Females over 50? Swimsuit ready in 6 weeks?

Hi! I'm back again after several months. I'm 5'10", 52 yrs. old and 15 lbs overweight. These just seem to be the toughest to lose. Sometimes I swear my body defies scientific logic with its attempts to hold onto this weight. I've been walking 2 miles a day since mid February, carefully monitoring food intake and results have been minimal. Now I'm back on line as a last ditch effort to lose this weight before July 1st when my husband and I celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary with a Mediterranean cruise.
I need similar aged friends (who understand the difficulties of dieting at our age) to help motivate me and with whom I too can help in return.
I want to be swimsuit ready in 6 weeks. Is anybody with me?


  • Beachtreasures
    Beachtreasures Posts: 143 Member
    Also 52 and I can certainly relate to the slowing metabolism.
    Sending you a request!
  • Grannydreads
    Yes! I am really new here 56 years old, healthy, but I need this fat gone and 15 is exactly the amount I need to loose as wee!
    Would love support but have no idea how this works?
  • Resolve2B
    Resolve2B Posts: 86 Member
    I sent you a friend request but I will also respond here.

    I'm 62 (still waiting for that "cringe" to subside when I admit that LOL). I'm very healthy and can still rock a good pair of jeans but under the layers of clothing is a body that I am not very happy about. I joined MFP right at the end of December and am still trying to figure out how to accomplish my goals.

    However what I can tell you is that when I was your exact age I set upon a course to lose 15 pounds...and I did it. Never in my adult life have I weighed the weight I attained during those months of concerted effort. I wish I could remember just how long it took me but I can't. Not 6 weeks but not a year either. Venturing a guess I'd say about 3 months.

    Like you, I was then a "walker". First I tried just upping the speed and distance of walking but I think my body was just so accustomed to that exercise that a little "push" was readily accomodated and no changes were made. So then I started reading and researching. Everything I read pointed to two things: cut down on the carbs but keep a good protein load and start lifting weights. Done, done and DONE!! For me "carbs" meant limiting grains, processed foods, refined sugar and starchy veggies (white potatoes and corn).

    I went to the gym 3 times a week right after work (I was a public school Speech/Language Pathologist) and used the weight machines (I know they have fallen out of favor but they sure got the job done for me...I got some rock hard muscles and no I didn't get "bulky" even though I wouldn't have minded that!!). I did at least 2 full circuits (so both upper and lower body work in the same workout so I didn't have to go to the gym every day) and when I got stronger and/or had more time I'd do 3 circuits. I did a warm up 20 minute brisk walk on the track before lifting and another 20 to 30 minutes afterward.

    The great thing about having muscle mass is that it burns more calories just by "existing".

    Now, 10 years later, I've let myself get away from exercising and I've lost a lot of muscle. There are saggy areas on my body but I'm not sure if that's "fat" or "loose skin"...but I'm here on MFP to find that out. By using the calorie counting I'm eating 1200 healthy calories (not too hard to do once you limit bread, pasta, rice, potatoes and corn) and I've lost 6 pounds.

    I've tried to get into home exercise using DVDs, and varous workout routines with dumb bells and body weight. I know that they are working my body but I also know that I can't really increase the work load like I could when I was using the machines. Soooo much as I am loathe to do so, I have to get back to the gym. It's hard to find time not to mention energy because I care for my two year old Granddaughter on a regular basis and occasionally am called upon to sit for my other grandkids but I know I just have to do that if I want to make any real changes.

    It's a little "scary" now to think that maybe my body has reached the point at which nothing I do will make it look "great"...but I guess we all just have to try to be "the best we can be".

    Hope you accomplish your goals!!
  • jemimasmum
    jemimasmum Posts: 249 Member
    I'm 49 with about that amount stubbornly hanging onto my 5'9" well padded skeleton.
    Feel free to friend if my profile suits.
  • gardendolly
    gardendolly Posts: 125 Member
    Hi, I'm 58 and have about 15lbs to lose to get to where I want to be. Have switched between MFP and Weight Watchers, and back several times. Still trying to figure out what works, but I love the support on MFP and for that I keep coming back.

    I'm just recovering from a broken ankle which meant that I was unable to exercise for about 3 months. In that time I only managed to gain 2lbs, which I have now lost. I do find that losing weight now I am older is HARD, added to that I am only 5st 2" tall, so each extra pound shows. If I could lose 6lbs in 6 weeks, that would make a major difference to how I look and more importantly how I feel. I would welcome any new friends who wished to add me.
  • Beachbaby30
    Beachbaby30 Posts: 28
    Thanks for the lovely letter and friend request. I am indeed motivated and you sound as motivated as I am. Your weight journey inspires me. It is amazing how fast these extra pounds creep up on us as we are leading busy lives- work, home, kids, parents etc. etc. You sound like a nurturer yourself having had a career as a SLP . As nurturers, it really is an effort to take the time for oneself amidst all the distractions of life- but it needs to be done. (I work very closely with SLPs in my field of work. God bless all of you for your wonderful role in the lives of many- especially special needs children.)

    I have taught elementary school for 28 years (many of those years in Spec. Ed.). This past year I was given the opportunity to head a secondary classroom of students with Autism. I have 6 students, 3 Autism Spectrum Assistant workers and I am loving it. Because the high school gets out an hour earlier than elementary schools, it has allowed me some extra time to exercise before heading home to make dinner. I almost feel like I am cheating having this time but it has served me well. I have finally got the point where I miss it if I miss a day. I do not want to lose the momentum. (I am not using apostrophes or quotation marks because my son was playing games on my computer today and changed my keys to the French keyboard. Now each apostrophe is è and quotation mark is È. UGH!)

    I am tall (5,10) so I am lucky that I can spread out those few extra pounds but I know they are there and so do my clothes. It is time to say good-bye and I hope it will be for good this time.

    Anyway, thanks for your interest. I really could use the support and in turn, I will support you. Good luck in your re-attempt! We can do this!