Too much sugar?

In the food diary I am almost always over my sugar daily goal of 80, but the majority of the sugar I eat is from fresh fruit. Is this a problem and should I be trying to reduce it?
My sugar yesterday was 106 (26 over) but 44 was from fruit (banana, grapes, strawberries and raspberries) and another 19 from vegetables (red onion, peppers and mushrooms).
I don't really want to eat less fruit and veg because, in addition to using myfitnesspal to calorie/nutrition track I want to eat more healthily and less processed foods and I feel snacking on some fruit is much better than say a pack of crisps, but the crisps would have barely any sugar in. I'm so confused!!


  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    I had this same problem. Increasing the sugar goal to 150 worked wonders for me! Sugar is not going to prevent weight loss. You could theoretically get 100% of your carbohydrate intake from sugar and if you were still in a caloric deficit, you'd still lose weight. It's not a good idea to do that for a myriad of reasons, but bumping your goal up a bit won't harm anything.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    I had this same problem. Increasing the sugar goal to 150 worked wonders for me! Sugar is not going to prevent weight loss. You could theoretically get 100% of your carbohydrate intake from sugar and if you were still in a caloric deficit, you'd still lose weight. It's not a good idea to do that for a myriad of reasons, but bumping your goal up a bit won't harm anything.

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I had this same problem. Increasing the sugar goal to 150 worked wonders for me! Sugar is not going to prevent weight loss. You could theoretically get 100% of your carbohydrate intake from sugar and if you were still in a caloric deficit, you'd still lose weight. It's not a good idea to do that for a myriad of reasons, but bumping your goal up a bit won't harm anything.


    times 3
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I changed my settings to track fiber instead. If you don't have medical issues you don't need to track sugar, besides MFP includes all sugar.
  • laurajane6486
    Thanks all. The sugar daily goal was automatically on my food diary, as are all the other goals. Can I change it myself?
  • runfatmanrun
    runfatmanrun Posts: 1,090 Member
    I like to keep my goal low. I always go way over but I try to keep the added sugar, like in my cereal, chocolate, honey, bread, etc., at or below my "goal". I usually fail on the days I have ice cream, brownies, and/or chocolate chip cookies. And yes, you can change it yourself by going to goals and choosing the bottom option, whatever it's called. Then you can change your macros.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Thanks all. The sugar daily goal was automatically on my food diary, as are all the other goals. Can I change it myself?

    Yes - 2 choices (from MY HOME screen)

    Under "Goals" "Change Goals" then increase/decrease the numbers there.


    Under "Settings" you can change the nutrients you want to track.....lots to choose from. I track fiber (and iron....anemic).
  • d3m1urge
    d3m1urge Posts: 38
    As long as they're good, natural sugars (fruit, veg, naturally occurring) there is absolutely no problem eating even 150g a day. (I do)

    Just stay away from processed and added sugars.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    As long as they're good, natural sugars (fruit, veg, naturally occurring) there is absolutely no problem eating even 150g a day. (I do)

    Just stay away from processed and added sugars.

    Don't listen to this ^^
  • accipiter
    accipiter Posts: 16
    I have a personal rule where if the sugar comes from a natural, raw fruit source (excluding processed fruits like canned fruit with syrups, jams, or fruit juices), I mentally half the sugar for my daily limit. I don't want to discourage myself from eating healthy, fiber-filled foods like fruits just because of the sugar content! You should never reject eating a piece of fruit in favor of something less healthy (such as chips) simply because it has less sugar. Unless you have medical reasons for watching sugar (such as diabetes), then fruit should be something to add to your plate whenever you can :)
  • d3m1urge
    d3m1urge Posts: 38
    As long as they're good, natural sugars (fruit, veg, naturally occurring) there is absolutely no problem eating even 150g a day. (I do)

    Just stay away from processed and added sugars.

    Don't listen to this ^^

    Uh oh sugar hate brigade
  • Taiser
    Taiser Posts: 81 Member
    Sugar is fine, but has to be natural! Sugar has been put in pretty much everything now-a-days. Natural sugar means, fruits mostly.

    Things that seem healthy, even like apple, cranberry and other juices are garbage, it's all processed. The amount of sugar in juice is staggering. If you have a sweet tooth, use sucralose (yeah, I know... but it's better than aspartame) in coffee and stuff. People worry too much about sugar.

    I lost my weight watching CALORIES, not sugar and didn't pay too much attention to it. If you want something sweet, then add up the calories and make sure you eat something later on that will keep you on target. That's why the MFP app is so great for tracking! :) My $0.02.
  • IcanIwill1
    IcanIwill1 Posts: 137 Member
    As long as they're good, natural sugars (fruit, veg, naturally occurring) there is absolutely no problem eating even 150g a day. (I do)

    Just stay away from processed and added sugars.
    Sugar is sugar is sugar the body knows it all as glucose
    whether from fruit or candy bar, once its carbohydrate the body knows it as Glucose.