Looking for friends!

Hi, everyone. I am looking for friends that will motivate me to log my food and eat healthy. I am 27 years old married with a 7 month old and need to lose 40lbs of baby weight and some extra pounds since marriage. Please add me! Thanks!


  • Yellowbelly84
    Yellowbelly84 Posts: 33 Member
    Friend request sent :-)
  • I am pretty much in the same situation. I am 29, married and have an 8 month old daughter. I have 70+ pounds I would like to loose. The nutritionist at my doctors office started me on the Ideal Protein diet last week I am currently on day four of the program. So far so good but I will be on it for awhile and I know I will need motivation to stick with it so friends are always welcomed. Please feel free to add me.
  • AjaGracie
    AjaGracie Posts: 7
    Feel free to add me! My goals are eating clean, losing weight and building muscle. I'm on every day :)
  • street1987
    street1987 Posts: 1 Member
    I've sent a friend request over :) I'm 27 and trying to lose weight but have a long standing ankle injury that knocks my motivation levels regularly. I could definitely do with a few friends on here :)
  • chaloni
    chaloni Posts: 2
    I'm 26 and I have three children ages 7, 11 and soon to be 13. I started Ideal Protein on May 2nd with a goal to loose 90lbs. So far I've lost 17 lbs, feeling great and wishing I would have started this program years ago! I've been using MFP for a couple of years but have never added friends because everyday i felt like I got no where at all :( Now that I'm progressing I'm feeling fantastic about it and could def use and give support!
  • startingover72
    startingover72 Posts: 151 Member
    FR sent! Anyone else feel free to add me :)
  • AlisonML6
    AlisonML6 Posts: 14 Member
    I want to lose about 15 pounds. It's really difficult because I've gotten into the habit of stress eating. I also need help with long term motivation. I do good for a week then I blow it and I feel it is useless to start again because I keep failing.
  • Honeydew73
    Honeydew73 Posts: 2 Member
    Hey community I'm Tammy aka Honeydew looking for more fitness friends and motivation :smile:
    TIFFANYLEIGHSMITH Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to add me. :smile: :smile:
  • tashab06
    tashab06 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello, I am 26 years old and my baby is going to turn a year old next month. I need to lose 40 lbs. I've been battling with my weight for awhile. Im going to try to stay with counting my calories this time. Motivation and friends would really help me at this point.:smile:
  • lhefner55
    lhefner55 Posts: 7 Member
    Friend request sent! I am 30 with two active boys (9 and 7). But I have about 65 lbs that I have gained and haven't been able to get off. I need motivation as well :)