Yo-yo-ing weight

Hi everyone,

I started at 97kg and have been able to get down to 87.5kg - with myfitness pal being a big reason for that :)

I used to weigh myself every month but changed that to once week. However, it has now become basically every second day because I notice my weight can be 87.5 one day and then two days later it could 88.5 and then 88 two days later, then 87.5 the next day and on it goes.

I know my scales are in good working order but I am unsure why the weight can change daily like this.

Does anybody have an explanation for this or maybe some suggestions as to how I can improve my weightloss program?


  • Madame_Goldbricker
    Madame_Goldbricker Posts: 1,625 Member
    Weight fluctuates
  • clarion_r
    clarion_r Posts: 53 Member
    Might be a combination of a lot of things - how much water you're carrying, hormones etc. I found it better for me if I just weighed myself once a week - any more than that does my head in! I don't worry about any fluctuations in between.

    Also, congrats on your weight loss, huge job!
  • Thank you for your response and kind words.

    It is just annoying not being able to get past 87.5kg!!!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    When you weight yourself that frequent you will become stressed out when scale goes the other way. I use weekly weigh in for making sure I eat right amount of calories weekly.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    Stick to weighing once per week. Or if you can't resist looking more often, use a weight tracker app such as Happy Scale or Libra. These follow fluctuations and estimate your 'true' weight.