Best Fitness Programs?

abrand2014 Posts: 24 Member
Hi Everyone!
I'm looking to start a new fitness program.
I've done Jillian Michaels 30 day shred and was pretty good with that. I've also tried P90X and thought that was pretty intense (also don't have all of the proper equipment at home for it).
What are some fitness programs you've tried? Have they worked? And what equipment do I need for it?
And can anyone recommend a good one for me? :)

Thanks lovelies xo!


  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    Go to and read up on SL5x5
    Do cardio on off days and you're golden
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    I do Turbo Fire and FocusT25 along with weight training. I started with Zumba, got bored with it quickly, then moved on to various Jillian Michaels workouts, which I enjoyed, but now don't feel they offer me enough of a challenge. I started with a couple of 5lb dumbbells, now I have quite the set up with a variety of dumbbells and a barbell set and bench (thankfully I have room for it)

    You should do something that you enjoy and will stick to. Check out Fitness Blender and Be Fit, both on YouTube or Body Rock.
  • abrand2014
    abrand2014 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks guys :) Ill check out both!
  • abrand2014
    abrand2014 Posts: 24 Member
    I do Turbo Fire and FocusT25 along with weight training. I started with Zumba, got bored with it quickly, then moved on to various Jillian Michaels workouts, which I enjoyed, but now don't feel they offer me enough of a challenge. I started with a couple of 5lb dumbbells, now I have quite the set up with a variety of dumbbells and a barbell set and bench (thankfully I have room for it)

    You should do something that you enjoy and will stick to. Check out Fitness Blender and Be Fit, both on YouTube or Body Rock.

    Im looking at the Turbo Fire right now.. looks really intense. How long is the workout? And do you notice? It looks fun so I might not notice the intensity!
  • katkins73
    katkins73 Posts: 416 Member
    I have TF and it is fun and intense but I have learned that I have to mix my work outs up or else I get bored of doing the same things over and over and although TF has many different workouts it is pretty repetitive. I am thinking of getting Jillian Michael's Body Revolution after the summer because I start my second year at uni then and think a 30 min intense work out will be easy to fit in but during the summer holiday I just want to change my work outs up and really try and improve my body :smile: It seems all the Beachbody work outs get results.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I do Turbo Fire and FocusT25 along with weight training. I started with Zumba, got bored with it quickly, then moved on to various Jillian Michaels workouts, which I enjoyed, but now don't feel they offer me enough of a challenge. I started with a couple of 5lb dumbbells, now I have quite the set up with a variety of dumbbells and a barbell set and bench (thankfully I have room for it)

    You should do something that you enjoy and will stick to. Check out Fitness Blender and Be Fit, both on YouTube or Body Rock.

    Im looking at the Turbo Fire right now.. looks really intense. How long is the workout? And do you notice? It looks fun so I might not notice the intensity!

    Turbo Fire are multi-disc sets. Range is $120 - $'s some info

    It's really important to find something you like to do. It will make you more consistent. I don't do "programs".....but I try to hit everything. I do cardio separate from strength (switch days).....then strength switches between upper & lower (Kelly Coffey Meyer DVDs are my go-to) days. Then I throw in some yoga here and there for flexibility.
  • abrand2014
    abrand2014 Posts: 24 Member
    I have TF and it is fun and intense but I have learned that I have to mix my work outs up or else I get bored of doing the same things over and over and although TF has many different workouts it is pretty repetitive. I am thinking of getting Jillian Michael's Body Revolution after the summer because I start my second year at uni then and think a 30 min intense work out will be easy to fit in but during the summer holiday I just want to change my work outs up and really try and improve my body :smile: It seems all the Beachbody work outs get results.

    I'm a nursing student ! So I don't have time to go to the gym for hours, I'm looking for something short but really effective. 45 mins-1 hour would be my top time for workouts. My program is 2 years, 6 terms.. straight through the summer..
  • leslie345
    leslie345 Posts: 10
    I am a nurse so I feel your pain! I certainly remember those days! I do T25, couch 2 5K running program, and yoga. I also get bored easily and also don't enjoy working out indoors. But the T25 videos are pretty intense and are only 30 min (they lie to you about only 25 min :) so I do those when I need a running break. But yoga is where i'm seeing the best results. I have muscles where I didn't know I could have them. For that, i recommend going to a class at least a few times so you can make sure you're doing poses correctly and safely. But as long as you're doing something other than nothing, you're on the right track!! GOOD LUCK!
  • TrolleyRide
    TrolleyRide Posts: 64 Member
    Stronglifts 5x5 will give you the most bang for your buck. You don't need to buy anything, and it takes 45 minutes at the gym, only three days a week.
  • SleepKoala
    SleepKoala Posts: 26
    Has anyone tried Kettlebell Kickboxing? I have this dvd set called The Body Series and would like to know how it worked out for ya. I use to do a lot of Turbo Jam and enjoyed it. Now I think I'll do this KB series and see how it goes..
  • maddypaigelorelei
    maddypaigelorelei Posts: 4 Member
    I have used TurboFire and Jillian Michael's Body Revolution programs. I LOVED TF. It was a lot of fun to do and I lost 40 lbs in 6 months doing it. Some of the workouts are a little long though, the longest one being 60 minutes.

    I also really enjoyed BR but I didn't lose any weight with it. However that could just be because my diet was starting to slide at that point. I did get a lot more toned and thought it was a great way to follow up the fat loss from TF.

    Unfortunately I gained back 30 of those lbs in the last year and am now starting over again. This time I'm going to be trying T25 focus because I need shorter workouts to fit into my schedule (I was on maternity leave last year and had a lot more time to devote to my workouts!). It looks intense but fun (well to me anyways!).

    GL with your decision! :)