Accurate Ideal Weight Calculator?

So I'm starting to use MFP again... To lose the last few kilos. Does anyone know of an accurate ideal weight calculator? I know I should ask a professional, but I live in a really small country town and the only dietician here....well....I seem to know more about weight loss than she does...litterally. I'm female, 21, 5'1, small framed. And I currently weigh 128lb. (sorry for posting so many forums, I know that this has most probably been answered before)


  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    While I'm not a huge fan of BMI, the charts can be helpful to find out what's a reasonable weight range by height.

    I like the one at the link below - shows you're just slightly in the overweight category and seem to have a reasonable goal that sets right in the center of normal/healthy weight for your height.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    This is what we learned in nursing school:

    For women, you count 100 lbs for the first 5 feet and add 5 lbs for every additional inch. For men, you count 105 lbs for the first 5 feet and add 6 lbs for every additional inch. So, for you, your ideal weight according to this calculation would be 105 lbs.

    Of course, not every person your height "should" be 105 lbs. This calculation is too simple and does not offer a range or take stature/frame into consideration. However, it's a decent place to start I guess, if BMI doesn't do it for you.

    At my height, my ideal weight according to this is 125 lbs. According to BMI, I'm in the "healthy" range as long as I'm between 112 and 149 lbs. That's an average of just over 130 lbs (my goal). I haven't been 125 lbs since I was 17 and had absolutely no curves or shape at all. I could get down to 125 and plenty of women my height do, but it would be really hard for me to maintain that weight. I say the best thing to do is look at these numbers, take them into consideration, but just listen to your body.
  • I'm 22 and 5'2" and I currently weigh 137. I can't trust the typical "ideal" weights either because I'm a more muscular build and I have big boobs. At my smallest I weighed 105 pounds and it didn't feel healthy or maintainable. I don't go by calculators but by how the weight feels on me. I'm aiming to get down to between 115 and 120 because that's where I feel healthy at my build. BMI cheats us short girls and tells us we have to be puny, but that winds up with a lot of us feeling deprived and unhealthy. Just set a goal that seems reasonable and when you get there, see how you feel.
  • perseverance14
    perseverance14 Posts: 1,364 Member
    I am 5' 2" and I weighed 120 in high school, and was really skinny. I think it you are more muscular (I am) you are going to weigh more. I tend to think in that case that body fat percentage will tell you what is good for you.
  • Shadowmf
    Shadowmf Posts: 40
    I am 5' 2" and I weighed 120 in high school, and was really skinny. I think it you are more muscular (I am) you are going to weigh more. I tend to think in that case that body fat percentage will tell you what is good for you.

    I am not muscular at all. I like to call myself skinny fat. I'm also apple shaped and store everything in my tummy. I look small in clothes....but I still have a jiggly tummy. I can't do weight lifting due to permanent injuries. :)