Mom to 4 wanting to lose the weight!

Howdy everyone, as my title explains I'm the mother to four and the weight finally caught up with me. When I'm not stopping kids from arguing with one another or picking up after them I'm studying for college online. My goal is to lose 70lbs this year, there is no end date except December 31, 2011. I look in the mirror and as long as it is neck up I'm okay, in fact all pictures I allow anyone to take are from neck up. But somehow I never really noticed how big I'd gotten over the years since baby #3 and #4. I guess after baby #3 I saw the baby weight didn't leave and I gave up. After baby #1 & 2 it went away after birth but this stuck. Not only was I disgusted but at the time my husband was when he hadn't seen me in months. He never knew I saw the look but I did and after that it all went downhill. We got out of the military, etc, started eating out...a LOT. So much that we could tell you which places had the best foods, which waiters to use, etc. A year ago I went to a family members funeral, I hated getting an outfit because no matter what they all made me look FAT, truth was I was, I just wasn't ready to face that yet. One of the relatives posted the picture of my family on facebook, they never meant to hurt my feelings but i realized then. This year, I'm going to lose the weight, already I started using certain products to reduce my weight. (not pills just Lean Cuisine type of meals) I also am taking out the soda, fraps and replacing with water. Wish me luck! Anyone else in my shoes?


  • thisis4me
    thisis4me Posts: 219 Member
    Hello and welcome!!:) I will add you and we can help each other!! Good luck:)
  • leahmcdonald
    HI!!!! We are here to help and support you.
  • Jesseann
    Jesseann Posts: 35 Member
    Hi! My name is Jesseann and yes I have been there and is working hard to get down to the weight I want to be and maintain it for life. Maintaining is the hard part, but it can definitely be done. Good luck on your journey and I will be one of your cheerleaders cheering you on...
  • alisons7598
    alisons7598 Posts: 162 Member
    Most def I am in your shoes. I have given birth 4 times and have gone from a hot wife to a fatty. I gained a lot with my first pregnancy, got pregnant again when my son was 9 mo old, and had my 3rd when he was 3 1/2. Needless to say my body never had much of a chance to recover from the FIRST one let alone adding two more on top of it. I tried briefly to lose weight before I got pregnant with my last child. I lost about 30 pounds but gave up when I hit a slump. Now my youngest is 3 1/2 and I'm determined to be that hot wife again and be a mom my kids can be proud of. Feel free to add me as a friend. We WILL do this!
  • MelissaL582
    MelissaL582 Posts: 1,422 Member
    I know how you feel. When I met my husband we were both active (he was in the military at the time), once he got out..he didn't have to worry about getting weighed. We both gained weight especially when we were expecting our first son in 2004. I didn't get too much in that pregnancy or even in my 2nd pregnancy (3 years after my first). Then after my 3rd was born in 2008, I lost all the baby weight but I was still thick (have always been). I did really good, running in the morning and we were both losing the weight. The next year, I got pregnant twice but both of them ended in miscarries. I got depressed and gained all the weight I worked so hard to get rid of. I'm at my heaviest now and I am so ready to get rid of this extra flab. I've been on this site for 4 days now and I love it! If you would like to chat sometime, please feel free to drop me a message. I can use all the support I can get. Take care!
  • Shopgirl33
    I am also a mom of 4 and I go to school full time online! I will add you to also cheer you on.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I know how you feel. I never had a problem losing the weight even after our twins were born very shortly I was almost back down to my pre-pregnancy weight. BUT after baby number 6 things changed.. I could not get the weight off,When I finally began to loose I got pregnant with number 7 .. the same thing with the next one. After baby #8 was born I topped the scales 275.. the largest I have ever been in my life!..It has taken me two years to loose 65 lbs and I still have about 60 more to go before I reach my goal weight and get back down to the slim, vibrant and sexy looking woman my husband married. Oh I know he loves me no matter what size I am..but I don't love it. It is time for me to do what I need to do to be healthy and fit.
  • Steffi330
    Steffi330 Posts: 110 Member
    Men don't realize what having babies does to us. You can do this, we can do this together! Good Luck! I will add you and we can cheer each other on. You will love the support group here!
  • shorty2021
    I have been there i am 20 years old had my first baby at 19 i gained alot of weight when i was pregnate an after i had my daughter even thought i was with her father i didnt have much help with her so i became depressed since i was doing it all by my self an its hard being a mom. espeicialy a young one. Mine tells me he loves me no matter what to but its gotten to the point that its hard for me to do things like get up an im having soooo many health problems an im ONLY 20!!!! so im changeing my ways now for me so i can live healthier for my family you can add me an we can support each other
  • homemom3
    What college are you attending? I'm going to CTUonline and will be getting my AA in Feb. :) Yes that weight just didn't want to leave me and then decided it wanted pals. Glad to be friends.
  • homemom3
    on the 1st I weighed myself and was 225 and was shocked. In my "younger" years I never went past 125. Eeek. Baby #1 & #2 had me very ill, baby #3 they had a pill that stopped the illness so I ate (plus hubby was in war) and baby #4 well I just ate since they had the pill. I loved being pregnant because there was no stress but we ate out too much and no matter how much I tried working out it didn't matter. Glad to have a cheerleader that has been there.