To new dieters/calorie counters

Weight loss is all about your mindset. Don't go in expecting massive results on short periods of time. Celebrate the little victories like getting a small order of fries at McDonald's instead of a medium, it'll keep you positive. Also, don't change your lifestyle drastically right away. Start going from regular soda to diet, diet soda to flavored water, then regular water over the course of a few weeks. Your body won't be used to the changes you're making, and will throw you off the wagon.
Good luck!


  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    Nicely said!

    Real progress is about baby steps :smile:
    Make each step count!

    I started out by changing my large coffee light with extra cream to large "black" coffee... I never looked back.
  • cassiek0lba
    cassiek0lba Posts: 29 Member
    That's very true, thanks!
    A problem that i'm having, is that even though i'm eating well, i'm still struggling to keep in under calories.
    And when I am under calories, I'm starving.
    In fact when I'm over calories, I'm still starving!
  • Megoosh258
    Megoosh258 Posts: 1 Member
    I have the still hungry calories issue too. I think it has a lot to do with WHAT you're eating. You have to eat the right things to fill up and stay under your calories. Things with more protein and fiber usually help. A few apples or pears really helps me stay full. :) I still sneak snacks from the vending machine from time to time but Im happy that at least usually it's an apple instead!
  • zeal26
    zeal26 Posts: 602 Member
    Agreed! In the past the mistake I made was changing too much at once, overdoing it on exercise, then I'd get fed up and give up. Slow and steady works better for me!

    Though I must say I thought I was being awesome the other week ordering a small fries in McDonalds only for the woman to go ''But it's sooo much cheaper to get a medium!! WOULD MEDIUM BE OKAY?'' and I was just like ''um yeah fine sure''. I need to work on that!
  • bwogilvie
    bwogilvie Posts: 2,130 Member
    I found I was hungry a lot of the time for the first three weeks I was on a significant calorie deficit (about 600 calories a day). After a few weeks, it got more manageable.

    Fat and protein does help with satiety. When I started counting calories, I found that one piece of lightly buttered toast (150 calories) kept me satisfied far longer than a bowl of cereal with lowfat milk (300 calories).
  • jlynnm70
    jlynnm70 Posts: 460 Member
    I dont' even order fries anymore - sometimes I snitch a few from the kids - but that is it. A small cheesburger and a water and I'm outta there for a buck!

    But I agree - small changes over time are easier to incorporate than doing everything at once and getting overwhelmed. I started by watching portions - switching from pop to water - adding SMALL exercises - after 3 months I joined a fitness center and pretty much have the calorie thing licked. Next is to work on Macros......First I had to learn calories!

    However, in about 4 1/2 mos I've lost 18# (almost 1# a week average) and I'll take it. Slow and steady wins the race!
  • anviljenkins
    anviljenkins Posts: 562 Member
    I try to keep McD to once a week, and within my goals.....last week I ordered small fries, hmm they gave me I ate half and threw the rest away :-).

    I really did a lot of "footwork" a few years back when I was on a "South Beach diet" kick, lots of info about carbs in that plan though, "fast" carbs leave you feeling hungry again a lot faster than "slow" carbs.

  • Zx14chick
    Zx14chick Posts: 255 Member
    Agreed! In the past the mistake I made was changing too much at once, overdoing it on exercise, then I'd get fed up and give up. Slow and steady works better for me!

    Though I must say I thought I was being awesome the other week ordering a small fries in McDonalds only for the woman to go ''But it's sooo much cheaper to get a medium!! WOULD MEDIUM BE OKAY?'' and I was just like ''um yeah fine sure''. I need to work on that!

    Aaagh! Me, too!
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Agreed! In the past the mistake I made was changing too much at once, overdoing it on exercise, then I'd get fed up and give up. Slow and steady works better for me!

    Though I must say I thought I was being awesome the other week ordering a small fries in McDonalds only for the woman to go ''But it's sooo much cheaper to get a medium!! WOULD MEDIUM BE OKAY?'' and I was just like ''um yeah fine sure''. I need to work on that!
    McDonalds is of the devil! lol just kidding, I love it but obviously I've loved it too much in the past. Now we have a love/hate relationship. And I do wish they'd stop upselling. Ya I know it's about moderation, willpower yada yada yada but that's something us long time overweight ppl are still working on. I have moved to an hour away from the nearest McDonalds. Not on purpose but thank goodness! I eat lots of veggies now. I know it's not neccesary, but I like to feel full and I can eat a heck of a lot of veggies without going over my calorie goal.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Why go from diet soda onwards to plain water?

    What works for you may not work for others.
  • glickman1
    glickman1 Posts: 87 Member
    Why go from diet soda onwards to plain water?

    What works for you may not work for others.
    Why not?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Why go from diet soda onwards to plain water?

    What works for you may not work for others.
    Why not?

    Because diet soda has zero calories, it's not breaking anyone's calorie deficit.

    The only thing needed is a calorie deficit. If a person chooses to switch out their drinks or reduce portion sizes of certain foods to help them stay within their calorie deficit, go for it. But it is not necessary to do that for weight loss.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Weight loss is all about your mindset.

    This ^^^^^...
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Why not?
    For me; because I like drinking diet soda.

    Also drink a fair bit of coke zero, which provides me caffeine, one of the best researched and proven stimulants, which is useful for various reasons.)

    I also find it helps keep me fuller for longer.

    If people like drinking plain water, sure, drink it. But they're probably drinking it already as it is.