Plan B and Weight

Hello, I wanted to know based on your experience if you had any weight complications after taking Plan B.

I took it in February and a day or two later I got my period. I'm waiting for the second one which is due within the next two weeks. I've read online how often it is to have a delayed menstrual cycle and that for some it would take months before things went back to normal.

I started up my routine again after having injuries, and unfortunately went over board with holidays, and I had gained six inches in one month, and had crazy bloating, extreme fatigue and unsatisfied hunger. After starting up again in mid January I reduced my bloating and fatigue dramatically within a month (before the pill). Unfortunately I don't have a scale so I cant track my weight, but I do body measurements. I lose and gain inches, but mostly maintain a certain size. My strength has increase greatly, but I can't manage to keep off inches. I will be buying a scale since it was suggested to me that I track for two weeks to see what happens. I failed to mention to this person that I took Plan B, since at the time I didn't think it was a factor. But now I'm wondering if not losing fat is due to Plan B, water retention, starting up a new routine/muscle building, or a combination.

If anyone can shed some light on this I'd appreciate it :)


  • poppyetpear
    poppyetpear Posts: 15 Member
    I took this stupid pill about 3 weeks ago and I'm super tired all the time, always hungry and have gained 16 lbs! I will never take this pill again. Now I feel so discouraged because I had lost 12 lbs and now I've gained that and then some.
  • nilbogger
    nilbogger Posts: 870 Member
    It shouldn't have much if any effect on your weight. It's basically a few days' worth of the hormones in birth control pills taken at once. By now the hormones are probably out of your system.

    There is actually a burger place near me called Plan B. That can definitely have an effect on your weight.
  • poppyetpear
    poppyetpear Posts: 15 Member
    The high dose of progestin causes increase in appetite and after taking such a high dose it can take weeks for your hormones to get back to normal. I suppose it does effect everyone differently.

    And an update for me: I took plan b 3 weeks ago today and my appetite is now starting to get back to normal.
  • smille01
    smille01 Posts: 32 Member
    I've taken Plan B three times (yeah, college was a little crazy), and never had any issues with weight after taking it. I never noticed any negative effects at all. It did mess with my period a little bit, but definitely no weight fluctuations. I know the nurses at Planned Parenthood actually encouraged me to eat a huge meal after taking the pill, which was fun :)
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,059 Member
    You are supposed to eat with the pill, since it contains a high dose of hormones. I don't know much about it, but everyone reacts to hormones differently. It can change your appetite, but it's all about finding a balance of what your body actually needs, rather than just eating because you think you're hungry.

    It's almost the same with birth control; there's always a risk for weight gain as a side effect due to appetite changes, but it's all about how you handle your intake. The pill itself will not make you gain.

    Also, you can retain fluids on the pill, which can seem like a gain. Just stay hydrated, and factor in measurements. Don't get too caught up on the scale for a few pounds here and there.
  • jptrgrl1111
    jptrgrl1111 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm very late to this post after searching for women experiencing the same thing but saying that the pill will not make you gain weight is incorrect. I took it last Thursday and gained 1.5 lbs overnight eating approx 750 calories. I gained another 1 lb the next day eating the same and another .5 lbs the next day. My diary is open. I even went so far as to call the pharmaceutical co and make a report. I cannot explain it. Everything was going great till that pill. Obviously the alternative is worse but the facts remain.
  • mminniee1
    mminniee1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm very late to this post after searching for women experiencing the same thing but saying that the pill will not make you gain weight is incorrect. I took it last Thursday and gained 1.5 lbs overnight eating approx 750 calories. I gained another 1 lb the next day eating the same and another .5 lbs the next day. My diary is open. I even went so far as to call the pharmaceutical co and make a report. I cannot explain it. Everything was going great till that pill. Obviously the alternative is worse but the facts remain.

    Was there any point at which you noticed the weight started subsiding? It's been 2 months for me and while I have maintained the same diet and exercise for the past year yet the 10 lb weight gain I assume was triggered by Plan B taken 2 months ago has yet to budge even in spite of my increased exercise and healthier dieting since I started gaining. It simply doesn't make sense! Thanks for any insight!
  • Celestina_Loving
    Celestina_Loving Posts: 15 Member
    Whaat? That's crazy, I've never heard of anyone (in person) gaining more than a couple lbs of water weight from plan b. I took it once about 6/7 years ago, gained about 2 lbs of water, but it went away when the hormones dissapated after a few days.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    I took Plan B 14 years ago due to a condom break and don't remember any appetite increase or weight gain. FWIW, I had a very active lifestyle at the time.
  • Expatmommy79
    Expatmommy79 Posts: 940 Member
    I know people for whom plan B still resulted in baby.... I would take a pregnancy test just to be sure.

    I put on 15 pounds in the first 3 months with each of my kids and then stayed about the same until the last 2 months when I put on again....
  • hekla90
    hekla90 Posts: 595 Member
    I had to take as part of prophylactic medications after an assault and I don't know if it was the plan B, or the 3 antibiotics I was given at the same time but I mostly just felt like throwing up for 3 days straight and they also gave me phenergan to take with it. I can't imagine anyone being able to eat after taking it, I get nauseated just thinking about it. Didn't gain any weight though. If it's more than a few lbs of water weight probably from an increased appetite.
  • DeterminedFee201426
    DeterminedFee201426 Posts: 859 Member
    edited December 2015
    nothing abnormal happened to me at all after taking plan -B as others have experienced.
  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Why are people answering this TWO YEAR OLD question?
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Why are people answering this TWO YEAR OLD question?

    Someone did a search on the topic and the convo has started anew. I wasn't answering for the OP, but for the new posters.
  • oojenoo
    oojenoo Posts: 1 Member
    I gained 6 pounds after taking plan b about six weeks ago. My breasts were very sore and I felt sick the first week. I notice my hips are a little wider and my boobs are bigger. I've never taken hormones before. This pill really effected me and I hope to never have to take it again.
  • alondra8908
    alondra8908 Posts: 1 Member
    edited May 2023
  • sarahq81
    sarahq81 Posts: 35 Member
    I have taken it twice - once in my twenties and once in my forties.
    The latest occasion was awful! After 2 weeks I was still on the verge of actually crying from hunger! I have never been so hungry in my life, even when breastfeeding. I could not eat enough to fill myself and I was very bloated. I didn’t weight myself but I could tell it had a major effect.