

  • luckieface
    luckieface Posts: 7 Member
    I have been taking it for a week. My coworker takes it and is always talking about how energized she is. I on the otherhand do not feel the energy boost at all. I am still tired all day. So far I have lost zero pounds on it and only half an inch but I was also on vacation and had zero gym time.
  • Peytpark
    Peytpark Posts: 2
    Taralynn84, how long where you taking it? I take and sell plexus. I am taking the slim, bio cleanse and probio5. I am about to start our xfactor vitamin. Love it!!!! I have lost 4 pounds, more energy, sleep better, don't snack as much and can't stand my soda anymore.
  • Peytpark
    Peytpark Posts: 2
    What are you taking?
  • 19TaraLynn84
    19TaraLynn84 Posts: 739 Member
    Taralynn84, how long where you taking it? I take and sell plexus. I am taking the slim, bio cleanse and probio5. I am about to start our xfactor vitamin. Love it!!!! I have lost 4 pounds, more energy, sleep better, don't snack as much and can't stand my soda anymore.

    I took the slim and the accelerator for a month. Tried it twice, so two months total. There's no question for me about whether it works or not. It curbed my appetite, so I didn't eat as much. It just isn't worth the money or the side effects to me and I would not recommend it to anyone else since the same results can be achieved with self-discipline and time.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I see it is MLM. Legit.
  • maziemay
    maziemay Posts: 3
    I'm on day 4 of taking Plexus Slim and Accelerator (I take 2 after breakfast). I've lost 1.4lbs. so far. I wanted to see if it actually worked so I've decided to eat what I want for the first 5 days to see if I lose any weight and I have. I haven't exercised at all. I'm basically being a couch potato and for the past 3 days have probably eaten well over 2500 calories per day. How is it possible to eat a ton, be lazy and still lose weight??? I'm well aware that there isn't a magic pill that you can take and poof your thin and healthy. I'm also well aware that diet (the right kinds of food) and exercise play a HUGE role in losing weight. With that said, I've struggled over the last two years with my weight (I'm 5' 4" and 160 lbs). I had gotten down to 132lbs in late 2012, but have since gained it all back and then some and yes it's from eating unhealthy and not exercising. I saw my friend get amazing results with Plexus so I thought I would give it a try. I have never taken any "diet" pills in my life. My feeling was that, what could it hurt to try Plexus and if I did get results was that such a bad thing?? There isn't anything in it that's going to kill me or make me sick. So, I'm giving it 30 days. I will start eating clean and exercising on day 7, so how sure am I that the progress I make in the next 23 days is solely due to Plexus? Not 100% but that doesn't mean I don't think it's going to help me a little (it already has). My thought was i needed a "boost" and Plexus was it. I know that it may not work for everyone because we are all different. I was also worried about being shaky and it interrupting my sleep but I haven't experienced any side effects (but it's only been 4 days). I haven't noticed a curb in appetite or not craving sweets BUT I think that is because I have been taking chromium for over a year now and that's the main ingredient in Plexus Slim and it's in the Accelerator too.

    Please keep any and all negative comments to yourselves. I'm a well-educated person and KNOW how to lose weight by doing the work. I just wanted to share my experience (so far) with Plexus. I'm in no way trying to promote it and I do not sell it. I understand we are all different and not everyone will benefit from it. It's a personal choice and if it works for you, great. If not, then you'll move on to the next big thing or just continue (or start) to eat cleaner and exercise. But I don't think that anyone should be berated for trying it, asking questions about it or telling their stories.
  • donyellemoniquex3
    donyellemoniquex3 Posts: 2,384 Member
    Please keep any and all negative comments to yourselves. I'm a well-educated person and KNOW how to lose weight by doing the work. I just wanted to share my experience (so far) with Plexus. I'm in no way trying to promote it and I do not sell it. I understand we are all different and not everyone will benefit from it. It's a personal choice and if it works for you, great. If not, then you'll move on to the next big thing or just continue (or start) to eat cleaner and exercise. But I don't think that anyone should be berated for trying it, asking questions about it or telling their stories.

