna cry if I lose my thighs, butt and boobs! (I know my *kitten* looks flat in the picture but trust me, the workout pants are squishing it. I have one in regular clothes. :)
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    Actually, you look awesome. You can't change your basic shape.

    30 days to try and beat any body fat is unrealistic.

    Have you thought of heavy weight lifting?

    Honestly, no. Why? I am terrified that I am going to get too muscular. I am actually fine with every other part of my body EXCEPT my stomach. I am naturally skinny. Runs in the family.,

    Don't be afraid to lift weights. Heavy lifting has definitely changed my body composition and I've always been 'petite' even when I was a little overweight. Trust me, you won't get 'too muscular'. It takes a lot of dedication and other things to look like the image in your head when you think 'too muscular'.

    Make sure to keep your macros in check, start a 'pick things up and put them down' program and see this awesome thread :flowerforyou: :