30 mins cardio and resistance per day enough for fatloss?

:smile: So I have set a challenge for myself and that is to lose a lot of fat by June 28. I would like to get down to 20% body fat, currently I am sitting at 23.5 so I have quite a way to go!

Everyday I am doing some form of cardio (kick boxing, zumba, HIIT running, jump rope) for 30 mins as well as doing 30 mins worth of blogilates (pilates/ calisthenics) videos.

I am eating quite clean (you can check out my food diary) and sticking to my calorie recommendation for 1 lb weightloss per week and have lost about 2 kg (3.5 lbs) in just under 3 weeks. But I feel the progress is slowing down...
My questions is if this is enough exercise to truly see results and to slim down, or do I need to do more?

Thanks everyone!


  • crissi725
    crissi725 Posts: 82
    Remember to factor in that you experience a menstrual cycle. :-) You will fluctuate in weight a bit. I gain about 2 to almost 5 lbs of water weight around the end of PMS and the beginning of my period. And then it goes away. Adding 10 or 15 mins of cardio helps this a bit. I don't feel as bloated. Could just be me. You could try it though! This is why its important to also measure inches in addition to weight. I also pay more attention to the number on the scale about 3 or 4 days after my period and log THAT number. I don't know why, but it feels like I'm back in neutral, I guess? lol
  • James9090
    James9090 Posts: 26 Member
    Of course it is enough. It is obviously working. Perhaps you are overestimating your calories burnt during workouts. Maybe invest in a hear rate monitor to get a more accurate count.