plateau maybe? advice appreciated

At this point im really regretting not taking "before" pictures at 171 or taking measurements when i first started.
I THINK i am making progress but its really hard to tell. I have been at the same weight on the scale for 3 weeks or so now.
Everytime I get to this point in my weight loss ive given up after 3 or 4 months of staying stationary at this weight.
I WILL NOT GIVE UP THIS TIME. I've been eating at my goal and excersizing creating a deficet. I am thinking that maybe I've
been gaining muscle? Moved from a 3 story apartment to another 3rd story apartment "babywearing" my son on my back. And Ive also started swimming laps 4 days a week for between 30-90 minutes. So you'd think if I need to excersize more to defeat my plateau that would have done it.
What can I do to beat this weight for once and for all???


  • emmaleamclaren
    To beat a plateau there are a couple of things you can do. If you are eating at 1200 cals, try upping by 100 or 200 cals a day. It can be enough to give your body a boost. Do some different types of exercise - running, pilates, boxing - anything to give your body something new. Another option is to change up what you are eating. If you eat mostly protein, try some extra carbs, if you eat mainly carbs try swapping for some extra fats etc.

    Also, start measuring yourself now. It doesn't matter if its not at the start, it will still give you a good idea next time it happens
  • Rachel_Virginia_
    Rachel_Virginia_ Posts: 43 Member
    thank you.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    3 weeks is not a plateau. I have gone that long and not lost weight...even longer. Then woosh 2-3lbs gone.

    To be in a plateau you have to be eating adding calories is not the answer....

    Changing up exercise means you will retain water as well which masks weight loss so not the best thing if you care about the scale number.

    Are you weighing all your solids? Measuring your liquids? Logging everything using the correct entries?

    What about exercise calories? do you eat them back and if so how many? how do you measure those?
  • Rachel_Virginia_
    Rachel_Virginia_ Posts: 43 Member
    last time this happened it went on for 3 monthes -_- When i excersize i dont eat my calories back and leave the defiecit.
  • carrieous
    carrieous Posts: 1,024 Member
    you have to switch up your exercise routine. Bump up your weights or your reps, lifting heavier. Train for a half marathon. Challenge your body beyond what you thought you were capable of. Be sure to use at resistance of at least 10 on the bike or elliptical.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    last time this happened it went on for 3 monthes -_- When i excersize i dont eat my calories back and leave the defiecit.

    Then you were not eating at a deficit.

    What about this time?

    Weight loss is a simple math calculation Calories in must be less than calories out.

    If you don't weigh your food you are eating more than you think. Simple.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you are a 23 year old female that is about 171 pounds, yes?

    YOu can eat more than 1200 and lose ….where did you get that number from? Do you have MFP set to 2# per week loss?

    You are not going to build muscle by eating in a deficit, swimming, and carrying around your baby ….it is really hard to build muscle, especially for woman, so you would need to be in a surplus and lifting heavy to build muscle.

    You mentioned that you do not eat back exercise calories. How long have you been doing that for? This means that you are actually netting below 1200, so if you have been doing this for a long time you may have metabolic adaptation and lowered your metabolism….
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    you have to switch up your exercise routine. Bump up your weights or your reps, lifting heavier. Train for a half marathon. Challenge your body beyond what you thought you were capable of. Be sure to use at resistance of at least 10 on the bike or elliptical.

    no, actually you do not ..

    at 171 pounds OP should be able to eat in a deficit and lose weight with zero exercise….
  • jeffpettis
    jeffpettis Posts: 865 Member
    A plateau means you are eating at maintenance. I know you said you were eating 1200 calories but if you were truly eating 1200 you would be losing weight. You are eating more than you think. Make sure you are weighing and logging accurately EVERYTHING that you are eating. A small miscalculation everyday can easily wipe out a weeks deficit.

    Also don't make it harder than it is. All that is absolutely "required"for weight loss is a calorie deficit. If you are not losing you are not in a deficit, you just have to figure out why...

    Good luck!
  • Rachel_Virginia_
    Rachel_Virginia_ Posts: 43 Member
    you are a 23 year old female that is about 171 pounds, yes?

    YOu can eat more than 1200 and lose ….where did you get that number from? Do you have MFP set to 2# per week loss?

    You are not going to build muscle by eating in a deficit, swimming, and carrying around your baby ….it is really hard to build muscle, especially for woman, so you would need to be in a surplus and lifting heavy to build muscle.

    You mentioned that you do not eat back exercise calories. How long have you been doing that for? This means that you are actually netting below 1200, so if you have been doing this for a long time you may have metabolic adaptation and lowered your metabolism….

    Yah i figured moving furniture from a 3rd floor to another 3rd floor apartment wearing my 27pound toddler 2 days in a row probably built some muscle but then i could totally be wrong :) thanks for the advice. food for thought