Feeling worse on the 1200 calories


I've been on 1200 calories for about a week now. The first few days were absolutely fine and i wasn't hungry at all but the last day or so i'm just constantly hungry and my stomach is making the loudest (and most embarrassing) noises. For some reason i assumed it would be the other way around - harder at the start of the week and gradually better by the end as I adjusted so I'm totally confused now! How long will it take to go back to feeling satisfied and did anyone else have the same thing? I've eaten the same meals everyday for the last week so that I know i'm eating the right amount (it's easier to stick with what I know works than build in variety) so i really don't get it.


  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories?

    How is your fat intake?

    How is your fibre intake?

    How is your protein intake?

    What are your meals that you're eating? Unless they are very carefully nutritionally balanced, eating the same meals every day is not a good idea as you will likely be lacking in some micronutrients. Most people would also quickly get bored eating the same food every day.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    So eat more...

    1200 is the minimum amount MFP will give you.

    If you have your weekly weight loss at 2lbs a week...change it to 1lb...
  • jms1002013
    jms1002013 Posts: 6
    I always seem to have fat and protein in the green at the end of the day - i don't know about fibre though. I don't generally eat back my exercise calories as i rarely earn many, if i go on a long hike though i will make sure i eat a good portion of them back else my energy levels fall half way around.

    I am eating the following:

    Breakfast - bagel with low fat spread
    Lunch - Low fat cheese sandwich on wholemeal bread, three rice cakes and a medium sized apple
    Dinner - Birdseye chicken char-grill & stir fried vegetables
    Snack - Pop corn/additional rice cakes

    I've been trying to make a 'life style' change for the last 18 months but never seem to be able to stick to it. my settings are sedentary as i work in an office all day and i updated my profile at the start of the week with my current weight and height as i've lost 2cm between last time i was measured at the docs and this time, and 1200 is what it came out with. I'm trying to lose 0.75kg a week - i think that's about a pound and a half.

    I'd love to vary it up a bit more but my decision making when it comes to food is bad. I was previously on 1400 calories and I was not losing anything. I suppose if it doesn't get any better i could try and aim for 1300 and see how I get on.
  • DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh
    DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh Posts: 363 Member
    Read these:


    TL:DR the link right above then ->http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/975025-in-place-of-a-road-map-short-n-sweet

    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is idea
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal _____________________<This is you!
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal

    Set your weight loss goal in MFP to lose 1 lbs/week and eat back a percentage of your exercise calories. (they are usually overestimated). Stay hydrated, get adequate sleep, get a food scale, weigh and measure your food, log accurately and be patient!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    How long were you on 1400? It's basically impossible not to lose on 1400. Either you didn't give it long enough, or you're underestimating your calorie intake. Plus you're supposed to eat back exercise calories... 1200 is way too little food.

    Either way, it's a poor use of 1200 calories. Ditch the rice cakes, they don't fill you up at all. Have a sandwich at lunch OR a bagel in the morning, not both. Replace one of those with protein and veggies.
  • dmenchac
    dmenchac Posts: 447 Member
    How did you not lose on 1400? Unless of course you are like 4'5 or a large cat.
  • jms1002013
    jms1002013 Posts: 6
    I just don't know :( I guess i'm eating the wrong things - i have a thing about bread... I stuck the 1400 out for about three months losing a kg and putting it back on the following week so averaging out at the same weight. What do you all eat to keep you fuller? I always heard it should be carbs for energy but a lot of people have been telling me to go for protein. The last time i limited my carbs i turned into a total demon personality for a few weeks until i gave in and reached for the toast :(
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I just don't know :( I guess i'm eating the wrong things - i have a thing about bread... I stuck the 1400 out for about three months losing a kg and putting it back on the following week so averaging out at the same weight. What do you all eat to keep you fuller? I always heard it should be carbs for energy but a lot of people have been telling me to go for protein. The last time i limited my carbs i turned into a total demon personality for a few weeks until i gave in and reached for the toast :(

    calories in vs calories out for weight loss …

    do you own a food scale? Weigh, log, and measure everything? Are you consistent with your logging? Do you log everything you eat?
  • naturesfempower
    naturesfempower Posts: 107 Member
    --I am eating the following:

    --Breakfast - bagel with low fat spread
    --Lunch - Low fat cheese sandwich on wholemeal bread, three rice cakes and a medium sized apple
    --Dinner - Birdseye chicken char-grill & stir fried vegetables
    --Snack - Pop corn/additional rice cakes

    I would be hungry too! Is there any way you can do a more substantial breakfast? Eggs, beans, chicken, lean ham or beef? Switch the rice cakes and apple at lunch to fresh berries and a 100 calorie pack of nuts perhaps? Add some cooked greens or a large spinach salad to dinner maybe?

