Vega One


I've just started back up with MFP, and I have been introducing Vega One into my diet to help me get some more nutrition in. I'm a vegetarian and a Nurse so I'm on the go a lot, with little time to make meals etc. and I find that my diet is lacking in some key nutrients, hence the introduction of Vega. I'm just wondering what are all of your thoughts on Vega? Any good/bad stories regarding it? Thanks so much for looking!


  • JustineMarie21
    JustineMarie21 Posts: 438 Member
    I've tried Vega single serve packets of natural, vanilla and chocolate shake mix. I cant stand them but my favourite out of the two is the chocolate but I don't buy them anymore because they some what all have the same taste to it. I do go to the recipe center often for ideas.
  • itsadogslife
    itsadogslife Posts: 209
    Overall, good product. The taste I could do without except the bars. I do find the sweetness a bit high for me, but that's stevia for you. If you aren't strict vegan, I'd do a scoop of the natural with a scoop of chocolate or vanilla whey and some fruit or whatever you fancy.. helps cover the taste =)
  • NicoleWong1988
    NicoleWong1988 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks for your input!
  • StephBendo
    StephBendo Posts: 8 Member
    I have food allergies and have done the same thing, added vega for the nutrients, I also find all the flavours gross and it overall too sweet so I buy the natural as it is the best value for money (4 more servings than the flavoured ones) I find I feel pretty good on the days I take them (in the morning) I tend not to get that mid afternoon energy crash, so that's a bonus.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    I hate the Stevia, but Vega has come such a long way from their chalky, humble beginnings. I thoroughly love the chocolate one mixed with water after a work out. It is also great mixed into a shake with a banana, almond milk and some PB2
  • sarajenivieve
    sarajenivieve Posts: 303 Member
    i like vega i usually use it for morning smoothies i like vanilla best because i think its the easiest to create flavours with. I like vegessentials better but over all its a great product i couldnt eat that much nutrients in a week if i tried eating regular food lol so great way of getting nutrients