New to MFP: some questions!

Hey guys, i've just started eating healthier and exercising for two weeks and I wanted to ask some questions here. What foods would you guys recommend to increase my calorie intake? According to this site i should be eating around 2600 calories but I cant seem to hit that mark. I'm currently eating only half of the daily recommended calories, but after the meals i feel to full to eat anymore.

My typical day consist of:
Breakfast: milk shake (two cups milk, one banana, 1 cup mixed berry, flax seeds)
Lunch: Salad (1/4 cup quinoa, 1/4 sweet potato, 1/4 bell pepper, 1/4 cucumber, 3 oz fish/chicken, 2 cups lettece)
Dinner: Same as lunch
Snack: one apple


  • Bun_Ya
    Bun_Ya Posts: 174
    Don't try and eat double what you are now straight away. Try adding 100-150 calories extra per day for a week and then bump it up on a weekly basis until you hit that 2600.

    I'm sure someone else will write out a list of food for you but I would just say eat anything, at this point. Milk. Rice. Peanut butter. Cake. There you go - have at it.
  • Have you thought about adding some protein drinks? - that can give you some extra calories. Also, a snack in between breakfast and lunch would be good too.
  • sadrithmora
    sadrithmora Posts: 121
    I assume you're following a pretty low carb diet? Why not add some nuts? Healthy fats are pretty good for you. If I'm mistaken and you're not on a low carb diet, just try adding some of those, like rice.
  • JJChans
    JJChans Posts: 6
    Thanks guys! I am Kind of following a low carb diet with no rice, bread and flour. These two weeks I did lose 14 pounds but im scared ill bounce back if I ate normal. I will give give the protein shake and nuts ty!
  • mbmillr
    mbmillr Posts: 28
    Pb with yr apple would add 200 cal easily
  • Bun_Ya
    Bun_Ya Posts: 174
    Add some olive oil to your salad if you're on a low carb diet. That'll bump up your calorie intake, quick as you like!
  • GreenIceFloes
    GreenIceFloes Posts: 1,491 Member
    If you're going low on carbs, you need to up your fat and protein. Maybe get full fat milk instead of skim. Add lots of chicken and turkey and other protein-rich foods to your day. Plus what everyone else suggested - nuts like almonds (1 oz has 164 cals), protein powder (I suggest whey - typically around 100 calories per scoop), peanut butter (almost 200 cals in 2 tbsp).

    ETA: You may get bored of eating the same thing everyday. Best to just eat normal food and watch your portion size.
  • JJChans
    JJChans Posts: 6
    Thanks again for the additional tips guys! I was wondering if its a good idea to exercise less if I dont eat enough? I am currently brisking walking for 50 mins + a few sit/push ups.