anyone else with sleep apnea?

Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with severe obstructive sleep apnea in January of this year. The diagnosis has literally saved my life. I'm using a full face mask and treatment has been really successful for me. The diagnoses has also answered so many questions and concenrns I've had about my health the past 4 years. I was gaining weight like crazy, especially around my belly despite exercising and eating relatively well. I fell asleep at the wheel on a few occassions and would literally fall asleep at my desk at work or in meetings. The doctor I saw in my previous city just told me to "lose weight and stop eating fast food" when I told him I was feeling unwell without even asking me my symptoms. I understand it is easy to make assumptions when you're patient is obese, but he didn't take the time to ask me what my sumptoms were or run any tests (he wasa also nearing retirement). It wasn't until I quit my job and moved to another province that I found a great healthcare team. I was having the same problems and it was actually the dietitian I was seeing who made the connection. Long story short, I feel like a completely different person!! I have energy and my appetite has decreased significantly. I exercise and no more sleeping at my desk or my car.

Would love to hear from others about your experience and how it may be affecting your weight loss efforts (for the better or worse). Feel free to add me as a friend!

We're in it to win it! :happy:


  • yafashelli
    yafashelli Posts: 112 Member
    I have Obstructive Sleep Apnea, as does everyone in my family. I tend to lose weight very well, when I put my mind to it. Weight gain and snoring were not my problems; I had issues with uncontrollable daytime sleepiness. Like you, I found myself asleep at the wheel, or when I sat down for more than five minutes at a time. My husband says that I was extremely moody, when I was at my worst.

    I've been receiving CPAP therapy for a year and a half now, and it has helped tremendously. The key is to keep wearing that mask, even when it feels like your sleeping is worse than ever.

    Do you find that your full face mask leaks a lot? I switched from the nasal prongs, to the full face (my chin kept falling open), and now I have the True Blue Nasal Mask. My next hit will be the Mirage II nasal mask--my dad loves that one. ;)

    You CAN lose weight, and you CAN sleep well. Just don't give up! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • caperchick78
    caperchick78 Posts: 426 Member
    I have the mirage quatro...not sure it if is a II though. I went with the full mask from the get go because I know I sleep with my mouth open. It is amazing how it changed my health. From the first night I used it in the sleep lab until now. I don`t wakee up during the night anymore at all, where I had previously been waking up 5-6 times a night. I went from 135 apnea episodes per night to 1.33. I think you`ll like the full mask too. I noticed lately it may be leaking, but I think I`m wearing it too tight. I was told if it is too tight, it will break the seal on the inside. I`m just got the sd card back, so I`m going to put it back in and return it to the sleep lab again in 3 weeks when I travel to the city for the long weekend. They`ll be able to tell if there are problems. I`m glad to hear your treatment has been successful! :)
  • Lamealibi
    Lamealibi Posts: 2
    I ended up with a Cpap after being diagnosed with Sleep Apnea and I share your regard for it. I feel it saved my life as well. I was to the point that I would fall asleep anytime I sat still. There was one time when I feel asleep during a heated argument between my wife and I. Fighting sleepiness while driving was an everyday occurrence. My first night with the cpap I felt like a new person. So much more energy, colors looked brighter, life seemed so much smoother.

    There's only 2 real downfalls. First, I seriously cannot sleep without it. I forgot it on an overnight "adult" outing and finally in the middle of the night I decided to just drive home and get it. Second, it's super unsexy. Nothing like waking up next to your wife and pulling off the mask, air whistling through it and having a little ring around your nose from wearing it. Then whispering, "Hey baby, want to fool around?"

