
jane77 Posts: 489
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
waiting for it to get here who else has done it and what did you think?


  • I just started the program yesterday...good luck to the both of us!
  • anikkim0915
    anikkim0915 Posts: 100 Member
    I have done it many times... well not the whole program.. just several of the videos... they are aZZ kicking!!! But I love it!
  • I've had the program for over a year .....
    A girlfriend recently posted on FB that she was starting Day 1.
    Well, I figured that was my sign :)
    I just completed day one. I'll let you know how I feel tomorrow! LOL
  • barbosa22
    barbosa22 Posts: 178 Member
    On my fourth week.. Feeling great and noticing muscle definition... The best thing I've even done
  • Fesse
    Fesse Posts: 611
    My question to you all is are you doing the exact nutrition and all the workouts to receive the results of can you adjust the program a bit to your individual lifestyle. I'm concerned about the nutrition portion of the program. (don't have it yet but I will be getting it)
  • We should keep this thread going .... support each other ... and keep each other motivated
    You should have seen my 4 yr old doing push ups today - it was PRICELESS! :)
  • harls
    harls Posts: 88 Member
    I don't have it but a few of my friends do and I've seen pics of the before/afters on this very forum, and it's hardcore! They get so toned.
  • I'm following the nutrition loosely.
    I'm a long distance runner, with a BAD HABIT of eating poorly, so I don't look like a long distance runner!
    I need more then one carb a day when I'm running.
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    well sounds like its a good deal i also run and lift now, have good muscle tone but could be better. not sure about the eating portion of the program ill have to wait and see what its about but im lazy about cooking new things i cook all the time and we dont eat packed food (son food allergies) just not big on changeing things since we have his problem under control. I have started logging food again and measuring everything soooo heres hope ill keep checking in
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Got P90X today!!! Going to do a bit of reading first and then start the 1st DVD. I've considered asking my son if he wants to join in with me.

    I probably won't be following the diet to a T as I can be a picky eater.....I'll post more when I start using it!
  • debbyrae3
    debbyrae3 Posts: 200 Member
    I don't follow the eating plan. I just eat what I want and make sure I balance myself out and eat the healthier choices and eat proper portion sizes.
  • TanMac
    TanMac Posts: 77
    Do you log the exercise you do with p90x on this site?
  • mdcriss
    mdcriss Posts: 1 Member
    I am a P90x graduate and have done the Insanity workout for 60 days. I have just started a P90x/Insanity hybrid. I have lost less than 10 pounds, but transformed my body.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Do you log the exercise you do with p90x on this site?

    Yes, there is an option on the exercise log to enter the name of your exercise.
  • Day 2 today ... My upper body is soooooo sore from yesterdays workout.
    I switched it up and did legs today
    This way my entire body will ache tomorrow! :)
    Feels great though seriously.
    They are TOUGH workouts
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    good for you love that feeling of having worked hard. do u use a hrm ? was just wondering how many calories u burned !

    Mine should get here Friday away for weekend so will be starting monday good luck tomorrow if u can move that is lol :laugh:
  • I have a HRM ... never thought to use it!/
    I use it for running. Would it work for something like this?
    I didn't think it would give an accurate calorie burn on weight reps ....
    Maybe I'm wrong?
    Besides ... the benefit of muscle is that it burns calories when at rest - WOHOO to that!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    i use my hrm for all my exercise well not my 10000 steps but any lifting or cardio work its not alway perfect sometimes it goes off line when lifting but i still use its numbers for calories burned during exercise i think its show intensity i could do 3/4 squats half hearted you could do squats like you mean it claories burned would be the same if you just used a formula but our hrm would tell a better truer story
  • SaraWo24
    SaraWo24 Posts: 192 Member
    Hey all! :)

    My name's Sara and I was browsing through the message boards and came across this thread...it's perfect timing!!! I, too, am doing P90X (just started on Monday 1/3), and could definitely use some accountability partners!!! I've always been that girl that LOVES to work out, but I'm always looking for something different. I must have a short attention span or just get distracted easily haha. I tried P90X before, but I never did it all the way through. I would just pick a workout here and there...I don't even think I ever finished a FULL week's worth of workouts!!! Over the new year, I was thinking about ways to make 2011 MY year, and I decided that one of my goals is go actually FINISH something. So, I decided that something is going to be P90X this time! :) Woo Hoo! My planned end date is supposed to be April 3, so I'm REALLY hoping I can make that. Who knows with unforseen circumstances, so I'm planning on my end date being sometime during that week. Right in time to go to Vegas! ;)

    Anyway, about the nutrition plan: I know a lot of people that don't follow the plan to the T, but I do know that it's really important to at least keep the portions of fat/carbs/protein/etc as close to the plan as possible. This is because the different phases of the plan coordinate with the different phases of the workouts. I'll be honest, I do not follow the nutrition plan that was givin, BUT I do make sure that I'm eating way more protein than fat and carbs right now.

    About the HRM: I also use mine during the workouts!! My caloric burn hasn't been very high, but it won't be with lifting weights. I just do it to see what my HR gets up to, not necessarily for the calories. :)

    I'd love to keep posting on here and seeing everyone's journeys! :) Keep up the good work!
  • jane77
    jane77 Posts: 489
    sounds good sara ill keep posting and checking i wont get to start until monday but ill check you all over the weekend
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