Working through depression

Hi everyone! First off, I absolutely understand the importance of professional help - I'm working on that. Physician appointment soon as well to potentially rule out (or confirm, we'll see) hormones being a major source of my problems. In the meantime I'm coming here for some tips on how to help myself get in shape WHILE going through this struggle.

I'm currently 22 years old, F, 5'7", 170 lbs. Down 13 lbs in 13 weeks of netting approximately 1500 calories a day. (I've been tracking by fully weighing with a digital scale, etc. elsewhere.) Ideally, I think I'd like to be around 140, but I also understand that the scale isn't the be-all end-all of fitness/health/success and that's why I'm posting here today.

With the exception of two weeks following a mild fall down some stairs, I've been taking my dog for 2-3 mile walks most mornings since the beginning of the year. Haven't been able to keep up with any other routine given depressive episodes and fun with panic attacks, etc. I recently purchased up a set of resistance bands in the hopes of picking them up here and there. Does anyone have exercises (either with bands or sans equipment) that I can keep in mind to do in short spells when I have the time and more importantly, energy? I just cannot commit to something like a heavy lifting routine right now, despite how much I've read here about that being the answer to looking great.

TL;DR: My mind's a mess (severe depression and anxiety). One suicide attempt under my belt. I'm looking for ways to increase fitness/strength and generally look better even while barely managing to get out of bed some days. Keeping up with a daily walk has been tough enough. Am I totally out of luck?


  • sassymanatee
    sassymanatee Posts: 102 Member
    Hey! And no you aren't out of luck! I've struggled with depression for years and just recently came out of years of an abusive relationship. If I can do it, you can too. My therapist reminded me that scientifically feelings of motivation only comes after we've done something. So if you wait for motivation to come then you will always be waiting. The best thing to do is baby steps. The fact that you're doing daily walks is fantastic and I'm so proud of you! Don't push yourself too hard. Be proud of yourself for the accomplishments you did so far no matter how big or small. I believe in you. <3