    When I did 1200 calories for several weeks, I started to catch every illness that came around. Stayed weak and sick. Some of us need to eat a bit more food. An extra 100 calories a day of nutrient dense food makes tons of difference in how one feels.
  • heathercoyrobinson
    heathercoyrobinson Posts: 2 Member
    I'm currently at around 1500 calories a day, and lose about a pound a week on average. I have about 5 meals a day which are a combination of protein, fat and carbs. Most of my carbs come from vegetable sources- I find that is a great way to fill up and there are lots of fibre which is great for your system. I generally eat between 7-10 cups of veggies a day- for me this really helps with my weight loss. Here is an example of what I eat:

    meal 1- protein shake with 1 scoop protein, 1/2 banana and 2 cups of spinach
    meal 2- 4 egg whites with a bit of low fat mayo, baby carrots + hummus
    meal 3- large salad with goat's cheese, veggies and chicken
    meal 4- grilled veggies with seafood or more chicken (dinner)
    meal 5- greek yogurt with natural peanut butter + stevia

    This gives me LOTS of food, so psychologically I feel like I'm eating all the time, but my calories are pretty low. Try changing your morning bagel to some scrambled egg whites, spinach and asparagus. Add some goat cheese on top= soo good! Try changing up some of the bread-based carbs with veggies like squash, sweet potato etc.
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    I just don't know :( I guess i'm eating the wrong things - i have a thing about bread... I stuck the 1400 out for about three months losing a kg and putting it back on the following week so averaging out at the same weight. What do you all eat to keep you fuller? I always heard it should be carbs for energy but a lot of people have been telling me to go for protein. The last time i limited my carbs i turned into a total demon personality for a few weeks until i gave in and reached for the toast :(

    If you opened your diary then we could see what you were eating and maybe be helpful. I agree that you should weigh/measure to make sure you really are eating the amount you think you are eating.

    I know for me where my calories come from is just as important as how many claories I eat. Some people do well with just cutting calories and others do not. I need to stick to very limited amounts of processed foods, which includes bread unless I bake it myself. I eat a lot of veggies and some fruits and starches to keep my carbs at a moderate level, but not nearly as high as MFP suggests. I can maintain on the level of carbs suggested by the program, but I won't lose.

    I spent many, many months under the care of a registered dietitian. She was at a loss as to what to do with me because I was so meticulous about my food diary and would follow every suggestion she gave me as far as calories and exercise went. I was frustrated because in a good month I would lose about half a pound. Finally I started to "eat clean" by avoiding as many things as I could that have labels. Instead of buying products I buy ingredients and make my own. That was when I was finally able to lose a significant amount of weight.

    Pay attention to things like stress and sleep. Too much stress and not enough sleep will hurt your weightloss efforts too.
  • krikit_lo
    krikit_lo Posts: 31 Member
    I have been on the 1200 calories for about 10 days now and I'm not feeling hungry and I am also not eating back exercise calories.you can take a look at my diary if you like For my two cents, I don't think you are eating enough protein, fibre or fat for that matter.
    They are also the things that make you feel full longer.

    Breakfast - bagel with low fat spread - no protein, and very little fibre
    Lunch - Low fat cheese sandwich on wholemeal bread, three rice cakes and a medium sized apple- no protein and very little fibre

    Dinner - Birdseye chicken char-grill & stir fried vegetables- not sure what birdseye is, but this seems like a good meal

    Snack - Pop corn/additional rice cakes - carbs carbs and more carbs.

    i would add more protein and fibre and some fat. There are some great articles/ videos on the web about carbs (some are actually good science). If you are interested search Ancel Keys, watch "sugar: the bitter truth" on youtube or even that new documentary Fed Up and you might change your mind about bagels and rice cakes
  • DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh
    DuckDynastyMakesMeLaugh Posts: 363 Member
    My Fitness Pal is beautiful in that they offer this easy set up and tracking for free. Enter your information and weight loss goals accurately and realistically. Eat your cals - all of them. If you exercise (and you should), eat back at least a portion of those exercise calories. Don't panic, you will still be eating at a deficit as the original daily goal MFP gives you already has you at a deficit, and making that deficit bigger by not eating back exercise calories will come back to haunt you sooner than later. Food is fuel, so eat it! You daily NET cals should be at or very near goal every day. Drink water. Take rest days, at least one every week. Get good rest at night.

    And have patience. You didn't put the weight on overnight (or in two months) and it's not going all go away overnight - but it will happen and you will see results that stick with you if you take the time to learn to do it right. Develop the healthy habits now, things you can do for the rest of your life so you're not back in the same boat a year from now wishing you had a new quick fix or that you had started the right way a long time ago.
  • kmash32
    kmash32 Posts: 275 Member
    I agree not enough calories. I was on 1200 calories last year when I did this but I have PCOS and that is what the doc put me on. If you are going to eat that low you need to eat less bread type carbs (not none, just less) and more protein and fruits and veggies as this is what will fill you up and there are carbs in them too. Also exercise, a half hour walk during my lunch break gives me an addition 100 calories I can eat.

    I now have my calories set to 1350 and am consistently losing weight even with PCOS, heart condition (that limits what exercise I can do) and no thyroid. So if I don't need to only eat 1200 neither should you unless you have a Medical condition.

    Make sure you are weighing everything including fruits and veggies you would be surprised how you can add an extra 100 calories here or there if you don't.
  • jms1002013
    jms1002013 Posts: 6
    Thanks to everyone who has replied! I do use food scales religiously though i think they may be on the blink as what measures on them at one weight doesn't always match my cup measurements. Possibly a silly question but how do i open my diary? I think i will try bumping up the calories a little and see how I get on. I don't have a lot of time in the morning to make a good breakfast which is why i rely on a bagel but scrambled egg seems like it could be a good option!
  • Nutmeg76
    Nutmeg76 Posts: 258 Member
    Thanks to everyone who has replied! I do use food scales religiously though i think they may be on the blink as what measures on them at one weight doesn't always match my cup measurements. Possibly a silly question but how do i open my diary? I think i will try bumping up the calories a little and see how I get on. I don't have a lot of time in the morning to make a good breakfast which is why i rely on a bagel but scrambled egg seems like it could be a good option!

    Cup measurements are not as accurate as the scale so it isn't surprising that they don't match.

    To change the diary settings, click settings at the top of the page (on a computer) then click diary settings and scroll down to diary sharing.