
I'm new here and I'm looking for people to stay accountable to. I guess I'd prefer to use skype since it's easier to receive messages from it on my phone during the day. I'm 26 yo/female from NC, USA. I do not have any children. I want to become a runner since I did used to enjoy that. I'd like to lose around 100 lbs.

In the past I've lost 100 lbs and regained back 2 or 3x now(once when I was about 16, again in early 20s, and recently when I was 25). I think it can be difficult to channel stress into other methods. I get so stressed at work and I find myself thinking oh I deserve to eat X,Y, and Z. and I"m like WOAH where is this coming from. I get angry and frustrated with the people in work place.
Other times I just shove food in quick to get eating over with so I can do other things, and it's usually high calorie food being shoved down into my belly.

I have noticed when I start to count calories I get in a all or nothing motivation. I eventually start cutting back too many calories and exercising too hard which has landed me in the hospital the last time right before I started gaining back the weight for hypotension. (dehydration- probably really happened from a complication from a medication I used to be on) I think it freaked me out that I felt kind of frail and so I started eating a lot more so I wouldn't black out in a public place. Scary I know, but I need to learn the balance.

Now I'm medication free and want drastically to get my **** together. I think I need to be a person who control eating everyday with preplanned out meals etc.
If I'm left to the last minute to figure it out, I ended up waiting too long and binging happens.

I feel like I've lost all my addictions minus the food problem. It's the first coping mechanism I learned as a child. Sad? Angry? Bored? Eat this it'll make you feel better.
Reinforcement of the positive behaviors is the key.

Anyways, hello everyone.
I hope I can find at least one person to stay in touch with!


  • new_nathalie
    new_nathalie Posts: 27 Member

    I just want to wish you good luck in your journey.
    If you would like my advice I would like to say that since you already lost a lot of weight several times but gained it back, this time choose a different approach. Take it easy and take small steps.
    Do not work very hard to lose quickly, because you will not bear the pressure and finally crack and get back to old habits.
    Choose a reasonable deficit and lose weight slowly. You will not get the spectacular results quickly but will have a sustainable loss in the long run, as long as you do not feel completly deprived.
    This is what I am doing this time. I made several attempt of quick weightloss and ended up gaining all back because I was fed up with restrictions.
    This time, I am not depriving myself of anything. I am just enjoying my usual food while watching my calories. and naturally, you tend to healthier and better options with time.
    I make sure to prepare my meals in advance (once a week) and pre-log in the beginning of the day (especially during the weekdays).
    I also try to workout at least 4 times a week.
    So far, I have lost 4Kg but I am feeling so much better...

    Hope this helps.
    Just be wise and go slow but steady!
  • AngeliqueAcee
    AngeliqueAcee Posts: 59 Member

    Just wanted to comment on your blacking outs. I have the same issue, epilepsy mixed with some unknown, undiagnosed pain in the a**. I used to eat constantly due to fear of passing out. I have learnt, over the past few months that is it just not sustainable and is probably making everything worse.
    What I've done is to keep a light snack with me whereever I go, plus a bottle of water. And whenever I feel the urge to pass out or feel that fear coming over me I have a drink and a grab from my little snack bag ,of fruit usually.
    So far this has worked and it fits in my calorie allowance and it's not unhealthy.

    Other than that! I'm just as an emotional eater, I used to eat whenever and whereever! Now I take the time to think through my actions and see if I really want to have that snack. I still slip up, just that now it is an orange or something, instead of a bag of crisps.

    Anywho, add me if you fancy it! I'm always around :)

    Good luck!