    I just want to add.. I know someone who opted to have the surgery performed to remove the obstruction. She had a miserable 3 weeks recovery but it worked and she's apnea free. The surgeon removed her uvula, adnoids, and widened her nasal passages. They also did some throat scraping.
  • caperchick78
    caperchick78 Posts: 426 Member
    Lol I agree on it not being sexy! I'm not in a relationship right now, but was with my ex for over 3 years. I ended it in late July 2013 and moved to another province. He would not be happy with me wearing the mask. He was hard on me about my weight. I had put on 115 pounds throughout our relationship and told me he thought it was gross and unattractive. It drove me crazy because we would go out for dinner and he'd sometimes want to go to Harvey's (which I don't like, but would go with him) but if I wanted Burger King he would preach about my weight. Was never supportive in my trying to lose. Would want me to make unattainable goals and try unrealastic things to lose weight. He wanted me to run up 200 stairs while hiking one afternoon. Ugh sorry, I am just angry when I think of him lol. But I hope I can lose enough weight to not need the cpap therapy. Unfortunately I have crowding in my throat. The Dr. said it was very small so I think the weight is just adding to it. I've heard different things about the surgery - works for some but often not. I don't think I'd want to go through the recovery. I don't have a high tolerance for pain lol.

    On another note, I totally can't function/sleep without it either. I notice a huge difference when I know my mask was leaking. I feel like I did before treatment - not as bad but very sleepy and yawning throughout the day.
  • kmakeig
    kmakeig Posts: 2
    I have been wearing a full face mask for about ten years. Recently switched to the new Wisp mask and really like it. It is much smaller and lighter than previous versions. I haven't noticed any correlation between wearing a mask and weight loss. Although I am more rested, I still am overweight.
  • caperchick78
    caperchick78 Posts: 426 Member
    The correlation is with treatment and having more energy during the day to exercise. Your body is also not going into distress while you stop breathing, which produces hormones like cortisol, amongst other hormones, which can lead to weight gain. I've just had loads more energy, which now allows me to get up early without being tired and being awake when I return from work to exercise and motivated to make a meal. I went from 135 apnea episodes per hour to 1.3 with my treatment.

    The main thing is the energy as a result of getting proper sleep though.
  • Tera_1984
    Tera_1984 Posts: 18 Member
    I have sleep apnea too. I also wear a full face mask and since using it Im not as sleepy anymore, Its not affecting my weight though.
  • Pusarah
    Pusarah Posts: 124 Member
    I started with my Cpap at the beginning of April. Love it! Tho I have had problems sleeping since my 2nd sleep study, no idea why but when I look at the info on the card every morning the change after that 2nd sleep study is wonky lol

    I sleep a lot better than before for sure, have more energy, feel more alive and get a lot more done through the day. I started with the nasal pillow and really like it, tho I did have a bit of a rash from the rubbing I got some secaris cream and it was like being in heaven.

    So glad I got the machine, the sleep tests and I think in the long run it will be a benefit hand in hand with weight loss and dealing with kids, life. Its been just a short time and I already feel all these benefits I can't imagine the long run, tho hopefully one day might not need it, but we'll see.

    Lulls me to sleep, doesn't go on until after sexy time so no problems Hubby takes sleeping pills for anxiety so mask on, pill popped, we're all good lol
  • larsen626
    larsen626 Posts: 99 Member
    I had been Diagnosed with Apnea 14 yrs ago I had like you been pretty much asleep anytime I was not standing. I sleep 18 hr a day and could easily have sleep all day. I got my cpap and it was an improvement I still could sleep 12 hr easily.. I lost 140 lbs and still felt tired I had weighed 400 I told my sleep dr I still am tired I was given a back to back sleep study and diagnosed with excessive sleep disorder on top of the apnea I now take Provigil and I sleep 8-10 hrs and can get through the day and function no longer afraid to drive I as of today have lost 175 lbs and would like to lose another 75 lbs and mfp keeps me focused and aware
  • cdfishe1
    cdfishe1 Posts: 4 Member
    I have been on cpap for about five years now, and I cannot imagine sleeping without it. I can't say it did much for my losing weight, that has been a recent, conscious decision, but it has improved my blood pressure.