I am new!

Hi! I am new to this site!! I am not new to trying to lose weight and get in shape - I am hoping to FINALLY stick with it this time!! I am newly "single" again after being engaged for over a year, and it made me realize, while i was in the relationship, and trying to plan the wedding etc, that i better get into the shape i want to be in NOW so if i ever meet Mr Right, fitting into the dress i want wont have to be on my list of things to worry about!

I also want to just be healthy, and maybe even get back into playing ice hockey!!

I look forward to having a great network of people to help me and maybe even to to help with their goals too!


  • meeshymee1
    Hello I'm new to this site myself. Hopefully we can cheer each other on.
  • GmoneyDay
    Its my second day. Still trying to figure out all the bells and whistles on the web site. Want to loose a few after the excessive food over the holidays. Would lik to loose 7lbs before Feb 17 vacation.
  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    Welcome to both of you! I would love to help you stay motivated :)
  • ♥_Ellybean_♥
    ♥_Ellybean_♥ Posts: 1,646 Member
    Hi Welcome! i think you will come to LOVE this site!

    Ice Hockey sounds fun, I just never could do it cuz my ankle would hurt after 5 mins of carrying around all this fat! .. ugh
  • abbigrant

    I used this method last year and last 1 and a half stone so was pretty chuffed, but the effectsof uni (cheap food, drinking, dodgy working patterns, quick meals) made me put it and more on!

    I like to go to the gym, its more about telling myself to stop eating if I dont need to!

    I hope that I can not be mega skinny, just happier with myself and how clothes fit, and how I look on Uni photos!

  • GmoneyDay
    Welcome to both of you! I would love to help you stay motivated :)
    Thank you!