50 days weight loss challenge!



  • eskimite
    eskimite Posts: 56
    I'm going to focus on low-carbing it this week, leading up to a long weekend at the beach. I have not been eating a lot of meat, getting most of my protein from beans and cheese. I've been feeling kind of bloated, however. I think I'm going to switch it up this week and get more animal protein through eating chicken, sardines, a bit of beef, and eggs. In terms of exercise, I'm starting a T25/Les Mills Pump hybrid schedule. I love T25 and it will be my first time doing Les Mills Pump. I really need to focus on what I am eating. I think I will just take it one week at a time, no rewards in the form of food until I feel unbloated and a bit lighter. Ugh.
  • JenTekywa
    JenTekywa Posts: 11 Member
    Sunday was carb-tastic...so like @eskimite, I will be taking it easy this week. I'll probably incorporate more lentils, eggs, fish and plantain into this week's diet. Will meal prepping tomorrow night to take me through to Saturday as its a national holiday in the UK on Monday = party weekend! I have a party to attend Saturday and Sunday so will be hard but will stay off the alcohol (bar 1 glass of vodka and soda water) and have low sugar options. Will definitely have bumper workouts on those days :D
  • Ruth142014
    Ruth142014 Posts: 8 Member
    I'd love to join! Going on Holiday in 5 weeks, so only have about 35 days but i'd really like to join you all! Would love to lose 5kgs in those 5 weeks :)
  • alg42
    alg42 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm in :-)

    I'm aiming to lose 2lbs a week until I go on holiday in August so this will fit in perfectly for me. I'm already cutting down on carbs like bread, pasta and anything with added sugar is a no no. Good luck guys; looking forward to it

  • onelifemme
    onelifemme Posts: 10
    I'm in too please! I need to lose 30 pounds but if I could lose 15 pounds it would motivate me. I have been stuck at this weight for too long. It would also bring my BMi back into overweight...my weakness is wine. So I going to limit it to 3 days a week and I have to have burned the calories through exercise..

    How do I follow this group?
  • Lacostar05
    Lacostar05 Posts: 2
    I'm in. Just recently started using My Fitness Pal again. Already lost 20#, need to loose 20 more.
    Need the accountability.....
  • FunUsername
    FunUsername Posts: 51 Member
    Think this my first post ;) I would love to join also. Thank you perfect timing. 20 lbs needed to go ... am at the heaviest I have ever been and miserable. My reason for losing is health, and get my waist line down so I am not self conscious about it ....

    Started yesterday with a juice/fruit day (blended it). a spoon of peanut butter for some protein and hummus. Thought I would be miserable, and oddly it was fine. Today, am in work so it tougher ... but have a large salad with me and hummus with some cheddar and a green juice green (did myself) with iron it.

    Need some recipes :)
  • littlemissmoo
    littlemissmoo Posts: 1 Member
    Me too I'm in!! Dream holiday due in November and I keep falling off the wagon by Tuesday or Wednesday every week!
    Good Luck Everyone we can do this!!
  • thinsu
    thinsu Posts: 1
    Hi all, I'm new here and this is my first post! Looking to lose around 30lb and really need something to keep me motivated so I'm in!
  • I'm in, today is 47 days until my sons 1st bday. Want to lose as much as I can by then so this is perfect for some accountability.
  • happygolucky721
    happygolucky721 Posts: 26 Member
    I'm in! I could use some extra accountability. How are you doing the countdown on your phone?
  • DesertMermaid29
    DesertMermaid29 Posts: 181 Member
    May 17th-

    I'm in as well!

    SW: 161
    CW: 157
    GW: 125
    GL: 17

    GWeek1: 154
    GWeek2: 151
    GWeek3: 148
    GWeek4: 146
    GWeek5: 144
    GWeek6: 142
    GWeek7: 140

    We can do this!

    May 19th -
    SW: 161
    CW: 156.8
    GW: 140

    I have been exercising and watching my calorie intake, so far. My main problem right now is I eat really healthy all day long and then by/just after dinner I want chocolate and junk food. Any ideas on how to keep these cravings away?
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    Hello! This morning I did the The Firm Total Body Toner DVD workout. Here is their online description:

    Total Body Toner, a sculpting workout, will increase your fat-free body mass and rev up your metabolism. Pump some iron with The FIRM Master Instructor Allie Del Rio Pointer in this innovative series of muscle conditioning moves that will give you the shapely, toned body you've been seeking.


    What is everyone else doing today?:smile:
  • mehroong
    mehroong Posts: 7 Member
    im in too :), havent been keeping up with mfp lately, but going to italy with friends in about 8 weeks too and all my friends are super small *_*, I would like to do about 2-3lbs a week too. :D
  • Katy_b3
    Katy_b3 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in, I would like to be down 14 lbs.
  • MancLass
    MancLass Posts: 33 Member
    Hi all, day 2 for me. I did a gym session yesterday - 45 minutes of cardio and today I've been swimming and done 1500m. Food has been good - although the danger time for me is always the evening so I've come on here to keep motivation strong!

    Hope everyone else is doing OK.

    48 days to go!
  • Shihpoonut
    Shihpoonut Posts: 28
    Hi urdollface! I like Green & Black's dark chocolate 70% cocoa. It tastes great, but do watch your servings. If you can manage that, it is a nice little, good for you snack. I also like to eat popcorn in the evening because I can eat a lot of it! Sometimes it's about volume ;-)
  • Beachbaby30
    Beachbaby30 Posts: 28
    I depart for Europe in 46 days so this is perfect for me too. I want to be swimsuit ready for sunbathed beaches in the Greek Isles.
  • lizcat504
    lizcat504 Posts: 8
    I'm in! I'm about 60 days away from a vacation myself. Would love to lose 10 lbs before then :)
  • FlyersGirlrc
    FlyersGirlrc Posts: 31 Member
    I need this!! I have been stalled since Easter. I would love to lose 10-15lbs during this challenge.
    SW= 236
    I look forward to this challenge! Good luck everyone. :smile: