Sedentary or Lightly Active?

gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
Choosing which of these two makes a large difference (300 calories for me) in my daily caloric goals... I am basically assistant manager at a glass shop, we do mostly automotive.. I am the phone guy, and I help out a little bit in the back but mostly I'm standing around putting wipers on or cleaning windows, nothing too strenuous.

Does this mean I'm lightly active, or should I leave it as sedentary since I don't work out at all, and rarely go for a walk?

Or the best solution would be to make sure I get a good walk in each day and put lightly active?



  • abrand2014
    abrand2014 Posts: 24 Member
    I would say lightly active?
    I put lightly active and I go to the gym whenever I can (usually only once a week for an hour max).
    Im a student so Im mostly in class, but on weekends I have placement (nursing) so I walk a lot then.
    I would say if you are full time lightly active.. its better than being on your couch all day!
  • siratlas
    siratlas Posts: 239 Member
    I'd class it as being lightly active. You are doing SOME activity and not just sitting at a desk all day. Maybe try to get a walk in during lunch hour a few times a week, if you can. Little changes really do help :)
  • redhotsc
    redhotsc Posts: 43 Member
    I agree with gostumpy- it appears that you are lightly active. I would assume that "sedentary" is for people who are sitting in an office chair or on the couch all day with extremely minimal movement. "Light activity" should be where you have frequent movements (as it sounds you do) that are not strenuous.

    I put lightly active for mine as I am a microbiologist and work in a lab. I am always on my feet and moving around, but I am not doing anything that I would even come close to calling exercise. I think my settings are for my to lose a pound a week- and I am averaging a pound a week. Therefore, I think my personal guess was pretty close.
  • OnU2nite
    OnU2nite Posts: 23 Member
    I have to disagree. It's easier to adjust up from sedentary if you feel like you aren't getting enough food. 300 calories is a lot. Its the difference between maintaining weight and a bulk for some people. In your case, maintenance or deficit....? Walking is a form of exercise and is calculated on the back end. Im not sure would make up those 300 in this case. Just my .02
  • OnU2nite
    OnU2nite Posts: 23 Member
    Either way. Keep track of your weight and body fat % weekly and look for change. Then adjust accordingly.
  • gostumpy
    gostumpy Posts: 156 Member
    Well after work today I know I am at least "Lightly Active", sweat a few times vacuuming cars, taking out windshields, cleaning the shop throughout the day... it's a bit of a workout when it gets busy enough for it! I remember thinking "This ain't no damn sedentary!" while I was sweating and rushing around...

    Thanks everyone for the advice!
  • PJPrimrose
    PJPrimrose Posts: 916 Member
    Lightly active. Sedimentary is for mostly older folks with mobility issues. Sedimentary is not a good place to start! If you do not eat enough you'll have nothing but problems (hunger, binges) doing this!
  • manicautumn
    manicautumn Posts: 224 Member
    I'd go with lightly active. UNLESS you have something that adjusts for activity like FitBit.

    I'm set at sedentary 1200 calories (I'm 5'0) and it generally goes up to about 1400-1700 depending on my day. This is super helpful as a student with no unified daily schedule because I can eat to match my activity level without worrying whether I'm sedentary one day or more active the next.
  • kempt_ken
    kempt_ken Posts: 96 Member
    I work in an office, electrical engineering, but my activity depends on what task I'm doing. . If I'm in the lab I up and down the stairs 10 times a day.

    My approach has been:
    1) set my activity to sedentary
    2) carry a pedometer with me
    3)add my steps in at the end of the day.
    4) add in any other exercise I do at the end for the day

    Then my maximum daily calorie allotment get adjusted to reflect my activity.

    Some people use a body band and fitness tool to measure their actual calorie expenditure.
  • Always_Belle
    Always_Belle Posts: 73 Member
    I would say leave as sedentary, since you do no true workouts.
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    Based on your description, I'd go for lightly active. If, after a month, you are losing more slowly than your goal, then switch to sedentary, or set up a custom goal.