does anyone else only go for half a pound a week ?



  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Wondering if anyone has advice on breaking through plateaus. I tried switching up exercises as well. I do a combination of cardio and weight lifting. Should I up my cardio?

    I'm 5'2 and 147 lbs.

    How long have you been on a plateau? Are you maintaining, gaining or losing less than you would like?

    What is your goal weight? How much are you set to lose?

    I have been on it for about 2 weeks when before I was losing .5 lbs or more a week.
    I'm maintaining right now and I eat the least amount of calories that I can eat a day, 1200.
    I want to get down to what I was years ago, which was 125 lbs.

    Two weeks could be water weight. I'd wait it out through one period cycle. Just keep doing what you're doing and trust the process.

    Also, are you tracking everything and weighing your food. Especially when you are at that strong of a deficit with that little to lose, it's easy to mis-estimate, eat without tracking and/or binge. Essentially, your body is fighting back to get the food it needs and deserves. The end result can be eating at maintenance or above without realizing it.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Wondering if anyone has advice on breaking through plateaus. I tried switching up exercises as well. I do a combination of cardio and weight lifting. Should I up my cardio?

    I'm 5'2 and 147 lbs.

    How long have you been on a plateau? Are you maintaining, gaining or losing less than you would like?

    What is your goal weight? How much are you set to lose?

    I have been on it for about 2 weeks when before I was losing .5 lbs or more a week.
    I'm maintaining right now and I eat the least amount of calories that I can eat a day, 1200.
    I want to get down to what I was years ago, which was 125 lbs.

    Do you use a food scale and weigh/measure everything? Maintaining at 1200 doesn't seem likely.
  • PantherPride833
    Wondering if anyone has advice on breaking through plateaus. I tried switching up exercises as well. I do a combination of cardio and weight lifting. Should I up my cardio?

    I'm 5'2 and 147 lbs.

    How long have you been on a plateau? Are you maintaining, gaining or losing less than you would like?

    What is your goal weight? How much are you set to lose?

    I have been on it for about 2 weeks when before I was losing .5 lbs or more a week.
    I'm maintaining right now and I eat the least amount of calories that I can eat a day, 1200.
    I want to get down to what I was years ago, which was 125 lbs.

    Two weeks could be water weight. I'd wait it out through one period cycle. Just keep doing what you're doing and trust the process.

    Also, are you tracking everything and weighing your food. Especially when you are at that strong of a deficit with that little to lose, it's easy to mis-estimate, eat without tracking and/or binge. Essentially, your body is fighting back to get the food it needs and deserves. The end result can be eating at maintenance or above without realizing it.

    Yeah I measure my portions and weigh my food. Is it possible I need to up my calorie intake more.
    Like maybe my body is storing it, because even with 1200, I burn about 300+ a day from cardio.
    I'm going to weight it out like you said though.
  • PantherPride833
    Wondering if anyone has advice on breaking through plateaus. I tried switching up exercises as well. I do a combination of cardio and weight lifting. Should I up my cardio?

    I'm 5'2 and 147 lbs.

    How long have you been on a plateau? Are you maintaining, gaining or losing less than you would like?

    What is your goal weight? How much are you set to lose?

    I have been on it for about 2 weeks when before I was losing .5 lbs or more a week.
    I'm maintaining right now and I eat the least amount of calories that I can eat a day, 1200.
    I want to get down to what I was years ago, which was 125 lbs.

    Do you use a food scale and weigh/measure everything? Maintaining at 1200 doesn't seem likely.

    Yeah I measure with measuring cups and weigh. But I do have a net of 900 due to 300 cals I burn from cardio.
    Is my calorie intake too little? I know that can hurt as well after while.
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    Wondering if anyone has advice on breaking through plateaus. I tried switching up exercises as well. I do a combination of cardio and weight lifting. Should I up my cardio?

    I'm 5'2 and 147 lbs.

    How long have you been on a plateau? Are you maintaining, gaining or losing less than you would like?

    What is your goal weight? How much are you set to lose?

    I have been on it for about 2 weeks when before I was losing .5 lbs or more a week.
    I'm maintaining right now and I eat the least amount of calories that I can eat a day, 1200.
    I want to get down to what I was years ago, which was 125 lbs.

    Do you use a food scale and weigh/measure everything? Maintaining at 1200 doesn't seem likely.

    Yeah I measure with measuring cups and weigh. But I do have a net of 900 due to 300 cals I burn from cardio.
    Is my calorie intake too little? I know that can hurt as well after while.

    Don't net 900 calories. Eat what MFP gives you. Accurately track your food and exercise. Be patient.

    Also, don't freak out if you gain a bit when you start netting 1200 again. That's your muscles storing energy and it means that you'll get more out of your workouts. It's not fat.
  • newfie026
    newfie026 Posts: 34 Member
    My trick is to keep it at a pound a week and fix my exercise goals to a strict minimum. I know I'll do more, but if I don't, it's ok. I'm almost at my goal, so I'm getting rid of flab by circuit training and jog/walking. I still lose a little over a pound every couple of weeks or so, so I'm happy with that. I rarely eat only 1200 calories a day. I eat back my exercise calories and sometimes a bit more, My goal is to get what I'm supposed to get in my body in it and to heck with the rest..
  • jhinds88
    jhinds88 Posts: 9 Member
    I'm currently aiming for anything between .5 and 1lb a week. Any more than that for me and I'm worried about tipping into muscle loss. As for the bigger picture, weight loss is weight loss, if you're seeing a downward trend in your weight, you're doing something right =) keep it going!
  • danimalkeys
    danimalkeys Posts: 982 Member
    My goal is .5lb a week, but it's generally more like .5lb every 2-3 weeks. I'm within a couple lbs of my goal weight.