Really need support...PCOS & wt gain

Hi, I'm 26, from Canada with a 2 year old son. My husband works long hours so most days I feel like a single mom because I have to do everything and once my son goes to bed at 8pm, I clean up, shower, relax for 30min & am so exhausted I'm in bed by 9:30pm.
When I was on mat leave I did great, I lost the 37lbs i gained with him + lost 10lbs more. Then I went back to work. I've since gained 20lbs.
I have PCOS & the symptoms have become quite nasty. It was a challenge to lose weight but now it seems near impossible. I am a stress eater & even when I get rid of all that food I get cravings so bad I literally can't focus or concentrate, the craving will not go away & it's all I think about for hours, and eventually I give in. I've tried Metformin, did nothing, antidepressants (helped the stress but not the eating), counselling (couldn't afford it after benefits ran out). I've tried reducing carbs which made it even worse. I'm too ashamed to tell others really about my stress eating because it's embarassing, I could sit and eat 5 choc bars in a sitting no problem. I go to the gym twice/wk on the evenings when my husband is home early enough for me to go. I walk usually 2-3 days/wk as well. So exercise is going well, its the food part.
Current weight: 180
Goal weight: 150

Really in need of some advice or really feels like being trapped because I don't know the way to get started again back to weight loss and feeling better about myself. Going to have buy some new summer clothes if something doesn't change. I can make it like 1 day of doing well, and then the cravings are so horrible I completely blow it the next day.


  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    I also have pcos and gained 30lbs throughout 2013 due to stress. You are welcome to add me. The main challenge I face is stress/emotional/pms eating days 14-28 in my cycle. Due to the pcos my testosterone is off the charts and I stay angry and moody during tjose times too. I only feel like myself half the month.
    I started out with strictly walking once a day or a few times a week. I also did not punish myself for the stress eating and I logged it. Easter week was horrible for me, the pcos symptoms were unmanageable.
    Evening primrose oil has helped me some.
    I have been tracking for 45 days and have lost 6 pounds even with the binges so there is hope. Good luck!
  • babydaisy81
    babydaisy81 Posts: 218 Member
    Welcome! I'm 33, from Ontario, and have a 6 year old son. I am a single mom 24/7, and I hear you about coming home from work, dinner, bed, laundry, the whole bit. Once I get the kid in bed, I am DONE! I try to get up early every morning and work out, but I am exhausted. I try not to make excuses and workout at night, but I am exhausted!

    I was diagnosed with PCOS many many years ago and didn't do anything about it, revisited it a few years ago and just now have changed my eating habits which have worked. Slowly, weight is coming off. Slowly!

    There are a few other groups on here that you may want to join, there is alot of information and alot of really smart women that suffer with PCOS as well! Good luck!
  • sweetpea03b
    sweetpea03b Posts: 1,124 Member
    My girlfriend has PCOS...and I thought for the longest time that I did too because I fight tooth and nail to lose weight when it comes so easily to some people... but Doc said all my hormone levels are fine. I'm just unlucky in weight loss I guess. However, I still go by some of the PCOS guidelines and they really have helped me to lose weight.

    1) giving up dairy. This has made such a difference. My skin is clearer, I feel better, and it has really helped me keep my sugar intake in check.
    2) cutting carbs BIG TIME. I'm not going to say never eat carbs again... but I cut out bread, pasta, rice, potatoes about 75% and it has made a huge difference. I might have these things twice a week. I do on occasion have some goldfish crackers or a snack bag of chips when the mood strikes... but portion control is key.

    As for the snacking... I am right there with you... especially around TTOTM. I think you just have to make that conscious decision to allow yourself ONE reasonably sized snack. I get the mini candy bars and I allow myself to have one if I want chocolate. That's all. Last night I really wanted ice cream but I ate an apple instead. Switch your snacks for healthier choices. It's tough... even for some of us that don't "technically" have PCOS... but you just have to change your mindset... and make sure you get some kind of exercise everyday. Sometimes I just go for a mile walk. It only takes me about 15min but that's better than nothing, you know?

    Good luck!
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    I have PCOS as well ( and hypothyroid ) I know what you mean. I struggled with the same issues. Metformin alone didnt work for me either but i stayed on it as well as the aldactone (spironolactone) for the testosterone. Those didnt make me lose weight but a BIG thing that did was my endo sent me to see the nutritionist at the hospital and between the 2 they started me on a diabetic diet ( you can find most of the detailed info on them online ) with a 1200 calorie intake and 135 carb. ( I started eating back my exercise cals when i was losing too fast ) Cutting out enriched flour products for whole grain, brown or wild rice instead of white and limit to white potato. This helped so much. I had no more carb type crashes anymore like from eating white bread i felt like i needed a nap soon after ect. I had lost close to 70 lbs so far following that type of diet ( I am slowly eating regular" food now that im closer to my goal but in moderation.

    I took up Belly Dancing for cardio because it looked fun ( and it really is, not to mention the toning it does for abs, obliques, bum and thighs ) i also do elliptical a cpl times a week) both the endo and the nutritionist told me that i would NEED to do a minimal 45m a day to lose weight. The suck of a compromised metabolism :/ (Craziedaizie i get the mood swings too, Thankfully i discovered yoga, it really helps, if not just physically balancing the body it is just such a nice stretch of the body leaves ya feeling pleasantly tired and relaxed although it is hard to concentrate on when pissed off lol)

    A little tip the nutritionist gave me for severe cravings that really worked WONDERFULLY! Sugar free menthol lozenges! Its such a strong flavor it knocks out the craving flavor :D

    I cant say what will work for me will work for you. It didnt work for me the first time i tried to lose weight because my willpower was zilch. It wasnt easy changing my diet as im a very food oriented person. It did get easier after some time and a bit of the old greasy fatty rich foods i used to live off I really cant stomach no more and the rich sweets i used to eat are too much.
    The 0 cal butter sprays and sugar free preserves ect had been a god sent in helping me keeping my calories down, hummus for dip, lentil chips for snacking and the big thing was large portions of veg and keeping my meat portions down ( she told me for regular cuts of meat about the size of a deck of cards, and for like plank type foods like chicken strips/ breast or fish a check book) 2 fists for leafy veg, 1 fist for regular veg , Your thumb size for cheese. It helps a lot for when you dont have access to measure your meals
    the BIGGEST thing that helped with my binge eating though. Limiting trigger foods in the house. Full stop. My husband and son werent happy about that for awhile until i got them to understand I wasnt stopping them from having them. Just dont leave them about the house ect. Because if there was something i really liked i would binge then feel horrible about it. Some foods just defy my willpower to no end >( I cant have like multi serving choco ect in the house. Trigger :/ But the 100 calorie brookside chocolate packs are perfect. Since its pre packaged servings and in a box. Put in the pantry its not a constant taunt. Grab 1 day to snack after dinner ect became something to look forward to. Sorry if rambly its morning and still waking :D
  • jamahrae405
    hello I'm am 28yr old and have pcos I'm at stuck at 230lbs and would like to lose 80 lbs but am struggling to loose weight. I'm a single parent who works 6a-230p when I get home i'm tired I cook, clean, laundry, and then my son gets home and we eat, do homework, and then get ready for bed. I'm depressed often and find it hard to get up and exercise once I'm down. I'm trying to take it once step at a time so i've started my metformin and I'm trying to start eating better, and if I can squeeze in a little exercise. Once I get the eating down I'll focus on making exercise a priority.

    I could really use motivation and meal suggestions. So if any of my fellow PCOS sister's would add me for motivation and suggestions I would greatly appreciate it.