Taco Bueno Hot Sauce & Eggs

Jewbe Posts: 25 Member
My husband loves Taco Bueno and could eat it all the time. I on the other hand can eat it a couple times a year and be ok. My husband also loves their hot sauce so he always gets extra. This morning I was making my routine breakfast which is one thick slice of bacon and one scrambled egg sprinkled with a little cheese and I noticed the left over hot sauce from Taco Bueno. Immediately I thought that might taste good on my egg. Which is tasted AWESOME! I don't know why it never occurred to me to put hot sauce on my egg but dang it was good. Now I don't mind so much if my husband wants to get Taco Bueno because I can then use their hot sauce. Win Win for everyone.

Has anyone found great food pairing you never thought of before?


  • PibbleLover88
    PibbleLover88 Posts: 40 Member
    My boyfriend recently introduced me to his childhood favorite food - ketchup noodles.

    Start with boiled macaroni. Squirt ketchup into the pot, and pour in heavy cream, a dash of salt, and a dash of sugar. It is actually crazy good - and highly caloric ;-)
  • NikiaSue
    NikiaSue Posts: 259 Member
    i've always ate yellow rice with petite diced can tomatoes and green beans w/ bacon
  • 1PatientBear
    1PatientBear Posts: 2,089 Member
    Taco Bueno sucks. Sorry, but it's just true.
  • mwkimmel
    mwkimmel Posts: 9 Member
    My boyfriend recently introduced me to his childhood favorite food - ketchup noodles.

    Start with boiled macaroni. Squirt ketchup into the pot, and pour in heavy cream, a dash of salt, and a dash of sugar. It is actually crazy good - and highly caloric ;-)
    Ketchup rice works too. Mix it into plain white rice. I can eat an endless supply of it.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    Sriracha >>> Taco Bueno hot sauce.

    Seriously, give it a try on your eggs sometime.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Brown butter > hot sauce
  • BarbieAS
    BarbieAS Posts: 1,414 Member
    Sriracha >>> Taco Bueno hot sauce.

    Seriously, give it a try on your eggs sometime.

    Cholula > Sriracha. At least on eggs. :wink:

    Weird food combo = mix a tb or two of chunky salsa verde into a half cup of cottage cheese. Dip tortilla chips into it. You end up fulfilling your chips and salsa craving, but you get a good bit of protein with it and can cut way back on the number of chips you eat because it's actually kinda sorta filling.
  • chulula is the BEST on everything, especially eggs! awesome breakfast hot sauce! and spicy boosts your metabolism and keeps you feeling more full, which is perfect for the AM!
  • CitizenXVIII
    CitizenXVIII Posts: 117 Member
    I have Cholula on my eggs 'bout every morning.

    Gonna have to try that salsa verde and cottage cheese. Sounds weird enough to be good.