Anyone else get horrible anxiety when going to the gym?

I absolutely cannot go to the gym. I am not sure if anyone has the same issue. It is not a laziness reason but the fact I get such horrible anxiety I end up in tears (almost) and end up running out of there. I have quite a bit of weight to lose and have to say I am so thankful the Beachbody programs exist or else I would be doomed. It isn't the actual place it is being surrounded by tons of people who are all like fit (my gym seems to cater to the bold and beautiful) and here I am on my elliptical hoping to make it through 45 minutes alive. I understand everyone had to start somewhere, but man I cannot handle it. And forget going to the weight area. I would probably drop dead on the spot.

Am I the only one who has issues like this or am I just completely insane?


  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    Do you have social anxiety? I do, and I used to feel too anxious to use the weight room at my gym. But I've found that the best way to get over the anxiety is face things head on. Go in with a plan and stick to it. No one is paying any attention to you, they're all focused on their own bodies/issues.
  • annie61702
    annie61702 Posts: 120 Member
    I understand not feeling good about yourself. I remember seeing myself in the mirror at the gym and feeling disgusted with myself for letting myself gain so much weight. But now, 2 years later and 60 pounds down, I like what I see in the mirror. So don't let your feelings keep you from going to the gym, if that's what you want to do. It's true that other people really aren't paying any attention to you, so just do it!
  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    I absolutely cannot go to the gym. I am not sure if anyone has the same issue. It is not a laziness reason but the fact I get such horrible anxiety I end up in tears (almost) and end up running out of there. I have quite a bit of weight to lose and have to say I am so thankful the Beachbody programs exist or else I would be doomed. It isn't the actual place it is being surrounded by tons of people who are all like fit (my gym seems to cater to the bold and beautiful) and here I am on my elliptical hoping to make it through 45 minutes alive. I understand everyone had to start somewhere, but man I cannot handle it. And forget going to the weight area. I would probably drop dead on the spot.

    Am I the only one who has issues like this or am I just completely insane?

    I can understand some of what you describe. I went to gym near my office which was full of beautiful bodies, and regardless of what shape I'm in (and I was in pretty good shape then), I don't find that a particularly relaxing environment. I stuck it out for the convenience (with conscientious use of my headphones and kindle), but now I'm going to join the Y where my daughter swims. It's full of "normal" people with a real mixture of every type of person from grannies to people training for iron-man events to people recovering from surgery to others who are far more out of shape than I am (the Y even has a weight loss/get heart healthy group). I just feel more comfortable in that environment.

    Maybe look for some place a bit more low-key?
  • RickBoquist
    RickBoquist Posts: 2 Member
    When I started lifting I'd leave my glasses off so that I couldn't see anyone - it was a college gym and I was petrified of seeing people I knew from my classes.

    If you're there, you're doing better than most people. Everybody starts someplace, and everyone who's there was the anxious out of shape guy at some point (this goes for the weights too). As an aside, the biggest dudes in the weights area are likely to be some of the nicest, most helpful, and least judgmental people there in my experience.

    Hold your head high, take pride in having taken the initiative, and go get your work done.
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    Thankfully no, but again the gym I go to has a full mix of every shaped person there, from body builders to morbidly obese and the staff is great and the people that are there exercising honestly don't give a crap about me, they are there to workout, maybe you can find a gym like that where it is just a big mix of people, remember if they are at the gym they are there for the same reasons as you, to be healthy and fit. Good luck with you journey!
  • Christizzzle
    Christizzzle Posts: 454 Member
    I can totally relate. Maybe try a smaller gym. Do you have Planet Fitness where you live? I have found that there a lot of people that are working to lose weight that go there. I do deal with the same issues but I try to just repeat to myself, "I'm doing better than those sitting on their couches..."
  • soddinl
    soddinl Posts: 1
    Yes, absolutely. I've been gymming for close to a year now and still feel self concious (however you spell it! lol!), but like people have said, no-ones paying attention to anyone but themselves and their buddies.

    I had a terrible time after hurting my wrist, trying to get myself back into the weights section, so I scheduled a personal training session. Having a plan mapped out and feeling like I knew what I needed to be doing, and making sure my technique was right definitely helped. I just had one session and I'm feeling better about the weights section now. It might be an idea?

    Also, headphones, music up high, watch the tv and concentrate on your own workout.

    Knowing I'm making improvements on my own performance helps, even though I still suck compared to a lot of the 'gym bunnies'. Everyone has to start somewhere, people understand that. As long as you're working your butt off, no-one will be judging you :)
  • jmac1686
    jmac1686 Posts: 25
    Thanks for all your responses :) I am working on it. I prefer working out at home but sometimes you can't beat cardio in the gym due to the equipment.
  • PinkkCamel
    PinkkCamel Posts: 47 Member
    There are plenty of types of cardio you can do outside the gym. You can go running in the fresh air instead of on a treadmill or go for a nice bike ride along the beach instead of being cooped up inside on the stationary bike. You can also do lots of HIIT routines which don't need the gym. Obviously it's not good to run away from your fears and such, but on those days where you just can't handle it there are plenty of other options.

    As everyone has said, I'm pretty sure most people feel really self conscious in the gym. I have social anxiety too but my determination to get to the gym every day and keeping my goals in mind get me through each session. I actually don't find it that much difficult anymore, but I was so scared the first time I went. I dragged someone else I knew in with me but when I got there I was fine. Sometimes it's just the initial push you need to do to get yourself in there. You work yourself up too much thinking about it before hand and then your anxiety builds and overcomes you. Just try to gather the strength and confidence you can muster up to get yourself in there for at least 5 mins and I'm sure you'll find every subsequent minute that passes will get easier.

    Good luck (: