What's for breakfast?

What are you having for breakfast this morning? And how many calories?


  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    My regular breakfast for years now is oats, and a banana. About 565 calories.
  • aneary1980
    aneary1980 Posts: 461 Member
    Scrambled eggs on Toast and a latte (made at home) 508cals.

  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    Two scrambled eggs, and some all bran cereal for about 350 calories!
  • sianquin
    sianquin Posts: 86 Member
    Most mornings porridge or instant oats (yes I know I could make my own but I prefer the texture) once a week I'll do toast and egg or a bagel and cheese, comes in around 300-400 calories no matter what I have.

    Today I slept in and missed breakfast so I just had some instant oats and a protein shake after the gym so slightly higher but I won't have a snack and will prob have a late lunch.
  • 2013sk
    2013sk Posts: 1,318 Member
    This morning I have had

    1 x banana
    1 x gala red apple

    2 small teaspoons of smooth Peanut Butter, and 4 thin slices of this salami beef strip things - Only 13 calories each

    All under 400 calories?

    I normally always have a big bowl of oats with lots of PB... Trying to lower my carbs
  • Charisma_Black
    Charisma_Black Posts: 87 Member
    Shredded Wheat Bitesize with almond milk. Two low fat yoghurts with blueberries. One boiled egg. Green Tea. 396 cals.
  • abadvat
    abadvat Posts: 1,241 Member
    ting days, 3 eggs or 2 eggs + 4 whites omelet, bacon, avocado 450 / 500 calories.
    No carbs needed, fat and protein are all i need to properly fuel up.

    Heavy lifting days, 100 grams of brown rice omelet with either 3 eggs or 2 eggs + 4 whites, bacon and avocado 600 calories (ish).

    I lift in the evening, normal lifting days I carb up 2 meals before my workout (lunch + afternoon meal) heavy days I start from my first meal in the AM.

    I have adjusted my meals based on needs / fuelling hence no carbs in the AM when not necessary but fat + protein.
    Evening / post workout is carbs and protein with no fats.
  • tk2222
    tk2222 Posts: 199 Member
    Kinda terrible - leftover chicken wing and frozen pizza, but it's really an early lunch and it all fits in the daily goal, so i'm allowing it for once.
  • Nedra19455
    Nedra19455 Posts: 241 Member
    This morning I tried a higher protein, higher fat diet so that I can (hopefully) make it through until lunchtime without getting hungry and wanting a snack (I can't snack when I want to because of my job). I had:

    Two scrambled eggs, spinach and garlic fried in a little (3g -- will do less next time) butter. -- 287 cal.

    I am also going to make a home-made coconut mocha (ghiradelli sweet ground chocolate, monin coconut syrup, espresso and 1% milk) which will come to about another 200 cal, if I am remembering correctly.

    ETA: yep, just added it all up and it's 490 altogether with the mocha. I know I'm drinking a lot of calories, but (to me) my mocha is totally worth it. Now just hoping the higher protein in the rest of the meal will keep me full.
  • 1013carl
    1013carl Posts: 376 Member
    I love Blueberries In a bowl with milk and honey! Always have.

    I got a Big clamshell of I think 3 quarts at Costco for $7... that has carried me much of this work week!

    Calories = 265!
  • dcxens
    dcxens Posts: 3 Member
    1/4 cup Bob's Red Mill Muesli (w/3 teaspoons Splenda) with 1 cup of unsweetened almond milk. 140 calories. Quite tasty and filling! I won't eat again until lunch.
  • simkinsver
    simkinsver Posts: 9 Member
    bowl of mixed berries (raspberries, blueberries, strawberries), and a whole-wheat English Muffin with melted shredded cheese, with my morning coffee. around 300-350 calories.
  • maureli
    maureli Posts: 722 Member
    This morning its 1 egg, 2 egg whites and 1/2 whole grain bagel...and coffee! 230 calories
  • subjecttwo
    subjecttwo Posts: 29 Member
    Raisin Bran Crunch with almond milk, 210 calories. Just got off a night shift. It's too rainy here to go on the bike ride I was hoping to get in, so I think I'm headed home for a nap.
  • sati18
    sati18 Posts: 153 Member
    Warburtons wholemeal thin toasted with flora light (130 kcal), small braeburn apple (47 kcal), cup of tea with semi skimmed milk and 1 sugar (35 kcal)

    total 212