I hate it when

I tell some one what i am having for lunch or dinner and they tell me OMG that has so many calories how u gonna loose weight....I say no it doesn't i have a calorie intake out take program i am following so i know what is good and what is bad....

For example today, i am having a bagel cream cheese for lunch with a small soup! Very light on the cream cheese and the bagel is really small....I get told u know that bagel are higher in calories than hamburgers i say no they r not!!!! If they r small and u r light on the cream cheese it's fine! Plus i still have some exercising to do today later on....

Why do other people think they know so much about food and what i should be eating when they only go to the gym? This person that told me all she does if train at the gym, i also work with her and she ain't no health nut trust me!!!



  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Let me guess.... she is one of the barbie dolls that are on the cell phone at the gym just sitting on the equipment. Tough workout.
    Just keep in mind that opinions are like azzholes, everyones got one, and most of them stink!
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    i am not sure if she is like that at the gym...She is very fit but i don't want anyone telling me what to eat and how bad it is ect....Just cause they work out they know what is good for me ect????

    LOL on your quote cute
  • moujie
    moujie Posts: 229
    I know what you mean! I also hate it when people harp on the one thing that they ate that they think is so so horrible. like they freak out because they ate a hot dog last night. it's one flippin hot dog and it may not be the best choice but frankly it's not going to kill you and technically you could lose weight eating nothing but hot dogs if your calories in < calories out! of course your hair would fall out and it probably would kill you eventually...lol
  • iplayoutside19
    iplayoutside19 Posts: 2,304 Member
    I get a lot of unsolicited advise in my office too. One of them from someone who is clearly not following her own advise.

    I love this statement. "I have to eat this banana to cancel out the cake I had this morning". Umm doesn't work like that. While 1 is smaller than 4, 1+4 still equals 5, which is greater than 4.
  • lesjimenez
    I totally understand, but on the other hand in my office i have the opposite problem. Everyone at my office is like, "Oh, come on just have this or have that, why do you diet, you look fine." I just wish that they would all be on board. Its hard to see what they eat and over here, I'm having something health, even if it is good, but none the less, healthy.
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    it is the worst when u r trying to watch your food intake and everyone has something to say about what u r eating....it gets me fired up really does.....Like they know what my daily intake and out take is...GRRRRRRRRRRR
  • MalTru
    MalTru Posts: 37
    I know exactly what you mean! It's like, I'm a big girl, I can control my calorie intake just fine. If I know what my limit is, what I've had to eat so far today, and what I'm eating for dinner, and I know this meal doesn't blow my day, why do you care if I'm eating it? And it would be one thing if they had a supportive tone, but usually it's a tone like, "OMG, you're so stupid for thinking you can eat that." Well, actually, I'm not, thanks for the advice anyway.

    Personally, I think your lunch sounds quite delicious and well-balanced. ;)
  • lynzyn
    lynzyn Posts: 119 Member
    and to be honest i am still full.....Sometimes i just wanna yell at those types of peeps....I can do this...I know i can i feel really good these days actually.....I wasn't too bad during the holidays just Xmas day and NYE didn't over do it at all....