Giving up smoking



  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    Still haven't smoked since March 29. I'm not even taking the Chantix any more. The only time I even think about it is after a good meal or when I walk by someone else smoking.
  • getlean414
    getlean414 Posts: 27
    I quit smoking last year in August. It was the best decision I ever made! I was also around that time getting into shape and wanting to do best for myself. I quit cold turkey. I was just tried of spending the money, tired of stinking, tired of not being able to breathe, tried of the headaches, I was just over it. And with all that being said, you would think that quitting would be easier, but sometimes its not. If it was easy everyone would do it. All you have to know is; If you want it, you have it. And by that I mean, you have to remember why it is that your quitting, and also remember the time and effort you have put into NOT smoking, and when the temptations come, just think about those things. For example, when I quit, towards the middle of the day I of course was craving some nicotine like no other, but I thought to myself "I'm not giving in. I don't want to be a nasty smoker and waste my money and life. Its been 6 hours (or however long it was) and I am not going to WASTE 5 minutes to smoke this, when I just put in 6 HOURS NOT TO!" .. And just knowing that I was putting in effort like that made me want to quit even more. Each day got easier and eventually I was not smoking at all or even really thinking about it. Now, I do not crave cigarettes, or think about smoking them, or even really like to be around them. Its just a mind over matter thing, if you want it you got it! Wishing you the best!

    oh and i forgot to say, when times are really stressful and you want a cigarette more then ever, instead of smoking, just do some working out! You don't have to have like an extreme workout or anything just a set of lunges, or push ups or something to release that worked up energy, or yoga.