foods to fill me up.

Hi there.

I have only just joined MFP and i must say its brill, but i am stuck.

I am very active at work and i cycle there and back and yet the weight just will not come off... I have really tried to cut back my food intake but i am finding it quite hard. I am always hungry, well not always but most of the time.

What are the best foods to fill me up for longer? What can i eat that'll make the lbs fall of.

Is there something out there that has no calories and taste like chocolate?

Is there any golden rules you guys know that could help me.



  • smuehlbauer
    smuehlbauer Posts: 1,041 Member
    My food journal is open. I usually don't find myself hungry.
    (The past two weeks I haven't been able to work out so it might seem a little light.)
    Protein in the morning if you can. Lots of fiber. Lots of water.
    Chocolate - I buy a bag of dove dark chocolate. I let myself have one or two a day depending on the calories I have left for the day. Don't fake chocolate - it's not the same and it wont kill the cravings and then you'll just be eating crap calories. Make them worth it.
    Good luck.
  • Honey329
    Without being able to look at your food diary, it's hard to say, but it is very possible that at your activity level you aren't eating ENOUGH calories. You need to be sure that you are getting atleast 1200 calories everyday.

    Otherwise, for filling food options: go for whole grain/wheat bread, eggs, load up on veggies, oatmeal. For breakfast, my favorite option is just 1 tablespoon of peanut butter between two slices of 35 calorie Nature's Own bread. It is yummy and really sticks with me.

    Best of luck to you!
  • knwollak
    Hello there! I had the same problem I was not able to lose any weight even if I cut back on my calorie intake and actual food consumption. About a month ago I was introduced to a product from the company Qivana and have absolutely fell in love with it! My husband and I even became independent business owners with the company! I'm not trying to sell you on the product but just give you some information because it has really helped me.

    They have two products right now and more are coming soon. The first product is called Metaboliq which resets your body's metabolic system back to when you were the age of 20. There are four components to the system a shake (200 calories perfect for breakfast), sticks (perfect snack), boost (you take before meals to help suppress your appetite and resist which temporarily blocks the sugar receptors on your tongue and doesn't allow your body to adsorb sugar. I know I always had a sweet tooth after a ate which caused me to put on the pounds. By using this when I was craving sweets I have started to train my brain that I don't need sweets all the time.

    The other product the company offers in the Qore system which is a probiotic (replaces the good bacteria back into your digestive system so you can properly digest and absorb the right things that your body needs rather than storing the wrong nutrients. This system also offers essentials which helps reduce stress and promotes you to have better focus throughout the day and helps you from crashing during the workday (no caffeine!). There is also a defense to support your immune system and detox to rid your body of harmful toxins in our water and preserved foods.

    If any of this sounds interesting please visit our website to learn more. There is a free sample on there as well! I hope this information is helpful. These products have started to change my life I hope they will do the same for you.
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    Is there something out there that has no calories and taste like chocolate?

    You would be a rich man if you could invent this!

    Yesterday I felt like I ate A LOT but my calories were pretty low and I had a light for me work out. I think my diary is open to friends so you can add me to look.
  • Shawnalee0703
    My biggest tip to you...REAL food! It us hard to say without being able to see your diary. But I may go with that you may not be eating enough calories. You also should do your best at choosing food that is full of natural fiber and energy. You can friends me if you would like and to view my diaries it is 321. I am rarely hungry. I eat frequently but do my best at eating quality foods. Figure out your bmr with your active lifestyle and responsibly subtract from there to ensure weights loss and that you are eating enough! You very well could require 1800 calories a day..even to lose. Look into bmr. :)