Quick Question .. fast results or am I just hopefuly?!

Quick question: Could just three days of eating differently have changed the way my stomach/belly area feel and look?

I know I can't be thinner after three days but I feel less bloated or something..? Was all that crap before bloating me as well as making me heavier than I wanted to be?? TIA


  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    It is possible that if you changed up eating, and maybe started drinking more water, eating more veggies...
    Then what happened could be you are not bloated now...
    holding water.

    I know for me, if I consume >80 gr of fat (especially over 100), and stay below caloric intake, I will bloat.
    I am not as defined...
    And it takes me a couple days to get back to where I was.
    So for me consuming a lot of nuts (almonds, walnuts...which I love)....cause me to bloat.

    If I eat a lot of candy, like Reeces's Peanut butter cups......I will bloat. Even if I stay below my caloric goals.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    You could have been bloated from water retention. Eating lower sodium may have helped you feel better. Three days is too early to see noticeable fat loss, but yay! All losses are good losses when you do it right =)
  • CarieLivs
    CarieLivs Posts: 15 Member
    I saw results immediately. I think it's very possible. It was actually about 3 days in that I noticed the change in me too. I think purging my system of all the toxins (sugar, enriched flour, etc..) made the difference.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • disney_mama_13
    It is possible that if you changed up eating, and maybe started drinking more water, eating more veggies...
    Then what happened could be you are not bloated now...
    holding water.

    I know for me, if I consume >80 gr of fat (especially over 100), and stay below caloric intake, I will bloat.
    I am not as defined...
    And it takes me a couple days to get back to where I was.
    So for me consuming a lot of nuts (almonds, walnuts...which I love)....cause me to bloat.

    If I eat a lot of candy, like Reeces's Peanut butter cups......I will bloat. Even if I stay below my caloric goals.

    I've definitely upped the veggies and reduced the sugar/crap (pretty much living on water, lean protein, fruits, and veggies with some healthy fats at least one meal a day). Thanks!! :)
  • disney_mama_13
    You could have been bloated from water retention. Eating lower sodium may have helped you feel better. Three days is too early to see noticeable fat loss, but yay! All losses are good losses when you do it right =)

    That's what I figured! I'll take it ... either way, it's a great start for me! :)
  • disney_mama_13
    I saw results immediately. I think it's very possible. It was actually about 3 days in that I noticed the change in me too. I think purging my system of all the toxins (sugar, enriched flour, etc..) made the difference.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I think it must be that, the reduction of just ... crap in my diet. I dropped soda, crap sugar, heavy breads, etc. :)
  • jec285
    jec285 Posts: 145 Member
    I dropped like 7 pounds my first 3 days, it was all water weight. But, it's nice to see that scale move and feel smaller, really is a great boost for your motivation, keep it up.
  • slk_5555
    slk_5555 Posts: 177 Member
    I find that what I eat makes a huge difference. Generally I don't eat white bread, but if I do, I have a Buddha belly straight away (this does not seem happen if I eat a good quality multi seed bread) Also, drinking lots of water can really stop me feeling bloated.
  • meeulk
    meeulk Posts: 246 Member
    Not for fat loss... but definitely for puffiness.
  • AlieThatGirl
    AlieThatGirl Posts: 5 Member
    Congrats on seeing improvements so quickly! It's always great for motivation. Keep going!