Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member
I was steadily losing weight. About 2lbs a week. As soon as I started lifting, which everyone said was supposed to aid in FAT LOSS and keep MUSCLE, I stopped losing weight. Not a single freakin pound in the last two months. Everyone said to ditch the scale and use measurements and pictures. I did. NOTHING HAS CHANGED. I have no lost even a half an inch. Im weighing and tracking all my foods. All meats get put on a scale, all sauces go in a measuring cup. All veggies etc get measured. I dont know what else to do.

M - Back & Biceps. 30 Mins Cardio.
T- Chest, Shoulders & Triceps. 30 Mins Cardio.
Th- 30 Mins Cardio.
Fr - Legs. 20 Mins Cardio.
Sat - 60 Mins Cardio.
Sun - OFF

Using my FitBit. Burning about 2300 a day. Eating about 1400 - 1500. Eating 100g protein a day. Im so frustrated. Im about to quit lifting and go back to a 1200 deficit and say F&*$ the muscle. Can someone please help me.


  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    Whoa calm there killer. You'll see results. If your burning 2300 a day and only eating 1500, you should consider upping your intake. You're not fueling your body properly. Are you making sure you're measuring your body exactly the same way each time? What are doing for a lifting program? Are you using something life Stronglifts or did you make up your own?
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    You didn't say how long you'd been lifting, but there is (at least for me) a period of adjustment as your body gets used to new workouts. Also, according to the numbers you gave, you're eating 1500 calories and burning 2300? You're only netting 800 calories at that level of burn. You should be eating more to fuel the muscles that are now working differently than before. Don't be afraid to eat!

    As an aside, I don't lift and I eat upwards of 140g of protein a day to maintain my sugar levels, satiety, and it helps me not retain water, oddly. (That's just what works for me.)

    There are some amazing folks here that know the ins and outs of calculating calories, protein intakes, and workout programs that will hopefully give you better insight than I.

    Don't give up!
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    I feel you! I am in exactly the same position, nothing seems to move but I am working out every day. Anyhow, I believe I might not eating enough. Can't wait for some helpful answers!
    Best of luck and hang in there, at least you are not gaining!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    not for nothing- but you are not burning 2300 a day.

    I would re-evluate your burn/intake.

    It's very common for people to over estimate calorie burn and under estimate food- if anything be conservative with calories burned and over estimate food consumed.

    Do that- keep lifting and in 2 months you don't see changes- reevaluate again. It's a slow process my dear. Have patience!
  • JulieE1002
    JulieE1002 Posts: 162 Member
    Do NOT give up! You CAN do this! The scale has stopped moving for me, but I continue my workouts and I am getting results. I just went down an entire pant size but the scale didn't move. It's OK!! When was the last time you shook up your workouts or your meal plans? I'm sure you know about muscle memory - don't do the same moves in the same order day after day. Same goes for your eating - don't fall into a rut of eating the same foods day in and day out. I discovered this on my own - after the scale not moving, I changed up everything! Changed the type and duration of exericse; made an effort not to eat the same foods two days in a row (this was challenging, but I've discovered foods I didn't know I liked!), and I began lifting. Don't forget your water intake - are you recording that as well? Keep it up and DO NOT QUIT!
  • Ayla121
    Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member
    I started with Stronglifts and just couldnt stick with it. I spoke to a personal trainer at my gym who set me up on a three day split. I dont get how eating more is gonna help when this deficit hasnt done a thing.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    not for nothing- but you are not burning 2300 a day.

    I would assume she means that's her TDEE - not 2300 just from exercise, which could be pretty accurate.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    Open up your diary so we can see what the problem is.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    not for nothing- but you are not burning 2300 a day.

    I would assume she means that's her TDEE - not 2300 just from exercise, which could be pretty accurate.

    Yes- if that's what she is doing. That sounds about right.

    But it's really important to know which ONE she's doing. when she say's she's burning 2300- it sounds like she's burning that.

    this is why I dislike TDEE with the activity level set in- I much prefer to tailor and edit and manipulate my eat back calories rather than a program assuming what my "moderate" workouts are like. Most programs say light is 3 times a week- I workout 3-4 but I do not consider them "light" workouts in the least. Leaves to much margin for error IMHO.

    But yes- being clear on that and knowing what she is using and how she is using is important.
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    not for nothing- but you are not burning 2300 a day.

    I would assume she means that's her TDEE - not 2300 just from exercise, which could be pretty accurate.

    But it's really important to know which ONE she's doing. when she say's she's burning 2300- it sounds like she's burning that.

    But yes- being clear on that and knowing what she is using and how she is using is important.

    Agreed :)
  • Ayla121
    Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member
    Ok. I believe I unlocked the diary.
  • kimkay1985
    kimkay1985 Posts: 73 Member
  • Ayla121
    Ayla121 Posts: 21 Member
    With my morning workout and my job which involves walking all day long yes my tdee is around 2300
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    How recently did you start lifting?? Recently, could be water retention. ETA: (Muscle repair.)

    Are you weighing ALL your foods/Measuring only liquids? That might be your problem.

    If you are not losing you are not in a deficit. Reevaluate your food/exercise diary and see if you are doing something wrong.
  • smwiller
    smwiller Posts: 11
    Don't go by weight, measurements--go by body composition.
  • ravenmiss
    ravenmiss Posts: 384 Member
    What are the calorie burns from in your diary? You also seem to have full days blank.

    I also saw my weight loss halt for a few weeks and then go slow for another few weeks once I started lifting but it's coming off now. :)
  • madhatter2013
    madhatter2013 Posts: 1,547 Member
    What is your starting weight and your goal weight? My TDEE is around 2300 and I do stronglifts while maintaining a 1800 calorie day and I lose a pound a week ish. You said you started stronglifts and quit that. Why? More info is needed to get an accurate picture.
  • jadethief
    jadethief Posts: 266 Member
    not for nothing- but you are not burning 2300 a day.

    I would assume she means that's her TDEE - not 2300 just from exercise, which could be pretty accurate.

    Yes- if that's what she is doing. That sounds about right.

    But it's really important to know which ONE she's doing. when she say's she's burning 2300- it sounds like she's burning that.

    She's using a Fitbit. that's how she got the 2300 TDEE.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Looking back at your diary I saw high sodium, a lot of measurements in cups and not weighing and missing days of logging. There is your problem!!
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    I feel you! I am in exactly the same position, nothing seems to move but I am working out every day. Anyhow, I believe I might not eating enough. Can't wait for some helpful answers!
    Best of luck and hang in there, at least you are not gaining!

    If you're not losing it's not because you're eating too little. It's because you're eating too much.