Boldly going Vegetarian....

so over the last few years I have pretty much pushed most meat out of my diet, not for any reason other than i don't really like it all that much. I'm learning through MFP that I am NOT getting anywhere near my daily protein so I'm thinking of just going full-on vegetarian and focusing in on my protein intake

I don't know if that makes sense-the way i see it is if I start supplementing the protein I will be able to get it at a healthier number....

gahhh it makes sense in my head. hard to explain I guess.....................ANYWAY, what I was getting at was: does anyone know of any awesome vegetarian newbie sites? any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks!


  • mynameisdumbnuts
    You could try PETA's website. They have information about going vegetarian. I don't know if they have a discussion board for it, but it might be worth checking out.

    My boyfriend used to be vegetarian and I still make a goodly portion of vegetarian meals. Soybeans are especially high in protein; lentils and pinto beans have lots of protein, too. You can make all sorts of tasty Mexican dishes with pinto beans; go easy on the cheese and heavy on the homemade salsa to keep things low calorie.

    Eggs are also high in protein, although they are also higher in fat. (So is cheese, for that matter.)

    The nice thing about going vegetarian is that beans, eggs and cheese are so much cheaper than meat.
  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    PM me if you wish. I've been a vegetarian for my entire life and was a strict vegan for 5 years. Check out for some great recipes and articles. :flowerforyou:
  • kfschuma
    kfschuma Posts: 1 Member

    Also, I like recipes from Their cookbooks are amazing too (I have the Veganomicon, Vegan with a Vengeance, and Vegan Cupcakes Take over the World).

    I am vegetarian and I find that I get tooo much protein most of the time. But I eat a lot of tofu, tempeh, beans, and I like the fake meats too. Of course there are soy protein powders and hemp protein and stuff that you can put in your smoothies if you're more of a fruit person. It's really not too challenging, so don't be discouraged! Good for you for going veg! :):)

    Best of Luck,
  • jlewis2896
    jlewis2896 Posts: 763 Member
    Not sure about a website, but chickpeas are amazing! My sister made a mashed chickpea salad with apples, celery, onions and miracle whip -- we ate it like a chicken salad sandwich, and it was deee-licious. You can also roast chickpeas and use them as a lower-fat alternative to crunchy snacks like nuts.

    Good luck with your newfound vegetarianism, I think it's a great choice (I just lack the willpower to do it myself!!) as long as you are focusing on replacing that loss in protein.
  • cehrenhaus
    Thing with PETA is that they are against even vegetarian, they will try to push vegan on you. If you are into animal products, just not meat.

    Remember: beans, lentils, cheese, milk,eggs (if you are ovo-lacto), tofu, soy beans, are great ways of incorporating proteins. I would stay away from too much soy products since soy carries phyto-estrogens that act just as your own estrogen and can mess up your hormonal balance if used in very high amounts. What is high? That you will have to determine for your own body :)

    You can also look into the World Healthiest Foods site to figure out the protein content per serving of veggies :) I love that site!
  • Emilyanne6081
    the great thing is that I am a huuge fan of all kinds of veggies and love beans! maybe this won't be as hard as I think.

    ps I love the chickpea (chicken) sandwich idea.
  • aschr690
    aschr690 Posts: 41 Member

    I have been vegetarian for a little over a year now and hardley ever have a problem eating enough protein! As filipipino said chick peas are AMAZING, they are super good as hummus with veggies or chips! As well as cheese, nuts, refried beans, and I enjoy Morningstar's line of fake meats. Their veggie crumbles are delicious when made into tacos :) Any other questions feel free to ask!
  • Emilyanne6081
    this is fantastic! thank you!