Losing/maintining while on holiday?

I've been doing really well at eating better and exercising more recently and I'm just 5lbs away from my first goal but I'm going away for the week next Saturday. The holiday always features lovely restaurants, a much bigger breakfast than I'm used to, trips to the local lakeside tea room to have milkshakes during the day etc. I find it very hard to stop eating when I'm in that sort of situation, I have little awareness of when I'm actually full.
I've been doing the blogilates workout calendar this month and it's been brilliant but I won't be able to do much of it, especially not the full hour a day. My family like to do hiking and my parents often went on some of the most challenging hiking round there before I Washburn. However, apart from a 10 mile walk that is a tradition for us to do, I hate hiking. I dont find it relaxing or interesting and they're two of the main reasons why this holiday is so good.
I know that losing weight while away is unrealistic but can anyone offer some tips to how I can at least prevent all my hard work from being spoilt?


  • sophiegrace543
    sophiegrace543 Posts: 143 Member
  • meganmoore112
    meganmoore112 Posts: 174 Member
    I still have another month before my vacation, but I'm worried too. My plan is to do a lot of walking and biking, which I normally do on vacation and then eat treats in moderation. I won't have ice cream every day, for example. And when I do go out for ice cream, I'll drink less wine that night! When I eat a huge breakfast, I'll just have a light lunch. I want to enjoy myself, but I can do that other ways than through food.

    Good luck and have a blast!!!
  • sophiegrace543
    sophiegrace543 Posts: 143 Member
    Ah, so kind of trying to maintain a balance? My willpower isn't the best but I think either ice cream at lunch or dessert at dinner is something I could deal with a bit easier...
    I wish I enjoyed being active while I'm away but my normal life is so busy that I just slump when I'm off!
  • Kr1ptonite
    Kr1ptonite Posts: 789 Member
    the only tip I can give is self control. Enjoy yourself as that is what holidays are for. If you put on some weight so be it just work it off when you get back. Just keep control to minimise weight gain.
  • AKNMHunt
    AKNMHunt Posts: 168 Member
    At the end of the month we are going on a trip. I am flying solo with two kids halfway across the country. I also will be close to Sonic and Olive Garden (been without for 2.5yrs) and that worries me. I cant not go. I cant.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Eat only when you are actually hungry and stop when you are full. Beyond that, providing you aren't bathing in the ice cream, relax a bit and enjoy yourself.
  • walk757
    walk757 Posts: 96 Member
    Review on line menus before you leave on vacation. Those chains usually have some great low calorie meal plans. Also, plan, plan for a treat, just don 't over do it. Stop at one cookie, one scoop of ice cream. And add the moving, walking, exercise when ever you can. We went on a cruise with our daughters a few years back. They were going to disown me if I didn't stop stressing over the food. So I stopped talking about it, watched my portions and went to the fitness center every morning. Gots lots of other walking in while site seeing. I saw a slight increase the following week but so enjoyed myself. Good Luck.
  • thirteeninches
    thirteeninches Posts: 61 Member
    I'm a little worried about this too. Have something coming up in June. I've decided the best thing to do is to not make the holiday about food. There are so many other enjoyable things about life that don't involve eating. But of course, I will be going out to eat soo...

    Rather than the whole "stuff my face I'm on vacation!" mindset, I'll focus on savoring every bite until the pleasure of the meal diminishes. As I've repaired my eating habits, I've found (even with boring home cooked foods) that eating slowly, tasting the food and enjoying the flavor, versus shoving it all in at once, is a natural way to stop over-indulging.

    And why not take a mere 10 minutes every day, somewhere-in your room even-with some free weights, and do a quick HIIT? It's short and sweet and will rev your metabolism up for a while. I don't expect to lay off the exercise when I am on vacation-because I see it as a pleasure rather than an obligation. It makes me feel so good, that not doing it would be a punishment.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Wait, err, so you're saying you DON'T take an olympic weights set on holiday with you? :noway:


    (Ok, I'm contracting rather than on Holiday and DO have a large truck.)

    Normally I see a holiday as the time to enjoy myself and accept some reversal in progress.

    HOWEVER, a good start is to keep pretty active, so you're burning plenty of calories.
  • sophiegrace543
    sophiegrace543 Posts: 143 Member
    Thank you for all the useful advice!
    To other people in the same situation, what I've realised is just do the best you can, eat even healthier when you're back and don't worry - that's what holidays are for!
  • sophiegrace543
    sophiegrace543 Posts: 143 Member
    Oh, and don't bring back sweets and candies as a holiday gift for family :laugh: