50 days weight loss challenge!

Hi everyone---I have a countdown on my phone; I leave for Europe in just over 7 weeks. So I've decided to put myself on a 50 day challenge---starting TODAY! Eat as clean as possible, dramatically limit junk food, and make time to do some form of exercise everyday (walking, jogging, biking, home videos, etc.)

My goal is to lose approximately 2 pounds a week--so 15 pounds total would be amazing!

Does anyone else want to join me? We can comment/post/update this thread periodically to keep track of why we are partaking on this challenge. 50 days seems like a reasonable, short term goal to aspire to!

What is your plan/strategy for these 50 days? Start a countdown on your phone too!

Have a great week :)


  • carrj01
    carrj01 Posts: 18 Member
    Sounds good to me, how are you counting it down on your phone?
  • Juliebug33
    Juliebug33 Posts: 15
    Count me in...I have similar goals! I am leaving for South America in 7 weeks.
  • DesertMermaid29
    DesertMermaid29 Posts: 181 Member
    I'm in as well!

    SW: 161
    CW: 157
    GW: 125
    GL: 17

    GWeek1: 154
    GWeek2: 151
    GWeek3: 148
    GWeek4: 146
    GWeek5: 144
    GWeek6: 142
    GWeek7: 140

    We can do this!
  • JocelynElizabeth2014
    Sure! My vacation is not until August but this will be a nice jumpstart!
  • JocelynElizabeth2014
    Oh and my goal is to lose 50 lbs by August 15 I have already lost 12ish
  • LifeJacketWaterJogger
  • moniquec37
    moniquec37 Posts: 39
    im in, how are you counting down.
  • Jbeilfuss84
    Jbeilfuss84 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm in!
  • emilynbanks
    emilynbanks Posts: 54
    Woo! I leave on a cruise in 42 days, oh my goodness! I'd love this!!!!

    SW: 190-ish
    GW for the challenge: 175-ish
  • loldiana
    loldiana Posts: 2
    Me too!
  • eskimite
    eskimite Posts: 56
    I'm in! Recently, have fallen off the wagon...giving in to temptation left and right! I would love to shed 8-10 pounds by August 1. It's a real struggle for me to not binge Friday through Sunday. Going to work this week to focus on higher protein, higher fiber, lower carbs. Heading on a long weekend getaway over the coming weekend and I am motivated to make solid eating decisions.
  • marysoledad
    marysoledad Posts: 1 Member
    I am also in, I was doing so well and have been stuck for the past couple weeks falling for excuses left and right
  • JenTekywa
    JenTekywa Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in and also started a thread for clean eaters!
    I like the idea of it being added as short term challenges so definitely add me!

    I have been clean eating for about 3 weeks and prior to that had been cutting down on junk food and sugar.

    I exercise 5-6x a week (incline walk 45 x2, weights and toning x 2-3 and spinning (group cycle) x 1)

    I just need to work on eating my calories as I just learned that I am not doing that well at the moment :ohwell:
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all, I'd just love to join this, great idea. I've been really struggling lately and a 50 day challenge seems perfect - it's long enough to make a difference and short enough feel achievable. I know it's a longer journey than that, but a kick start would be fantastic.
  • jallforme3
    jallforme3 Posts: 38 Member
    Sounds good to me, how are you counting it down on your phone?

    It's just an application on my phone! Mine is called T-Zero but any can help. So I know that I leave for England in 50 days, 24 mins, 12 seconds, etc. It's fun!
  • jallforme3
    jallforme3 Posts: 38 Member
    GREAT everyone! I'm excited! So it's Day 49 today---officially. I didn't make a group for this thread, but I'll try to post every day or so, and everyone else as well!

    Right about how you did you the day--your favorite exercise, your motivations or what not. Let's hold each other accountable to remember why these 50 days are so important! WE HAVE THIS :)
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    Great idea! My husband and I and my in laws are meeting up in Rome in about 12 weeks. I just joined this website yesterday, so this is a perfect time for a goal like this. Thanks for setting it up and I can't wait to hear what others are doing for fitness and exercise.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,459 Member
    I'm in! I'd like to be down eight pounds by July 4th.

    Yesterday I managed 11.41 Fitbit miles -- 23,367 steps, 7.59 miles outside on the bike and 90 minutes on challenges. My numbers are not this high during the week. Today is just beginning!!

    Hope everyone has fun today!

  • cadaver0usb0nes
    cadaver0usb0nes Posts: 151 Member
    I am doing a 35 day challenge before I go to this music festival, count me in!
  • daleygirl1
    daleygirl1 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in also, I need as much support and motivation as possible. I have an extremely bad knee that limits me to a lot--but my goal is to concentrate on my food this week. Next week, start excerising.