    Welcome to the PUBLIC forums !
  • luvmy3girlies
    luvmy3girlies Posts: 2 Member
    I tried it for 2 months - Slim and Accelerator - I was so tired while taking it I couldn't stand it. I stuck with it because I thought I just needed more time on it. I gained and lost the same 3lbs for those 2 months, I exercise 4 days a week too. My blood pressure went through the roof as well, certainly didn't need that. I quit taking it and just started counting calories, jogging, getting my water in - I've lost 12lbs since then in the same amount of time. Just my experience.....
  • veg4lyfe14
    veg4lyfe14 Posts: 1 Member
    I took plexus for about 3 months. Within the first month I lost about 8 lbs. I was losing nearly 2 lbs and an inch a week. The second month it started slowing down and by the third month I wasn't having any progress and it started having side effects on me. My blood sugar was dropping way too low. A fasting blood sugar (not having eaten in 8-12 hrs) should be about 90, when I took my blood sugar on my dad's diabetic device, it showed a 40 and that was only 2 hours after having eaten. I could literally feel my blood sugar drop bc I would start feeling really dizzy like the room is spinning, I have since stopped taking it and no longer have such severe hypoglycemia but I still need to eat every few hours. So here's my bottom line, it dropped all my excess weight quickly but once I got into the healthy weight range I started having blood sugar problems. So if you are overweight and/or diabetic, take it. But if you are in the healthy weight range already and just looking to lose a little more weight, don't do it.
  • I can't believe how many negative people are on here! WOW! I've been on Plexus for a month and love it! I'm NOT just trying to "sell" anyone on it either! There's a reason it sells! Not everyone that takes it, is an idiot! It's not for everyone just as anything else! You have to have a brain and talk with your doctor about it and use your OWN judgment for YOURSELF!

    I've had numerous health problems and was desperate to try something different. Since being on the plexus I feel so much better. I have fibro and severe arthritis and it helps! I've had insomnia for years and have been on TONS of different meds! After taking the plexus I'm off my sleep meds and almost off of all my other meds! I don't have to take as many pain meds either. Very seldom!

    ALOT of people join to sell it because they like the product and they want to save money on their own purchases! Not everyone is just in it for the money!

    If you are willing to go to a doctor and take meds made by billion dollar companies that are killing people (and still don't work, do more harm than good), why would you not being willing to try something all natural????? Makes no sense to me! And everything you do you have to maintain or it doesn't last. Get a brain people. GEESH!
  • mp10138
    mp10138 Posts: 1
    I have tried it all including Plexus. Gave me such a headache. Finally found Slim4Life and lost 30 lbs. Got my step mother and hubby to try it and they each lost over 20lbs in 6 weeks. I have kept it off for over a year now. All about eating right and making better choices
  • "Welcome to the PUBLIC forums !"

    Indeed, it's public. That does not grant you the permission to be rude when someone specifically *asks* (not demands) that you please offer a supporting word. Motivation is something that we all need, sometimes. Please don't act like this is some kind of FREEDOM OF SPEECH crusade, because no one is oppressing you.

    Someone's asking for assistance, and you're just kicking them while they're down. Congratulations, history hasn't been changed by your rude behavior, you've only just helped to make the world a darker place where creeps will use "freedom of speech" as an excuse to put others down -- por gusto! :D
  • I too am new to Plexus.... I am open minded and hopeful. But after two full weeks, I am very lethargic. I have fibromyalgia and I realize this is part of the problem. But I am now sleeping about 18 hours - and I'm still tired. Has anyone else felt this?
  • DiabolicalColossus
    DiabolicalColossus Posts: 219 Member
    Man, lots of really slim wallets on this thread.

    My wallet is SO JEALOUS.

    Oh wait, it isn't.

    And I won't keep my "negative" comments to myself.

    I also won't invoke the First Amendment to justify it, either.

    The willful ignorance and desperation of people who participate in MLM do that for me daily.

    If the world has become a "darker place" because I won't validate people's BS, then my goal has been achieved.

    Though I should watch my salt content for the day, given the amount of tears being shed by obvious promoters and people unwilling to work for weight loss.